Chereads / Isekai: The Eight Soul Fragments / Chapter 74 - Lost in the Dust

Chapter 74 - Lost in the Dust

"He arrived in this world through that large beam of light. They seemed like they were staying for five days on the peak of Mount Valtav. It was then the hero of my country Ulysses, older brother, the prince, and I, came up there. Four people greeted us, Emperor Serkyrio, Archon Remuel, Archon Arlesk, and Draxus." Olivia began explaining the story of how she met Draxus while turning her gaze at him. "The first time I saw him, he was wearing the same white and cerulean attire, but it was formal clothing instead. Like the time you first saw him. But he was wearing this white headpiece." Olivia took the headset that was placed in some stand on the table. That was what got my interest as he had a tone that was somewhat strong. After the greetings, he was showing me a kind smile, and approached me and my cousin who were distancing ourselves from the viscount that acted as the envoy. We got a little curious because of this thing that he wears, but he easily answered all of our questions with a smile." Gwen turned her gaze towards the headset that was hanging down from the stand as she carefully examined it. "This was glowing earlier, when he sang and when he stopped Axel..." Olivia nodded as she continued to explain. "Yeah, that headset gave us a lot of interest about the old world where he lived in. He mentioned that magic was barely existent in that world, so to think that he easily surpassed our magicians as he began to show me chantless ice magic really surprised me. It was then Ulysses asked him for a duel." Gwen turned her gaze to Olivia after hearing the word [Duel] as Draxus basically ended up facing the hero first thing after his arrival in the world. "I was somewhat against the one-sided defeat of Draxus that time but, when Emperor Sekyrio readily gave his permission, it was impossible to stop the duel." After hearing quite a bit of content of the first meeting, Gwen shifted her attention to the duel contents. "Well, it would be understandable if he lost the battle since it's his first time but, what happened in it?" Olivia shook her head sideways slowly as if disagreeing with Gwen's doubts of winning. "I used to think that way too. Since he just arrived, it was likely that he won't be able to win but... He one-sidedly overwhelmed Ulysses who was using the glaive, with weapons made with magic. When the ice weapon breaks, he uses the shards and blow them towards him using wind magic. It's like he has fought way more than Ulysses. Because Draxus continuously kept the pace of damaging Ulysses with minor hits, he eventually used the [Hero Card] against Draxus. I was pretty wary at first since Draxus could actually die, but Draxus collected his injuries and further improved his fighting style despite staying at death's door. In the end, he got the advantage and threw it into a draw." Gwen let out a surprised expression as Olivia explained how powerful Draxus was. "Afterwards, Celes and I asked him about his abilities and he taught us chantless magic that day. And when nighttime came, I got a chance to talk to him alone about himself. At first, he was kind of hesitant but he decided to tell me a story instead." Gwen leaned forward as if she showed interest to the story. "Can you give me the details?" Olivia pondered for a bit before nodding slowly. "I don't remember most of the details but, I know the gist of the story."

One day, a person wandered as a man with no ambition. He lived like a hermit, who has almost no affection, not to anyone, not even his family. It was a person that had already lost his hopes to live. But one day, he met a good friend during his school time. In those days, he finally saw what it means to enjoy their life. He was too focused on himself that he couldn't try to change his old personality. He was in complete isolation. But, those friends that he met, they brought him always after school to play in an internet cafe. That was the start of enjoyment that he had, he went out with his classmates from time to time. Just to enjoy playing a certain [MOBA] game. And then in the recommendation of his friends, he began watching anime. That alone was capable of making Draxus a new way to stave off his boredom. And he gained the idea of creating concepts and explanations for everything that he sees. Thus, every time he watches a new anime, he learns from the concepts there and thinks of a way to use them better. Eventually, he learned a new thing as he met another person at his graduating year. He then learned, that in an actual spar, where he thought that he had become one of the strongest, that he was way below the standards. He then befriended that person and learned a lot when it comes to physical ability and experience. He continued to train under him, not just in combat experience, but in etiquette, intellect, and perfection. Eventually, when he reached the final part of normal schooling, the first year was somewhat terrible as he had no friends once again aside from the neighbors which got along with him. That became his team of friends that created the current Sentinels. And then he experienced the first heartbreak. That's where he first began the corruption of his mind. With a simple quote: "Some things are better left unsaid." He progressed on his life while feeling the permanent corruption of his heart. After a few months, he managed to regain his heart, only to be destroyed again within a quarter of a year. The corrupted memories of the worst parts of his life, sunk down deep into his mind as he lived with various quotes. The second time that broke his heart, he tried his best to cause amnesia to himself. Either by concussion, self-harm, and attempts of suicide. But in the end, none worked and another quote was created in his head. "Trust nobody." Despite that quote, he managed to regain his trust on his neighbors, his old friends, and a new group which the girl that left him, disappeared from that group as well. He became friends with that new group, specifically to a certain person. He gained the peak of his ability to create things, with her support, he enjoyed making new characters and ended up falling for her. But he waited as he can't defy his old friend who taught him everything. Eventually, he got a chance with her but it all ended up in vain after nearly one year. In those memories where he created multiple characters just for somebody else's stories, it all disappeared in complete vain. That day, his desperation, distraught, pain, loss, anger, wrath, and resentment shot in peak. Attempted suicide once again, but this time, he lost blood. That day, he swore to himself: "To steal something that's mine, is unforgivable, and for the punishment, death will come."

However, the only parts that were told in the story were his life. All the emotions in the story were completely removed and hidden with lies. After some time telling the story, Olivia had shed a few tears. "That's why Emperor Serkyrio tells us to really take care of him. Since he never showed any emotion in the story, the only thing we knew is by Serkyrio giving a hint of Draxus living a hellish life of despair. Telling us to value him, despite his sense of self-value being none. As you said earlier, he got mad when he saw Axel who was about to defile you right? Then that should mean that he cares about you a lot despite talking for a couple hours, the same as me." Gwen turned her gaze at Draxus who was still unconscious. In her mind, she was feeling a lot different since Draxus appeared in the middle of the night to save her. "I want to take care of you too..." Even if it was just a mutter, Olivia heard that statement and smiled lightly. "He's really popular huh? Not just me as the princess of Quisterion, but for Matilda, the princess of Paladia, and the fiery dance twins, Lily and Julie..." Olivia ended up sneaking under the blanket to lie down beside Draxus which got Gwen to twitch grandly from the action. "S-Sharing a B-Bed?! Isn't that a little i-improper?!" Gwen was covering her own face while having her eyes peek between her fingers embarrassingly. "Hehe, if you want to take care of him, then I'll welcome you to join me. Just take the other side whenever you want, I'll... Sleep ahead..." Olivia ended up falling asleep while Gwen started fidgeting while hesitating on sleeping by Draxus's side. The bed itself was wide enough to occupy a few people but Gwen embarrassingly looked around before deciding to invade under the blanket and slept by Draxus's side.

In the meantime, under the cathedral, was Axel angrily punching the wall. "Fuck!" How dare he!!" Iapetus sat down while using the healing magic on his weapon. The white baton began to glow brightly as it regenerated the flesh and the lost blood cells and tissues. While he placed the black baton on top of the table. "So, how was his capabilities Iapetus?" Cronus took a look at his Zweihander and Dirk which were pretty much used quite a lot during the combat. "He's much more powerful than anticipated boss. I believe that he used two new cards which improved the effects of the Lunari energies. His ice magic and calculations are way more than perfection. He's going to pose a lot of trouble to us as he managed to defeat Axel without even using magic." Cronus nodded as if he understood the information which was briefly explained by Iapetus. "Cronus, we'll show up during the ritual right? Let me have a fight against him once more. I held back too much for that fucker." Cronus shrugged his shoulders and sighed. "Haaah, you already lost but eh, why not? I want to give him my greetings but observing his skills for myself is a good thing too. Iapetus, go to the council, relay them our next set of plans. We observe their movements first and sprinkle them with trouble as harassment. We need to asses and confirm the abilities of the archons and the emperor." Iapetus bowed down and replied firmly. "Haa!"

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