I opened my eyes but quickly regretted it and shut my eyes. I opened my eyes slowly this time and blinked a couple times. It took awhile for me to get used to the bright light but I managed. Once my eyes adjusted I looked at my surroundings to realize I was in some sort of medical room. There was an IV plugged my arm and also another one but it was filled with something else.
I also realized I was laying on some sort of metal table with a light shining over it. I sat up and slid off the table and onto the floor. That's when I had a flashback.
~~~~~The Flashback~~~~~
I gasped in surprise then yelped when I got blown to the back of the classroom by another explosion. I was trying to get up to help my classmates when a smoke bomb and flash bang went off at the same time. I groaned in pain as there were high pitched ringing in my ears and my leg was throbbing in pain.
~~~~~Flashback End~~~~~
" Now I remember there was this alien creature took me and some of my classmates. For now I need to do something about my leg. " I said to myself. I looked down at my leg and that's when I saw it was perfectly fine. " What but it was hurting so bad back then so why isn't hurting now? " I thought out loud.
The door creaked as someone or something was opening it. I grabbed a chisel as it was the closest weapon near me. I walked next to the door on its left so when the door opens that creature won't see me. As soon as the door opened all the way came out and stabbed the person with chisel.
That's when I realized who I had just stabbed. I had stabbed an ally,someone who can help me. Someone who has been through what I have right now. I had stabbed.......