This is a story about a young teenager, a 16year old who wanted to figure out all that there is to know when it came to women. He was a boy at the peek of his youth and he had a dream, that dream was to master everything that had to do with women behavior.
Aubray was at a boarding school the time he decided to set up his bucket list, what he did not know was that the future is unpredictable and things do not always go as planned.
He was in grade 10 at the time and he was well known, because he was always excelling when it came to his academic life as well as when it came to sports. The first thing on his bucket list was to date the most wanted girl at his school,her name was Mona.
Mona was a beautiful and smart girl but she had a bad reputation of dating older guys and she did, but she had her reasons that will be further explained in the story. She was the one Aubray had his eyes on, but unfortunately she was dating a guy who was in grade 12 at the moment and that was trouble for Aubray.
Aubray knew that if he made a move on her the guy will end up finding out, so he waited until the grade 12 learners wrote their final exam and then that is when he started hitting on her. She knew him for quite sometime and she also liked him but she was taken at the time he came into the picture.
On a weekend at a nearby school was an under-17 soccer tournament, each and every school in the area was invite and that mean't Aubray had to go play and so he did. He was the captain of his schools soccer team, that made him the top target for all the so called cool girls that only date "The numbers", that is what the soccer players were called at his school.
On that weekend Mona went to go watch her school play and also get a chance to watch Aubray play, she set quietly around her friends who were busy cheering for their boys as they were playing. She had her eye on one guy the whole time and she waited till he finished playing.
Mona walked up to Aubray and asked...
Mona: Can I wear your shirt? Just until we reach school.
Aubray: Yeah i guess so, (taking off his shirt) so how are you?
Mona: I'm great, you played nice today. I really feel like you guys will win this one.
Aubray: (Being the charmer he is) With such beauty on our side even luck will be tempted to be on our side.
Mona: (Blushing) I'm sure you say that to all the girls.
Aubray: Not at all, some words are not just to be used on every person one comes across, they mean a lot and i mean it.
Mona: (Holding Aubrays hand as they continue walking) I'm glad you think that I'm beautiful and that I will bring you luck. Can I wash your shirt for you?
Aubray: Yeah, sure. What are you doing later on tonight? Since its a friday.
Mona: I don't know, do you have any plans?
Aubray: I wanted to spend more time with you.
Mona: (Excited) Well I can give you my number so that you can text me and let me know what time you will want to see me.
Aubray: Ok, sure. ( He takes her number) So I'll meet you later on today.
They walked until the reached the hostels and they each went to their separate sides and continued chating until they met. It was going to 18:30 and it was becoming dark. Aubray heard a lot about Mona and he thought he had a map layed out about her until...
Mona: So how long have you been waiting in the darkness in this class?
Aubray: Not long, plus you are worth the wait.
Mona: (Blushing) Why do you always seem to have the right words?
Aubray: I always speak from my heart, if it's not making me feel some type of way than i just don't say anything, but with you it's different. I always feel some type of way (holding her hands and pulling her closer to him) .
Mona: I'm not that type of girl Aubray?
Aubray: The type that a guy can fall for blindly or what do you mean?
Mona: The type that you expect to wow just the first time you talk to her and you already expect things to happen?
Aubray: (pulling her into the class) Come here (pulling her inbetween his legs as he sits on a desk) And what do you think my expectations are again?
Mona: I don't know, you tell me.
Aubray: So me wanting a goodnight kiss is too much to ask?
Mona: (Acting shy) No, but isn't it too soon? We just started talking today.
Aubray: You can always stop me if it doesnt feel right. (He moves in for the kiss).
Mona: (Giving in and kissing him back).
She starts breathing deeply as Aubray kisses her passionately and deeply.
Mona: (Stopping Aubray) I know where this is heading, (pulling Aubray out of the class) come, escort me to the girls hostel.
Aubray: But...
Mona: (stopping him) No buts, we can chat once i get to the hostel. I will text you.
Aubray escorts her to the girls side of the hostel and gives her a tight hug and lets her go. She texted him like she said she would and they continued talking for the following days. Mona grew fond of Aubray, she was getting really attached to him and his ways. Aubray was just in it for the experience and to add more to his understanding of ladies.
The young boy kept giving Mona false hope just because he heard she sleeps around with a lot of guys, what he failed to realise was that Mona was really falling for him. They kept meeting up at every couples spot in the school and they always got freaky.
On a wednesday afternoon after classes when Aubray was seated in the classes charging his phone Mona texts and Aubray replies.
Mona: Where you at?
Aubray: Just in our class charging my phone and you?
Mona: I'm on my way to the classes now, in which class are you?
Aubray: Our register class.
Mona: I'll be there in a few.
Upon arriving she finds Aubray in his soccer short and just a normal shirt.
Mona: Are you guys playing today?
Aubray: Yes we are, but not now. So you wanted to see me?
Mona: (Sitting on his lap) Yes, i missed you. (Trying to have a feel of his D*ck).
Aubray: (Feeling some type of way) I don't have anything under.
Mona: (Surprised but curious) Let me see. (As she tries to see what's under Aubrays short)
Aubray: ( Holding both her wrists try to stop her) Wait, you can only see if i also see what you have under.
Mona: (Placing her butt directly on Aubrays D*ck) I just want to see, i want to wake him up.
Aubray: (Getting turned on) You know my dick doesn't get hard for no reason, you will feed him if he wakes up.
Mona: (As she fights to get her hands lose) I always feed him don't I? So what if he wakes up?
Aubray: (As he lets go of her wrist) Now look what you did.
She looks down and Aubrays Dick is raising his short up like a pole raising a tent, she kisses him and he just loses control on her. He pulls her back onto his lap and he starts passionately french kissing her as he slides his fingers from her tummy towards her pants. He starts rubbing her clitoris area to get her sexually aroused. It seemed to be working as she started panting and grabbing his short really tight.
They kept going on for about two minutes until Mona decided to pull the short off, as she did it so did Aubray as he pulled Monas booty short until it reached her thighs and he just pulls out his D*ck. Mona seats him on the chair and she faces the same direction and just seats on it. Aubray was mind blown as this was just during the day, in a class with uncovered windows and the door wasn't locked too.
Mona worked her waist well as she was riding Aubray, she could hear him softly trying to get words out of his mouth, so all he said was "ohhh my G*d" in a soft voice. She knew how to please a man.
Aubray felt that he had to make her feel as good as she was making him feel, so he stopped her and picked her up and set her on a desk. He puts his dick back inside and holds her neck from the back and also her zhort which was still at her thighs and looks at her straight into her eyes as he strokes her.
The story continues...