Once upon a time, in the magical realm hidden from the human world. In that realm there were two kingdoms (there were other kingdoms as well but this is the tale of these two kingdoms) one in the east and other on the west but both the kingdoms were filled with haterd and enmity towards each other, and have fought many wars and it seemed like there was no end to it.
The kingdom on the east was called Kingdom of Cloud Nine and was ruled by strongest fairies. Each fairy in the kingdom had a unique power....but the strongest of them all was a young princess named Amber.
Princess Amber of Cloud Nine
Princess Amber was not only beautiful brave and wise but also had a temper because of getting everything a person can dream of.
She had beautiful blue eyes that always shines like the stars in the galaxy and had long silky blond hairs.
She was adored by every fairy in the Cloud Nine and was considered the token of luck and victory for her kingdom, because on the day she was born The Late King Aaiden (Her father) got victory against his fierest enemies.
Destined to be....
On the day of her christening, a holiday was proclaimed and a feast was given to celebrate the birth of the young princess and heir to the throne.
Both King Aaiden and Queen Leah (Her mother) were happy and every single fairy in the land was filled with joy as the kingdom have seen the long childless years but not for long as soon as the baby princess's destiny was read by the oldest foreteller in the kingdom.
According to the royal traditions of the kingdom, it was considered the right of the fairies to know about what destiny holds for the rightful heir to the throne.
Everyone was shocked to hear it and couldn't believe their ears at first. The foreteller told The King and The Queen and all the fairies that the baby princess will indeed grow into a beautiful, brave and a wise woman but when she will turn "EIGHTEEN" she will be married to the "Devil King".
Every fairy at that moment were startled and afraid for their baby princess.
All the royal advisors and protectors were called forward by the King and were asked to help but no one knows what to do.
But one of the advisors advised to leave it on time and let it decide, surely something is better stored for her.
The hopeless king agreed to the advisor as there was no other way around but fairies were heart broken as they cannot change their beloved princess's destiny or do something about it.
Queen Leah was not happy with the decision and agreed to go with the advisors advised but only on one condition that is to keep her away from the world outside their kingdom a large wall be built around the kingdom, so that day shall never come.
Everyone in the kingdom were ordered not to discuss anything to Princess Amber about that day or about the KINGDOM OF THE WEST otherwise it will be considered a crime.
And so it was done nobody in the kingdom ever uttered a single word about what happened on her christening even when she asked as that day never happened.
But can you keep someone away from fulfilling one's destiny. Can you?