Oh! what's a hot day? Perhaps I should not come here and I should stay in a hotel today,
A tourist!
Today's my all friends are busy in their work,
let's see! , now I am here then l have captured all beauty of mountains on my camera.
I didn't believe in that mythological story, at last, why does people's made forge stories? and why did so many peoples believe in it? ,
Yes, today?! l 'll prove to my all friends there's no veracity in the story and here is not any enigmatic ditch etc.
Let's see! if I came alone is my luck then ok!
Ah! what's that?
That guy sees sparking things.
A coronet! it's seemed ancient, obviously too ancient.
Hurrah! my life change, but I have seen it before.
He pressured on his mind,
l don't know! why do l not remembered? maybe l read about it? ,
ok! Now the library will open its secrecy!
He continues his way.
Now I have seen these all, l think that Wandy ( his friend) was wrong,
What're this sounds like? who's! who's!
methinks it was my illusion.
( sound of crush something, as any plod on leaves. )
Ohh! this sound is increased,l guessed! any snake plodded on land,
Anyways it seemed as new it as was too old.
l m switch on recording,
Ahh! what's this all?
What's happen? ( he astonishment badly .)
Some Tentacles that was weird, some grey, brown coloured and like waves of sea wrapped him tightly, those tentacles dragging him woefully hanged him in the air exactly on top of the ditch.
Ahoy! somebody vindication me, save me! he yelled,
when he turned his eyes down then his face was pale blue in fear, Because of fear his throat was jammed.
This is that ditch which was discussed by Wandy that mean she was right, those all story was the truth. Was my mind killed,? why did I decide to come here? he deplored.
Those tentacles penetrated in his body as if those drink his blood, those were squeezed him come into view a lemon.
Then he suddenly reminds,
Oh! l have a short gun in my pocket, if I get then I have a little chance to save myself.
A tentacle leave his hand and took that coronet and throw it in a deep ditch.
He took advantage of this moment, he draw his gun and continues fire on tentacles.
sound of screaming coming from that ditch, that sounds spread in the whole place.
Animals and birds run hither and thither, all birds fly round in the sky.
And one by one all birds, crows were chirping very badly in the sky, as if they are singing the song of death.
which tentacles was shot by shotgun were flowed green liquid, therefore kind of smokes spread around.
Those tentacles felt peak by affected of the shot, those tentacles left that man.
That Man runs very fast for saving his life, in a rush that camera fell that site.
"Aric, I have to take Samantha near that infrequent lady, finally, we have to know how much time will take?. " Marry said,
"Yes, Mom but that way is very dangerous, we have to be more careful for Samantha and special for our child" Aric informed,
Aric carries Samantha with them hem for a meeting with an infrequent lady. With it 3 brave, religious, brave warriors we're with them.
That way was filled with so many difficulties, there was hanged aboard, the words were on board that
" Inside is danger, it's a mysterious place
it's the reason for of lots people's death ."
Samantha was a religious good hearted, kindly woman! she doesn't like this all.
But she was compelled to full fill the wish of his husband Aric, Aric wanted a boy as first posterity.
Which will famous his name, his works, and will be a great powerful man and none could chase him in all world, he wants a son at any cost!!