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soothsayer : unbind secret

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A boy name correan wangley start his journey when he was age of 8 yrs to unwrap many of the secret of mellfierce , he also having such weird dreams that give him goosebumps to think over many times, he also want to know about more and the only way he can find out the answer is to bind all unbind secret of his acaedmy , but his journey will not end so soon because as more as he uncurtained the secret more problem are confront into him , now his journey was not only to get his answer but also to save the world with his friend ................ and more dangers are waiting for him in future .......... so does he can solve the every mystry of ..............

Chapter 1 - soothsayer : unbind secret

does everything always be so normal as it is now , no , not , never ofcourse sometime something is beyond our imagination which can throw our though bach into history to think about it and just think about its abnormality

_ part 1_

A boy age atleast 8-9 years running in a muddy feel , whose fear was shown through his face , running with torn clothes and a somewhat broken sword in his right hand , his left arm is also bleeding , suddenly he falls down and injured so much that he couldn't able to stand again suddenly a shadow no a huge shadow of something appers on the top and suddenly somone hold her hand and he cry

_ section - A_


Correan : leave my hand ; you witch , i will kill you , keep your dirty hand away from me

Lia (correan little sis): core you again call me from that name , next time if u do this , i will complain to mom understand

correan : ah ! where is that ugly wizard gone , how can i came here

lia : you fool , sorry for disrrecpecting but you are in home not some where else

correan : oh ..... so that's a dream ...hmmm .. but that so adventrous

lia : so mr. adventrous will you come down at dining for geeting your breakfast but if you not then i will not insist you

correan : don't worry lia , you are not too lucky in that case i will just come in 5 min ohk

lia : hmm .but come fast ... and don' dare to started to sleep in bathroom

correan : ohk general !

(and lia smile and go down to the dining)

_ section - B_


ema ( correan mom ) : core u came first time on first call that 's great

correan : yup mom coz i am very hungry and can eat whole breakfast even of lia too

( lia give a casual smile with a little anger and correan smile to see her sister being irritate like that )

ema : so my hungry martial warrior is ready to grab her breakfast fast , oh that rhyme breakfast and fast

correan : yup mom ..... ( he taste the food and commented ) oh wow its too delicious mom is today something ?

ema : a great day son

correan : what that is ?

lia : ofc a great day because today he get up fast

( correan stares at lia lika a hungry lion whose meal is a plump dear name lia )

correan : mom look at her

ema : core , lia stop fighting , actually core today your enrollment in mellfierce ( a martial warrior academy only for pure blood ) has been cleared

( correan jump off from her seat in the excitement )

correan : really mom don't say its a joke

{ suddenly correan aunt malline enter in the scene }

malline : look like everyone is enjoying right now ..... sorry to disturbing you guys !

ema : melly !!! i am so happy u came to join us

melline : correan now i want a great party , its time for celebration finally after he enroll at mellfierce

correan : aunt please call me core ( full of discontenment ) you know that

malline : whatever it is , but don't forget your real name is correan and its not mean what you made it from yourself

ema : melline you are too elder than core and fight with him as you are of his age ... stop that childhoodness

malline : ah i am just playing with correeaannnnn ...

correan : aunttttt

( and both malline and ema are gigling from that annoying but still cute fight )

malline : ema i am forget to tell you ,be ready me and james ( her son ) are coming at night

ema : and for what

malline : what for what? , for party !

ema : is i allow

( malline lift up lia in her arms )

malline : ema ; me and lia both want party , do you want party lia ?

lia ( cried loud ) : lions are always ready for party

_ section -C_


james : so its a celebration for core aunt ema

( ema smiled and nooded )

malline : ya but do you know ema , james are only of 7 when he enroll in mellfierce and core is of 8 yrs now it means he was 1 year behind than james

( ema stares at malline to pretend her to stop right now ) why are scaring me from your bloody eyes

ema : does it really mean to ?

malline : what mean to ?

ema ( patted on correan head ) : competition among the brothers , james is now 12 years old means 4 yrs elder than core and this time gap also harden the competition , i bet not any child easily can enter into mellfierce like at that time

( malline just smile coz she don't wanna to change the party into sisters verbal or may be physical fight )

james : change the topic mom and aunt

lia : yeah , enjoy the party

james : so finally my cousin becomes a martial like me, is i am right core ?

correan : why not ?

james : so you must be aware from the mellfierce most spread rumours

( both ema and malline heeded to james words )

correan : you know cousin i am now 8 yrs old means i know what is right and wrong and please don't tell me the stupid and nonsense story like the academy was build on the graveyard and abbatoir and still graveyrad spirit is there ... i will not care of

james : ah i know brother u are even not reacted to my such stories if i means to narrate to you but it was about ... about afrida !

correan : afrida what is it ?

ema ( slighlty look at james then correan ):you both how much time i tell you not talk while eating stop talking and eat fast

malline : yeah james and you know we have to headed of to home and its already too late your father is waiting for us

( malline and james eat their lunch and say goodbye to each other )

correan : james , will you tell me about afrida tommorrow please

james ( james look at her aunt ): someday why not ? but now good bye

_ section -D _


ema sit on her bed and take her husband frame from the side of the drawer and throw back herself in his past time

malline : say cheese

( both ema and eric { ema's husband } give pose to the photo )

malline : what a fantastic couples , look the photo

( where eric see the photo , ema appear to be sad )

eric : why are you sad ema

ema : you are headed again to troops its not good , your baby will comes in this world in just 3 month and you are headed before seeing him / her

eric : its my duty ema to protech puenomia and its people

ema : please come back soon i will wait for you

eric : i promise , i will come before your delivery

eric : and malline also say goodbye to philip ( malline's husband ) and make james a big martial warrior like me will you ?

malline : why not eric

eric : now smile ema wangley you should be proud now

ema : i am

( eric casually hud ema and say good bye to both malline and james )

she come back from past and now her eyes are in tears she cried loudly

ema : you are such a lier eric nam wangley , you say you come , but you lie , you lie , why tell me ( now ema weep quite loud and correan listen that , he come in the room without knock )

correan : no mom , dad wasn't a lier , he was a bravier , not like me , i am just like a coward but he is different totally different than me

ema (ema run and hug correan ): yeah ,my son i am wrong your dad is a bravest soldier i know, i know

_ section - E_


ema , lia and correan with james , and malline reach the station

ema : oh we are some what late i think

malline : yes and we should say good bye to our son right now moreover we have to say bye to the train

( everyone smiles )

ema : do you prepare for it core , can you do this

( correan noded )

james : don't worry aunt every thing will be all right , moreover dad was the proffesor of his class

correan : is uncle philip my proffesor ?

ema : yes your proffesor of sword techniques

correan : now i am more confident mom .

,good bye

( all say good bye this time but not last time and headed on the train )

_ section - F_


correan : james does we have to sit together

james : no core this is mellfierce train not a local train , i am your senior so i have sit their and you have to ...

( james friend suddenly come from his back and one of his friend robal took hand on james )

robal : who is that another guy

droke ( another friend ) : look like a fresher

robal : tell us james who is he

( james are afraid of robal because he is most popular warrior of the mellfierce and that 's why he can't able to reveal the identity of his cousin coz he scare of robal )

correan : i am ...

james : he is a guy i found on train may be a fresher that's why i stop him here as you know we love to bully freshers isn't we ?

droke : first time you do something good

( correan look at his cousin in somewhat dissapointment but he know the reason already and say nothing and her brother also not able to make the eye contact with him coz he is guilty and afraid to )

correan : i am core ... ( he think does he have to say his whole name but he know that can not make his brother ashame ) i am .. i am correan wangley

robal : what you say correan are you boy or a girl ?

correan : can't you see?

( every one in train just drop their attention at their conversation because it not first time robal bully someone but it fisrt time someone answer robal like that )

robal ( in anger ) : you boy how dare you to speak me like that , boys throw him in that place he deserve to

( his friend took correan up and throw him in the last end of train ' the carriaage , muddy and dirty )

correan : how bad any martial warrior can be , isn't they have any manner

cedric ( who is sitting at the end ) : if they have then they will not do this

correan : hey who are you and how you come here , is they do same they done with me

cedric : hey . i am cedric kobean wistern , i am also a fresher like you

correan : how you know i am a fresher

cedric : only fresher come here sorry throw here by seniors

correan : my name is ...

cedric : what happens

correan : i can't tell you coz i don't know will you laugh on my name or not i am ashame of having such name

cedric : but why you shouldn't be , you are a member of mellfierce so you have to proud of it

correan : yeah you are right ,my father is a great a martial warrior and i am proud of it and my name is correan wangley

( cedric smile a bit )

correan : i know you also laugh on my name

cedric: i laugh because your way of say that but leave that will you be my friend coz i am a new here without any friends ( he smiles )

correan : i have to think about it ( cedric appear to be serious ) just joking i love to be your friend mr .wistern

(train stopes at the mellfierce that was insanely huge and little bit scary too and full of secret)

correan to himself : i always want to come here just not want to learn here but to reaveal the secrets whose answer i always want to know , are you ready mellfierce ?

cedric : do you say something

correan : no , just excited for the trip of the martial world

cedric : so you know correan what we have to say before enterance

correan : yes

cedric and correan together : lets begin

in next part you know why correan want to come at mellfierce , what correan always want from there , and what they found there .... CONTINUE