Chereads / The Conqueror's Wife / Chapter 3 - Chapter 2

Chapter 3 - Chapter 2

She heads to the kitchen, where she is saved from having her head smacked in by the bowl of hot soup in her aunt's hand.

"Where have you been, you stupid girl?!"

"I am sorry aunt, I went for a walk, to get a breath of fresh air and lost track of time." Kiara gathers the serving bowls and utensils in her arms.

Her aunt mimics her in a high-pitched voice. "That's how you'll lose track of time and forget you have a husband at home to feed. I wonder what that poor boy sees in you. I've told him several times, it is not too late to change your mind, Corgan. There are several dainty, meek girls in the city, from good homes, not this strong-headed mule I call a niece, but he doesn't listen to me. I won't take you in if he brings you back after a few days of your nonsense. You better find another home to stay." Her aunt says this, as she walks into the dinning room to serve her family.

Two of her older cousins, snicker and she glares at them. Both of them are far too old to still be in the nest, waiting for their mother to cook for them and cater to their every whim. Kiara serves the entire table before settling down to eat.

All through the meal, the only talk on the table is about battle formations and strategies. Her cousins talk on and on and her aunt eggs them on, by clapping excitedly. Her uncle is a quiet man, all through the 21 years she spent in this household, Kiara can swear she only heard him speak five times. Of the five, four were single syllable words.

The more they talk, the more Kiara becomes depressed, did no one realize that their lives were about to change? Dinner is over quickly despite the chatter on the table, because the men have to be at the city gates before dawn, so they have to retire early. Her aunt goes to polish their armour again and Kiara is left alone to tidy up after everyone.

Before the cock crows, Kiara is woken up by her aunt's footsteps. She is up before the woman opens the door, intuitively reacting from experience, that if she is a second late, she would get the slipper. She stretches and heads to the kitchen where she helps her aunt prepare a light breakfast for the men. When her aunt goes to rouse them up, Kiara packs their supplies, checking and double checking to ensure everything is in order.

She watches the emotional goodbye shared between her aunt and her family. Kisses and hugs are passed around, Kiara watches her aunt hold on to her husband the longest, the woman doesn't cry, tears bring bad luck to departing soldiers but Kiara knows she is close to tears.

She is grateful Corgan is only a watchman of the city, she cannot imagine saying goodbye to him like this, if he were a soldier.

In the street, the men from the other houses come out and soon a small band is formed. Aunt Tina's eyes shine with pride at the fact that her family's armour shines the brightest.


The sound of the war drums can be heard above everything else in the city, Kiara leaves the market and joins the crowd of people who head over to the city walls to look at the source of the commotion.

The Emperor's army are gathered at the city gates, far enough that they won't be hit by Dion's archers or spearmen but close enough to ensure a speedy attack. Their footmen have their shields over their heads with spears sticking out of small spaces between each shield. In front of the soldiers sits a man on a horse, in a silver armour.

Was he the Emperor?

Kiara squints but cannot see any defining features from this distance.

Marching feet draws her attention to the inner city, the soldiers of Dion are matching to the gates. This starts another round of commotion in the streets. Reality now dawns on the inhabitants of the city, people begin to scamper away to their homes, there is a stampede. You either run or you are trampled on. Kiara sees the faces of her cousins as she runs back home with her basket, they were sweating.

For a long time, nothing is heard in the streets, no shouts, no cries, not even the clink of a single sword. Soon, curiosity begins to draw people out of their homes, Kiara joins them despite her aunt's protestations, she discovers that even the soldiers had left their positions at the gates and lined the city walls to observe what was happening. The Emperor's soldiers had not moved from their position. Despite the sun beating down on the man in the silver armour, he only moves to steady his horse by pulling on the reins.

It is very odd behaviour, they stay like that until the sun begins to set, which sends the inhabitants of the city into another frenzy. The Emperor's army was waiting for the cover of night all along to strike, everyone scampers again as dusk begins to fall. It is pure chaos.

Kiara cannot sleep, and she is sure neither can the others, everyone is waiting for something, anything.

By the next morning, the inhabitants are awoken by the sounds of the beating drums, this time everyone is at the wall, but nothing has changed. Did the Emperor's army stay out all night?

The same thing that happened the previous day, happens today. By the third day, Dion's soldiers have given up standing guard at the city gates, ready for war. Something is wrong with the Emperor's army. The man in the silver armour no longer sits on his horse, Kiara sees that he is surrounded by other men in armour, looking at a large piece of paper that looks like a map, they are constantly pointing at the city.

On the fourth day, Kiara is surprised to see that the Emperor's army has moved their camp backwards, there are no soldiers on ground, just the men in armour discussing over the map.

On the fifth day, the Emperor's army have their camp moved further away from the city gates.

It looks like they were retreating and Kiara isn't the only one to think so. This spurs the inhabitants of Dion on, who have until now, lived in a state of absolute dread and terror for five days. They hurl insults at the Emperor's army and throw rotten fruits down at them, the projectiles don't even make it as far as five feet from the city gates, but it does not stop them from throwing more.

Soon, the King who was rumored to have escaped Dion, with his family and a select few members of the royal court, appears in the city square to proclaim victory over the Emperor and his men. Kiara has no interest in fighting her way to the front of the podium to listen to what the King had to say, she heads to the market to finish her shopping for her wedding that is coming up in two days' time. A wedding that she was afraid wouldn't hold because of the threat of war hanging over Dion.

She passes the trader whom she purchased the bolt of red fabric from. The most expensive piece of clothing she owns. It is not what royalty would wear but she prides herself that she would look better than other dainty, meek girls from good homes. She purchases white trimmings for the skirt and veils, by the time she is done, she barely has enough money to pay for a complete set of cheap bridal jewelry. She chides herself, to cut down on her spending, she should not be incurring debts before she moves into her new home. Corgan is a good man and he would probably give her whatever she wanted, yet she knew he did not make enough. At the rate she was going, she wouldn't have anything left to purchase things for her new home.

On the sixth day, Kiara runs into Corgan at the city square where the King is giving another speech.

"Hey," She says when she gets to him.

"Hey," He replies, without looking at her.

"What's going on?" she cranes her neck to see the King above the sea of heads.

"Listen for yourself."

She catches the tail end of a story the king is narrating to the people of Dion, something about a great war waged on another kingdom by his great-great grandfather, twice removed and another war waged by his great grandfather before him, which led to the destruction of an entire empire. He tells the people that Dion is a fortitude, that is why the Emperor and his army are too scared to attack.

The crowd erupts in a chorus of cheers.

When the cheers die down, the King waddles from one end of the platform to the other, Kiara doesn't know if it is caused by his morbid weight or the added weight of his regalia on his morbid weight. He suggests that they charge against and overpower the Emperor, now that he is retreating. Conquering the Emperor's army ensures a great victory for Dion and all the conquered kingdoms in the region. The King encourages whoever is interested to join in the pursuit, keeping for themselves whatever loot they acquire from the chase.

This incentive is too lucrative to ignore, another round of cheers erupts and Kiara hears all the men around her make arrangements to join the chase which is scheduled to hold tomorrow. The noise becomes too unbearable for Kiara to endure and she drags Corgan, who is also cheering, by the arm out of the crowd.

"I don't like it." She begins. "We should leave them alone now that they are retreating, we shouldn't do anything to make them change their minds." She shifts her basket from one arm to the other.

"I think it is a great idea." Corgan expiates. "All that gold, silver, weapons, who knows what we can find. If I'm lucky, I might sell all that and make enough money to get us a new home to being our life together."

Kiara stops walking and turns to look at him. "You are not going with them, Corgan."

He can tell by the deadpan expression on her face that she is serious.

"Oh come, Kiara. What am I going to tell our kids when they ask where I was during the great chase?" He jokes.

"You are not going Corgan! I forbid it!" She stamps a foot on the ground to emphasize what she says.

"Alright, Alright, I won't go." Corgan looks everywhere else except at Kiara, with a hand rubbing furiously at the back of his neck. "I'm not even married to you yet, and you're bossing me around."

"What?!" Kiara questions.

"Hmmm?" He turns to her, with his lips pushed forward, in a pout. A look Kiara has come to know so well.

"Oh, don't play dumb with me, what is it?!" She raised her voice at him, drawing the attention of a few passersby.

Corgan grabs her by the arm and moves her into a narrow street. He begins to rub furiously at his neck again, looking left and right not sure how to tell her what he intends to say. "The thing is, anyone that does not take part in the pursuit will be assigned to stand guard at the gates tomorrow. As the watchman of the East tower, I am posted to the East gate by default."

"What?" Kiara feels the air leave her body and would have collapsed, if Corgan did not hold her up. "B-but it's our wedding tomorrow."

"I know, my love…" Corgan tries to calm her down.

"Tell them it's our wedding tomorrow!" She screams, grabbing his arm.

"No one cares if it's our wedding tomorrow!" Corgan shouts back, losing his temper for the first time in their relationship.

"No one cares about you or me, because we are nobody! You are a poor girl who lives with her aunt, I'm a poor guy who happens to be the watchman of the East gate! Nobody cares!"

He steps back and takes a deep breath. When he is calm, he pulls Kiara to himself. "I'm sorry, my love. I know how much this thing means to you." His words are kinder now, his voice softer, muffled as he speaks into her hair.

"Right now, the only thing people care about is pursuing that army and getting all the loot the can carry or drag back. But I promise you, I will make our wedding something to be remembered for generations. As soon as the army returns with the loot, and celebrations begin, we will be wed in the city square. Who knows, we might even get some of the loot as wedding gifts." He says, causing Kiara to laugh. Everything was better with Corgan around.

"Just get dressed tomorrow and wait for me. As soon as the trumpets sounds, I will be waiting for you in the square, my love." He takes hold of her face, looking her in the eyes has he says this.

They separate from each other as a man walks into the street. Corgan smiles at Kiara. Tomorrow, after the wedding, all these stupid limitations would no longer apply to them. Kiara smiles back but stops when she sees two men in hooded cloaks standing in the midst of the crowd, listening to the king.

"It's those men again." She tells Corgan as he leads her out, into the square.

"What men?" He asks.

She points them out, telling him about her experience a few nights ago but he brushes it off.

"Those watchtowers have been here for centuries and they are the talk of all the kingdoms in this region, maybe the men wanted to see it for themselves. I think that they are just unfortunate travelers who are stuck here because of the Emperor and his army."

Somehow, Kiara doesn't seem convinced by this.