Counselor Bush continued, "Your Honor, we cannot be blinded by the hope that what these children are doing will work out. The numbers do not lie; it is all here for you to see yourself. M.L.M. is built on a sinkhole! We must protect the people they claim are employees, who they pay with funds that could dry up at any moment. They have no solid partners and produce nothing. I respect how they have utilized Odyssey, but the facts remain: ninety percent of businesses started by guilds fail in the first year."
Maria Mei watched the performance. She knew she must be missing something. Even if they bribed the judge, M.L.M. wasn't in direct control of their various ventures. This was more of a nuisance than an actual lawsuit. Still, without her here, it would go in Baron International's favor. Martian courts were like that, always in the pocket of big corporations.