Chereads / Fallin' (You are my soulmate) / Chapter 29 - Chapter 29

Chapter 29 - Chapter 29

"She is delusional", the doctor said. A lady in her forties looked at the doctor with an emotionless face. 

"She is what, delusional?", the lady repeated the words again.

"Yes, being delusional is a condition in people where they start imagining something or someone around themselves. She probably has that condition. Her condition is very severe, and it will be difficult to bring her back to normal."

"What should we do doctor?", the older lady asked worriedly. Her voice was shaking, and her face was expressionless, but the trembling hands, and cold sweat beads on her forehead showed she was distressed. 

"Ma'am, I would suggest a therapy to bring Scarlett back from her delusional state of mind. Also, being with more people around and changing the environment may help her return to normal", the doctor replied.

The old lady collected all the files on the table and started walking out of the doctor's cabin. She was wandering, with slow indecisive steps. Her legs halted at a particular door and she twisted the knob to open it. There lay a lifeless body of a girl, all clad in a blue hospital dress. She was beautiful, with a square face and red cheeks which now had turned pale white. 

"Scarlett", the lady mumbled almost inaudible to anyone but herself. She caressed Scarlett's scattered locks and then a lone tear escaped her eyes. Her eyes travelled to Scarlett's hands, which were still clutching a sheet of paper. The lady softly took that paper from her hold and opened it. It had a strange drawing of a forest with a temple, which looked as if drawn by a kid. After glancing at the drawing for a few minutes, she placed the drawing on the side table planted a soft kiss on the motionless Scarlett and left the room.

Scarlett's Pov

Where am I? Again in my dreamland, I am with this now and inexistent boy called Liam. Am I dreaming again, or am I again delusional? I questioned myself. Hundreds of thoughts quivered in my head. Doctors told me that I had a condition where I was imagining a boy named Liam, and I had been imagining him for years. My mother kept on worrying about me, she told me that there was no such person as Liam and that I was never married, nor orphaned. I had always been her daughter, the lovely daughter of my mother. But, all this just doesn't feel real to me, rather Liam felt real to me. It looks like I have been trapped in a unrealistic world, which is fake and bizarre. If I was her daughter from childhood, why do I not remember anything? The pictures on the wall of my room say that I have had the finest childhood, and I am the daughter of a charming couple. My father is in the Navy and my mother is a homemaker. The family picture on the wall, the cute plushies in my room, the pink-purple walls, these all belong to me. But, why do I not remember any raging memories related to them in my head? Why does every memory of this house feel blank, as if I never lived that memory? 

I looked at the drawing pasted on the wall, I remember Danny drawing it, but Alas! No one remembers Danny here. I closed my eyes tight, the fresh memory I have is of Liam not believing in our story of Aiden and Hazel leaving me blanched. After that what happened to Liam, I don't remember. Even if all the people in this world do not believe me, I believe in what I saw. I know that the almighty is again testing us, we have been trapped in a maze, a never-ending loop of unity and separation. We have to break this loop and reach to the end of our story. But, what if it's not what I think, what if there was no such soulmate story? What if Liam was just a part of my delusionary mind? 

I have been comprehending all this in my brain now for months. After Liam left the house, I remember waking up in a hospital bed, next to a lady who claimed to be my mother. 

Scarlett's POV ends

Whatever we see or believe is not always true. Sometimes, it's just the deception of the brain, the game of the heart. Your brain lets you see only what you want to see, it judges the world, from your own perspective. But, the Almighty is divine, he has something in his sack for everyone, and as mentioned earlier, not all love stories are incomplete in fact, not all true stories are incomplete. They have an end, but that end is not always a happy one, sometimes, it can be disheartening. This world is a stage and we are the characters played. The heavens decide the play you have been chosen for, but they leave the ending in our hands. We can decide where, when and how to end. 

Scarlett and Liam are one such character in a story. Was Liam the main character of the story? Or was he the imaginary character of Scarlett's story? 

After coming out of Scarlet's thoughts she starts scribbling something on a paper. 

"Heavens, Oh heavens, Oh mighty Lord, may Scarlett and Liam, never get apart". 

Then she leaves some lines blank and writes "I will complete our story". A voice from the drawing room echoes, her mother is calling her for evening tea. She leaves the paper on the table and runs to her mother. Whether the world is real or imaginary, at least Scarlet gets a golden opportunity to live with her family and enjoy her life as an ordinary girl. She thanked the almighty before going and engulfing her mother in a tight hug. Maybe, all this notional world has been created to make her believe that she can be a pampered daughter to lovely parents too. But, in all this love and affection, she doesn't forget her motive, to complete the unwavering story of Liam and Scarlet.

The End