To keep oneself on right track one must need to think right.Whatever the things are in control or out of control.You act positively or negativity.Atleast keep your mind on right track.Even situations are not controlled.Fate is not withhold..But keep your mind not to deviate from positivity.Hundred times a day repeat your cellphone reminder keep your mind positive,keep your heart soft fill it with love.God is unlimited,timeless and utmost beautiful and charitable.Be like that.....Try to act like that.Take your trial if you lose hope gathering your energy and set back and shake your negativity.When you feel yield to,try again gathering energies and target it with more positivity more love inside your heart more patience.If you again feel sorrow try it again.Think of Sea,red rose,unlimited glaxies lead your mind to unlimited Creator.Feel Unlimited love,feel positive,feel lovely,dress up yourself,put a perfume.Try to be beautiful all the time.Try to feel beautiful.Try it a day many times.Try it second day.Try it third day with extended energies.