Queen Mignonette screamed violently as she pushed with her whole being. Compared to her first birth, she could not remember a pain more agonizing than this one. Perspiration gathered on her forehead. She forced herself to breathe in and out as slowly as she could. Maids worked endlessly as they fetched clean water and changed the linens as oft as they could. Mignonette didn't miss their anxiety ridden faces. Anticipation and worry was palpable. She had already been in labor since the early morning. Even her first birth hadn't been so time consuming. Even though something felt off, Mignonette didn't care. She just wanted to hold her baby. Mignonette felt the urge to push. Her screams filled the room once more as she forced her baby out of her. Mignonette could feel her baby move ever so slightly down.
"We can see the head!" A maid announced.
King Edmond ran down the corridor. His advisor had informed him his wife was in labor early this morning. He could barely contain his excitement during his meetings. Edmonds mind kept racing, why hadn't he been told whether or not the baby had been born? Time ticked by as the kings shoes clacked against the stone floor.
Why is this castle so damn big? He thought. Unable to withstand his patience, the King broke into a slight jog. Maids looked at him with curiosity. Until they realized who he was. They bowed their heads as he passed them. King Edmond knew he was getting closer to his wife when he saw several maids with bloodied linens and rolled sleeves.
King Edmond arrived at his wife's chambers with his heart pounding in his chest. He couldn't wait for the news. Edmond wondered if he would have another strapping young prince who he could teach to rule by his brother. Or a beautiful princess to rule by her husband. Although, the King was sure she would be the most beautiful woman. Just like her mother. King Edmond smiled with delight. Loud voices filled the room as the King entered the drawing room of his Queens quarters. "Last push!" They squealed excitedly.
The King rushed in to watch his beautiful wife birth their beautiful baby. She was sweaty, exhausted, and bloodied. Yet, even with her screaming viciously, Edmond was absolutely taken away by his wife. Since the King was so busy admiring his wife it took a few seconds to come to the realization that the room had gone silent. It felt so out of place that it broke his trance. There was a brief flash of blue. A maid suddenly cut the cord and immediately and took the baby out of the room.
"Whats wrong?" His wife asked. "Why are you taking my baby? Why was my baby blue?" She went to stand up, but a maid stopped her.
"They are going to make sure the baby is okay. Right now, you need to finish birthing the placenta."
The Queen fought. "No! I want to see my baby! Give me my baby!"
King Edmond stepped in and helped the maid. "Please Mignonette, lay down and rest." He hugged her. The Queen just kicked and cried as she tried to escape his arms. Granted, she didn't have much strength left in her. Edmond was worried she would pass out before she could heal and then he may lose them both. "Stop Mignonette!" He begged. "Ill go check on our baby!" He kissed her hand. "Just stay here and get better."
Mignonette just sobbed for a moment before laying back down. "Please just save our baby!"
Edmond nodded. He fluffed her pillow. A pit grew in his stomach as he kissed her forehead. What if the baby isn't okay? What if they passed away? If these were his thoughts, Edmond couldn't even imagine what his wife must be feeling. There wasn't enough gold or silver to buy back a life. As Edmond entered the room, he prepared himself for the worst.
One maid smacked his childs behind passionately. He could feel her trying to hit the life into her. Tears filled his eyes. It was a girl! Yet, somehow he knew she wasn't going to make it. He sighed as the tears spilled over. How would he tell his wife? The King knew he wouldn't be able to enter his wife's chamber until she was finished. He was afraid that she would run in here to try to help the lost cause. Edmond knew it was selfish and that his wife deserved to know. But, he couldn't let her do that. He couldn't lose them both. It felt as if the weight of the world fell on his shoulders.
A few seconds passed as they tried to revive the princess to no avail. King Edmond had to leave. He couldn't watch the heart wrenching scene any longer. He wished time would stop just so he could have a moment to think how he would break the news to his wife. He sat silently and wept before he had to go back in and be strong for Mignonette.
Once again, silence overtook his senses. When Edmond looked up his world had changed. Instead of sitting in the hallway, he was now in a dark waste. Mist floated around him. Sulfer suffocated the air making it difficult for the King to breathe. He coughed for air.
"Hello?" His voice echoed. No reply came back. Edmond looked around wondering how in the world he had transported here. Suddenly, his view shifted once more. Wind and dust caused him to shut his eyes and blink out the dirt. As he came to, he noticed a large vacant black throne. Skulls littered the floor. Snakes weaved themselves in and out of their eyes. Some even hissed at his intrusion into their space. King Edmond chuckled. I am in hell he thought. Somehow I have died and here I am in hell. He kicked a skull away. A snake coiled in response and lunged to bite.
King Edmond closed his eyes and waited for the pain. It never came. He opened his eyes carefully. What he saw left him even more curious. The snake was suspended in the air. Quizzically the King bent down truly in awe at what he saw.
"Now Severus, thats not how we treat guests." A voice startled Edmond. He quickly turned to find tall man in dark clothing. He carried a staff that stayed on beat with his footsteps. The King could only guess this was the Lord of the Underworld.
"Who are you?" Edmond asked defiantly.
The man didn't respond.
Edmond was taken back as he wasn't used to people disregarding him. He tried again.
"Where am I?"
The man responded. "Well King Edmond, I thought you would have figured that out by now."
"How do you know my name?"
The man laughed as if it was the most obvious question in the world. "I know everyones name. Especially your daughters. Lillian Itzel."
King Edmond was stunned. No one knew of his plans to name the princess. He hadn't even told his wife. "How did you know that?"
The man simply smiled. "Because it is my responsibility to know."
While King Edmond knew he should be worried, he was too curious about the man standing in front of him. "Who are you?"
He bowed politely. "I am the man who will make your desires come true." He smiled. "I am going to save your daughter."