Chereads / Asking For It (Original Superhero) / Chapter 1 - Star Child

Asking For It (Original Superhero)

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Chapter 1 - Star Child

A/N: Hey guys, this is an experimental free write. Might just be a one-shot, but I'm looking for feedback on whether I should turn it into a full blown series where each heroine that shows up is secretly jonesing to get defeated and fucked in a different way! Let me know what you think of this and if its worth continuing!


Life wasn't fair. This was an axiom that range true almost anywhere you went. The only people out there who were willing to disagree were the ones benefiting the most from the general unfairness and injustice baked into the world around them. For life to be good for some, was to have it be inevitably terrible for others. People weren't born equal and hadn't been since the days of cavemen.

But the way in which life could be unfair… now that differed from universe to universe. The multiverse was a big and all-encompassing place, after all. For every Prime Universe there was, you could find a thousand-thousand different variations of it. Meanwhile, those were just pockets of possibilities, small little snippets of universes. Blink and you'll miss it.

Sometimes, there were universes that had been completely changed by one key event in their past. Others were made special by a single prolonged effect over the timeline. Like for instance, hundreds of years of female supremacy. Hundreds of years in which the only babies born with powers beyond your average human being… were of the fairer sex.

Hundreds and hundreds of years of a Planet Earth where women had all the power, all of the might, all of the strength. Why, you'd think it would turn the world on its head… and indeed, it had. Not for the better, in Adam Anderson's humble opinion. Not for the better.

Oh sure, history-wise, women had been having a rough time of it, before superpowers came along. Before five percent of the female population suddenly began to manifest abilities beyond the mortal ken, women were robbed of their rights, and men stood at the top of the pyramid. But the solution to such inequality wasn't to have it go in the other direction, as it had in his world.

Adam was smart. He was beyond smart. By any definition of the word, he was a genius. And he'd leveraged his intelligence as best he could. In any other universe, he would be the richest man in the world. His inventor's mind, combined with some serious business acumen, should have made it incredibly easy for him to climb to the top on the back of his inventions.

Unfortunately, his world was one based in serious inequality. He was a man, and thus powerless. The women who had all of the power… in general, they were good people. There were more superheroines then supervillains, as it stood. Of course, there were NO superheroes. And yet… there were plenty of male supervillains.

You didn't have to have superpowers to commit super crimes, after all. And yet, according to society, you did have to have superpowers to be allowed to stop them through vigilante justice. Laws across the world made sure of that, offering protections to any superpowered woman who wanted to put on a sexy costume and go around fighting crime and putting the bad guys in their place.

Now, don't get him wrong. Adam didn't want to be a superhero. It wasn't his plan to dress up in a tight little number and go around fighting crime. But then, at the same time he hadn't wanted to be a supervillain either. And yet, here he was, engaging in research that the unjust civilization he existed within considered unethical and illegal. Here he was, committing what they saw as super crimes.

As a moderately successful male with full ownership of his moderately successful company, perhaps Adam should have been content with the small fortune he'd been able to amass. Perhaps he should have been happy to stay in his lane, given that he was just a man and in the hundreds of years since superpowered women had started showing up on Planet Earth, no man had ever produced technology that could contend with their innate, biological talents.

But Adam wasn't happy with merely being content. His genius refused to allow him to be so… unambitious. He wanted more for himself. He wanted more for his gender. He wanted-


Whipping around, his inner monologue thoroughly derailed, Adam goes wide-eyed as he sees a buxom, blonde superheroine floating down from the ceiling above, her gloved hands already clenched into fists as she slowly descends to the floor of his secret lab. Her head is down at first, but slowly she raises it, eyes glowing as she gives him an easy smirk.

"Star Child…"

He breathes out her name as a curse in sheer disbelief. How? How had she found him? How had she managed to hunt him down? What did she already know about his research?

Star Child looks around the lab as she rolls her shoulders almost casually, utterly fearless. The blonde's name is a case of… outgrowing one's superheroine identity. When she'd still been a teenager, perhaps 'Star Child' had made a lot of sense. She was, after all, your classical superheroine, with all of the strength in the world, as well as flight and enhanced speed. On top of all of that, she got eye lasers. What he would give to be able to understand how powers worked and how they were doled out to the women who were born with them…

Nowadays, long past her teenage years, Star Child was anything but a child. All one had to do was look down at her chest to see that. Large, sizable breasts are contained within a white leotard that goes all the way up to her neck and slopes down to her crotch while leaving expanses of her thighs and ass on display. Meanwhile, a 'boob window' as the crasser elements of the internet had labeled it, still allowed her to show off plenty of cleavage. Finally, there's a belt around her waist that he's pretty sure serves no purpose, and she's got blue boots and gloves to complete the entire ensemble.

She, much like most of the Earth's superheroines, is showing off LOTS of skin, and practically flashing people every time she flies overhead in that sexy, form-fitting leotard of hers. Adam actually has a bit of a theory regarding that… but now is neither the time nor the place to be gawking, not truly.

"Adam Anderson. You're under arrest."

Sputtering, he glances around the lab himself, looking for a way out of this. There is one… a device he can see just a few feet away from himself, one that just might save him. But it might as well be a mile away for all that he could get to it before she bolted across the room and took him down. Star Child was fast… perhaps not as fast as some of her comrades, but she was definitely faster than him. He… he had to stall, or something.

"W-What?! On what charges? I haven't done anything wrong, Star Child!"

Rolling her eyes at him, looking almost painfully bored with the whole situation, Star Child crosses her arms under her chest, lifting up her tits as she huffs out a breath that makes them jiggle. If she knows what she's doing, she certainly doesn't show it as she scoffs.

"You know what you've been up to, Dr. Anderson. Your research is illegal and for a good reason. Trying to depower superheroines? That's going to be a life sentence."

Despite living all his life in a world where any woman could be stronger than your average man, a small cinder of anger nevertheless ignites in his chest at Star Child's words, his eyes blazing to life with righteous fury as he grits his teeth.

"My research could finally close the gap in power between our two genders! Maybe then, my company would be able to compete properly with companies like yours! Or do you really think Star Industries deserves to be a Fortune Five Hundred company while Anderson Inc languishes so far down the list it isn't even funny?!"

Rather than taking him seriously, Star Child just rolls her eyes again. Without another word, she suddenly takes a step forward, walking towards him with obvious, but also ponderously slow purpose. She could dash across the lab and choke him out before he even had time to blink. She could have him in handcuffs before he could so much as twitch in the direction of any possible device he has lying around to defend himself.

Instead, she's treating him with a certain bored contempt, just… sauntering over to him at a slow pace, like he's not a threat. Both panicked and angered by her absolute disregard for his personhood, Adam doesn't hesitate to throw himself out of his chair and sprint the few feet to his last resort. He's expecting to be taken down any second, expecting to be hit from the side and end up with broken bones… but instead his hand closes around the device, and his arm swings around to point at the approaching superheroine, who even now is making her way towards him in a manner that shows just how little she considers him a threat.


He triggers the device, and in amazement and shock, watches as Star Child stops in her tracks. There is no beam or laser for her to dodge or avoid. The device doesn't work like that. It functions off of sound, a certain frequency that only women can hear. It… it was based off of old hypnosis techniques, but amplified to work almost instantaneously, instead of taking time for the trance to go into effect.

It was a literal mind control gun, for all that it wasn't shaped like a gun. And from the slack jawed, vacant expression on Star Child's face… it'd worked?

"It… it worked. I can't believe it worked. How the fuck did I pull this off? How the hell did that work?!"

"Because I wanted it to."

In the midst of his minor breakdown, Adam doesn't even notice the superheroine's monotone response, not immediately. But eventually he realizes she spoke and his head whips around to see that she's still as vacant and empty-eyed as before. But how could, he be sure? Swallowing nervously, Adam keeps the device pointed at the buxom blonde.

"Analysis Mode. Are… are you currently in a hypnotic trance?"


"And you will only answer commands from Adam Anderson."

"Yes. Adam Anderson is the one who put me in this trance. He is the Primary. I must obey the Primary at all times."

That… that all sounded correct. But what if she was fucking with him?

"P-Prove it. Touch yourself."

Without missing a beat, without even looking in his direction, her empty gaze still straight ahead, Star Child obeys. One gloved hand goes up to her impressive rack and begins to grope and squeeze at a tit through her leotard. The other slides down to her crotch, where she slips her fingers past her leotard and begins to… begins to play with herself, right in front of his eyes.

"A-Alright, that's enough! You can stop now!"

Flushed, Adam watches as Star Child ceases touching her body, instead moving her hands back to her sides and awaiting further orders. With that, he was almost fully certain she was under his control for the time being. But then, that left him with one big question.

"What did you mean before? When you said you wanted this to happen?"

Staring straight ahead, the hypnotized heroine doesn't hesitate to answer him.

"Secretly, deep down inside, I wanted you to beat me. Not even my conscious self knew this. Only now, in Analysis Mode, do I understand my own feelings."

"What does that even mean?!"

"Simply put, I have not been able to hold down a boyfriend for longer than a month. This is for three reasons. One, many men are incredibly intimidated by my natural strength, and are afraid that I will… break them in the heat of the moment. Two, the few men who manage to make it past this first hurdle are loathe to take charge. And three, I am embarrassed and ashamed of my mind control fetish and unwilling to open up to any of the men I've had in my bed about it."

Adam mouths the words 'mind control fetish', even as Star Child continues her monotone, hypnotized explanation.

"I did not know you had created technology capable of putting me in a trance like this. I did not know you could defeat me. However, deep down inside, I hoped you would be able to. Every time I go out to fight crime, I hope that the men that I find myself facing off against will have some trick up their sleeve that will prove to be my undoing. It is my greatest desire to be turned into a supervillain's mindless, hypnotized sex slave, to be used as a sexual relief aid for the rest of my days."

Wow. Adam just stares for a moment, gobsmacked, as Star Child finally falls silent, the hypnotized heroine apparently deciding she's answered his question to the fullest extent of her entranced abilities. And to be fair, she has. One might even call what she'd told him TMI. But Adam doesn't think so. Fuck, it's a lot to unpack… but it's also critical, crucial information.

However, he's still a little suspicious that he's being fucked with, for the simple reason that this all lines up distressingly well with that theory of his from earlier. Namely, he's theorized that the women at the top, the superheroines who all but run the world thanks to their immense personal power, are all incredibly lonely and find it extremely difficult to find men that they can form long-lasting romantic relationships with.

When the power disparity is as intense as it is, after all, you're more and more likely to find out just how lonely it is at the top…

If Star Child is fucking with him, if she found his theory somewhere in her investigation of him and is just using all of this to get her rocks off at his expense… well then, his goose is already cooked. At any moment, she could decide to cut the act and take him down, likely painfully. But if his device actually worked, if he truly has the blonde superheroine at his mercy… then there's really only one thing to do.

"Star Child, listen very carefully to my next orders."

"As you say, Primary."

"You will not attempt to harm the Primary, Adam Anderson. You will not attempt to arrest the Primary, Adam Anderson. You will not attempt to expose any crimes, perceived or otherwise, concerning the Primary, Adam Anderson. You will not tell anyone anything that you know about the Primary, Adam Anderson. Is all of this understood?"

"Yes, Primary."

"Good. Snap out of it, Star Child."

Blinking, Star Child slowly comes back to full awareness, the glazed look on her face and the vacancy in her eyes disappearing as she stops standing there like a slack jawed idiot.

"You… wha- I-!"

Sitting back down in his chair, Adam just sighs. Either she's going to get tired of this ruse sometime soon and beat him senseless before hauling him off to jail, or he's actually done it and gotten her off his back.

"You can go now, Star Child. I'm done with you."

Her face scrunches up in anger for a moment, and she tries to take an abortive step towards him, only to find she can't. Standing her ground instead and gritting her teeth, she all but glares lasers at him… except not really, because even though her eyes glow red, she doesn't actually shoot any lasers. Funny, that.

"What did you do to me?"

"I hypnotized you."

He doesn't even try to obfuscate about it. Because if what she said under trance was true… and yep, there it is. Star Child's anger washes away in an instant, and she's suddenly blushing in wide-eyed, mouth-gaping shock.

"Y-You what?"

"I put you under and mind controlled you. Gave you some orders, and now you can't hurt me or tattle. So, our business here is done. You can be on your way, and I can get back to my work secure in the knowledge that you aren't going to be a problem. Everyone's happy."

He's talking out his ass, of course. But Star Child doesn't know that. This, all of this, is another test. He wants to see what she'll do and say outside of the trance. Just how far he can take it with her…

"You… hypnotized me into leaving you alone?"


He pops the P, even as she looks incredulous, first at him, and then down at her own smoking hot body, as if she's checking to see if he made her strip naked or messed with her costume in any way. But there's nothing visible, given he only let her play with herself for a couple of seconds.

"… And that's it? You're not going to do anything else to me?"

Hiding a triumphant smirk, Adam just raises an eyebrow at her instead.

"What else would I do to you? I'm not a monster, Star Child. My research isn't nearly as narrow as you seem to think, either. While it's true I'm working on ways to depower superheroines, I'm also trying to find a way to give powers to others. Both men and women. It's all about leveling the playing field. My only crime is wanting a little more justice in this unjust world of ours."

Star Child's mouth opens and closes a few times like a goldfish, the top-heavy blonde clearly struggling to find the words. Adam allows a small amount of his amusement to show on his face in the form of a knowing smirk as he raises the other eyebrow at her as well.

"Was there something else I SHOULD have done while you were hypnotized? Perhaps some facet of yourself you want me to mind control away? If you're a smoker, I suppose I could make all future cigarettes taste like hot garbage to you."

He waves a hand airily, like it would be no big deal. Meanwhile, he knows just how big a deal this IS to Star Child. Maybe it's mean of him to fuck with her in this way, but he won't forget how she treated him with contempt and boredom just a few minutes ago. Rather, isn't this the least that a high and mighty bitch like her deserves?

Star Child mumbles something under her breath, and while Adam thinks he hears her, he still cups an ear anyways, humming questioningly.

"Hm? What was that?"

Blushing an even deeper shade of crimson, the scantily clad buxom heroine shifts from foot to foot for a moment before blurting out her words a bit louder in response.

"I-I said you could have done anything you wanted to me! I'm one of the hottest women in the world!"

Laughing a bit at the blatant over-inflated ego, Adam inclines his head, giving her the point, nonetheless.

"Very true. But I'm not a rapist. I would never do anything to you that you didn't want me to do."

Another mumble from Star Child's corner. This time, Adam just quirks up an eyebrow in response, and after a moment of blushing crimson, she repeats herself loud enough to hear.

"W-What if… what if I did want you to? Hypnotize me, I mean. What if… I was into that sort of thing."

Wow, he was expecting it to be at least a little harder to get her to open up. Grinning more openly himself, Adam leans forward in his chair.

"Well then, that would be a different story, wouldn't it? You have a hypnosis fetish, do you?"


"Analysis Mode."

In an instant, Star Child is back under. As Primary, he has complete control. Once she's back in the trance, Adam clears his throat and gives an order.

"Expose your chest."

"As you wish, Primary."

Reaching up, Star Child unclasps the top of her white leotard around her neck, pulling it down and apart and letting her massive tits come bouncing out of the suddenly wider boob window. It's more of a boob hole now, as he stares in appreciation at her fat tits, each capped with a hardened nipple that makes her arousal obvious.

"Snap out of it, Star Child."

Coming back out of the trance still holding the edge of her costume right below her freed tits, Star Child blinks again for a moment before looking down at herself and blushing even harder in response.

"Is that the sort of thing you want from me, Star Child? Do you want me to use my power over you to take advantage of you? Do you want me to hypnotize you, and leave you always guessing on what you'll find yourself doing under my control next? Shall I trance you and fuck you, only letting you be aware again when I'm creampieing your slutty pussy from behind?"

He gets more and more heated with each sentence, describing what he knows she wants as he turns himself on as well. By the time he's done, he's having to adjust himself in his pants, even as he waits for her response, waits to see if she'll be honest with herself and him after seeing just how much power he truly does have over her.

"… Y-Yes."

"Analysis Mode!"

The quiet admission awakens something inside of Adam, and even as he puts Star Child back under hypnosis, he's coming up out of his chair and striding over to her. He frees his cock from the confines of his pants on the way over and lets out a sigh of relief as his sizable schlong positively lunges free of its confines.

Reaching her, with her hands still clutching at her pulled down costume as she stands there slack jawed and vacant, Adam reaches out and grabs those glorious knockers of hers with both of his own hands, giving them a good harsh squeeze and then leaning forward so he can begin to slurp and suck at them, nibbling and gnawing at them after a moment just to get a reaction from the hypnotized heroine.

Soft, low moans leave Star Child's lips as she stands there, not moving a muscle in her own defense. Easily one of Earth's Mightiest Heroines, and she's submitting to him wholly and utterly, completely defenseless before his hypnotic powers. Adam snorts derisively at the thought. Mind control wasn't even his primary focus, and for the exact reasons he'd told Star Child, it never would be. He wasn't a rapist… but if Star Child wanted this, then it wasn't rape now, was it?

After spending several minutes enjoying her massive milk jugs, Adam pulls back and lets out a sigh, his rock-hard cock positively straining for attention at this point.

"Kneel down and wrap those fat tits of yours around my cock. Show me what you can do."

The entranced heroine does so without hesitation, kneeling down and wrapping her breasts around his cock as she slides them up and down his length. The way her glazed eyes are focused solely on his pecker as she works, seemingly fixated on his member, turns Adam on immensely. After a moment, he speaks.

"Snap out of it, Star Child."

Her efforts immediately slow, and yet, when she finally realizes how things have changed since she went under, she doesn't leap away or scream or shriek. She slowly begins moving her tits up and down his cock even when she's not hypnotized, though there's a lot more glancing up at him nervously, as if she's hoping she's doing a good job in his eyes. Reaching down, Adam places a hand in her hair, fisting some of her short blonde locks and forcing her head back so he can look down at her.

"You're a filthy little mind control slut, aren't you? You're loving this. You're getting off on being my hypnotized guinea pig. I could do anything to you right now… and you love that, don't you?"

"Y-Yes… f-fuck, please Master. Please don't ruin me too much. Please don't make me d-do anything too… n-naughty."

Her desire for him to do exactly those things is as clear as day, and for a moment Adam is tempted, really, he is. But as amazing as exposing her as a horny hypno-slut on the internet would be, she has all those heroine friends who would come down on him in an instant if they thought he'd done anything untoward to her.

Snorting derisively, Adam shakes his head.

"Do you think I'm stupid? No one is going to know I own you. And let me be clear… I do own you now. Don't like it? This is your final chance to fly back out of the hole you made in my ceiling. After this… your ass is mine."

"N-No Master… you're right, M-Master. I… I belong to you, Master…"

Rolling his eyes, still a little in disbelief at one of the world's premiere heroines being this much of a hypno-slut, Adam growls.

"Analysis Mode. Open."

As soon as she's back under and her mouth is open nice and wide, he tilts her head down and thrusts his cock up through the top of her tits and past her lips. For a while, he enjoys her slack jaw and her soft breasts, fucking her face and tits in conjunction as he stares off into the distance, just thinking about what's going to happen next. This is… this wasn't how he intended for his night to go. But he couldn't really complain, now, could he? Fuck… he really was a supervillain now. Might as well enjoy it to the fullest, he supposed.

With that thought, Adam grunts and stops holding back. He viciously face fucks Star Child until finally he hits his release, tipping over the edge and cumming… not in her mouth, but all over her vacant face instead. He coats her features and her chest in his cum, and once he's done, he pulls back and jacks off the final few spurts of seed all over her front.

Admiring his handiwork for a brief moment, Adam takes a picture for posterity's sake, and then lets out a grunt.

"Snap out of it, Star Child."

She does so and watching her discover that his cum is all over her face and tits is definitely one of the highlights of his night. She shivers as she looks up at him with an expression of awe and adoration on her cum-covered face. He truly is her Master, the man who can give her what her heart so deeply desires.

"Your hypnotized self was a decent cock sucker. But now I want the real thing. I want you to beg me to fuck you, Star Child. I want to hear you tell me how much you want me to bend your mind-controlled ass over and plow your hypnotized cunt silly."

"Y-Yes sir…"

Falling back onto her ass, Star Child splays her legs apart, drawing his eyes down to her creamy thighs as she pulls her leotard to the side, exposing her dripping wet pussy lips. Her cunt is slightly agape, as if it's already begging for him to enter it. Taking in a shuddering breath, the buxom superheroine looks between him and his cock with nothing but abject lust in her eyes.

"I… I want it. I want you to mind control me, Dr. Anderson. I want you to hypnotize me into loving your big fat cock. I want you to fuck me however you like, whenever you like. P-Put me under your control, make me your bitch. I want… I want to wake up with a hot load in my womb and have n-no idea how it got there. I want to be fighting c-crime one moment and be answering a booty call as your hypnotized love slave the n-next! I want to be your bitch, D-Doctor! Please, Master! Please put me under and do whatever you want to my helpless, defenseless body!"

With a growl, Adam stalks forward, falling to his knees between the heroine's deceptively thicc thighs. Those thighs are powerful enough to crush a man's head like a watermelon, even if they don't like it. Likewise, her cunt could probably turn even the hardest cock into paste. Except, Adam is pretty sure that can't happen, not with him. Thanks to the hypnosis, Star Child literally can't hurt him.

Grinning, he places his cockhead against her pussy lips, finding to his delight that they easily spread open before him, rather than representing an iron gate that he can't pass because he's not strong enough. Star Child whimpers, staring down the length of her trembling, quivering body. She whines, her eyes clearly saying that she wants to be put under, clearly wondering why he hasn't tranced her yet. But Adam… Adam wants her to be aware, this first time.

And so, he thrusts forward, spearing his cock into her depths, and Star Child's jaw drops as her eyes widen from the sudden fullness in her cunt. If his theory is right, this might be the first time in her whole life that she's not had to consciously relax her cunt muscles to avoid seriously damaging a partner. Not because he's suddenly as strong as her, but because of the hypnosis. As a result of that hypnosis, Star Child's body makes way for him, allowing him to fuck her hard and fast as he reaches up and gropes her tits with both hands in triumph.

"You're mine! You're my bitch from now on, you slutty hypno-cunt! And don't you forget it!"

Moaning, Star Child just nods as she claws up the concrete ground beneath her but doesn't so much as harm a single hair on his head in the throes of passion.

"Yours, sir! I'm all yours~"

"Analysis Mode."

The look of pure ecstasy and joy on her face right before she falls back into the trance is almost enough to make him nut right then and there. But no, he holds it back, fucking his hypnotized heroine bitch as long as he wants. He pounds into her with all his might for what feels like several long minutes… and then he cums inside of her, creampieing her while she's completely out of her head just like she wanted. He fills her womb with his seed, and she just moans, her face vacant but also bright red as her pussy clenches around his cock but she herself doesn't cum.

Humming, Adam decides to test something as he traces a line over her clit and abdomen.

"Star Child. When I next awaken you from your trance, you will experience all of the pleasure that you would have felt while I was fucking you in the trance, all at once, in a pure and concentrated form. Understood?"

"Yes, Primary."

"Snap out of it, Star Child."

And snap she does, a moment of awareness on her face before she's gasping and spasming, seizing up right before his eyes and cumming HARD. And not just once either but experiencing what looks like a handful of orgasms back-to-back to back as Adam pulls back, standing up to watch in amusement as she squirts and makes an utter fool of herself all over his laboratory floor. Not only does he have the picture from earlier, he realizes… but there are also security cameras where he can pull this entire encounter up as proof of just how much of a needy mind control slut Star Child is.

He owns her now, and from the silly, stupid expression on her face… she wouldn't have it any other way.


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