Otto ran into the house, and when he entered the room and found one of the worst visions of his entire life: his mother was on the floor, with her eyes open and crying. She was naked and there was blood on the floor, there were also several bruises on her body. Hugging her was her father, and the blood came from him: there was a perforation in his chest and he was certainly dead. One of the employees came close, touched his neck, bowed his head and said with regret:
- I'm sorry Otto, he's dead.
Otto was in shock. Someone covered Ann's body with a blanket, and some women helped her go to her room. Two men saddled their horses and went to call the police. The farm had become a pandemonium and looked more like a battlefield. Men came and went, they didn't know what to do, some of the employees got together to argue about the fate of the farm:
- Who will be in charge of the farm? What will become of our future?
- I think Ann is not very knowledgeable about farm issues, she will also be very sad and traumatized by what happened today.
- Besides, Otto is very young. I think they will sell everything.
- It's likely. But if they are still here, they will appoint one of us to lead the others.
- What if they do that? Who among us is ready to run this entire farm? Who among us is able to fulfill this task?
- I believe the elder is one of them. He knows the family more than all of us, he was the first to be hired and, among all of us, he is the one who knows the farm the most.
- It's true! The old man got to know the farm from head to toe.
A few hours passed before Ann recognized herself fully. She was very sad, very hurt. However, there was something in his eyes that had changed, he was clearer, more serene. There were several murmurs among the employees, Ann raised her hand and started to speak:
-We are all sad! We all lost a lot, and I don't speak for the money but for the man who is gone. I have gone through terrible suffering now, a purge that I do not even wish for the worst soul that has gone through this world, and that pain and suffering that I have gone through is not a tenth of what I feel. But despite the suffering, we begin to die the moment we arrive in the world, and the end of ourselves is the outcome of the beginning. We will watch over and bury Karl's beloved name, we will keep him alive in our hearts.
Otto, returning from the state of sadness he was in, hugged his mother and said:
- I know they are all sad and worried, sad because it was my father, even sadder because my father suffered in the war, he was a German who allied with the English, and acted in his own house, died at the hands of a thief. How do I get my dad back? The only way is to continue with what he dreamed of, and he dreamed of it here! - Otto pointed to the village and the workers- My father dreamed of the desire to help, and in my hand, we will find a way to do it.
The hours that passed were horrible, not only for Ann and Otto, but for all those who lived with Karl. The local people did not believe what they heard: the great farmer was dead. The body was washed and cared for, dressed and prepared for the funeral. The pastor who said the mass in attendance was a great friend, fan and lifelong ally. After the funeral was over and the body was being buried, he threw a handful of dirt on top of the coffin and said to everyone:
- He lived like a hero! He died like a hero. In fact, cowards often die before they die. The brave, hero only experiences it once.
Everyone applauded Karl, an exceptional man. Otto, very sad, regretted the loss of his father. Ann was traumatized by the loss of her husband and the suffering she went through. However, life had to go on. After the body was buried, they made the decision to return to the farm, where everyone was waiting for them. Every resident's heart was being inhabited by fear. As soon as they arrived at the farm, Ann took advantage of the fact that everyone was gathered in the courtyard and communicated:
- Unfortunately, I see no other option than to close the farm.
Everyone rejected the idea, but the protest came only in a buzz. Ann withdrew and Otto, more than quickly, motioned for everyone to remain there. When she entered the house, he started:
- I once read a sentence that said the following: "luck is the name of something that does not exist" so, if we want something, we have to fight for it, fight tooth and nail, with blood and sweat. I want everyone to go back to their homes, rest and tomorrow, everyone at work. - Your mother just said that the farm will be closed.
- The farm will not be closed. My mom is just going through a difficult time.
- We need someone to replace your father.
Otto felt a tear come to his eyes, but he didn't even let it fall and wiped it away. He knew that physical death was not even the worst, it would be much worse if, while alive, he was dead in the hearts of the people around him.
- What about us?
- I am aware of many parts of the farm and, I should be able to replace my dear father, but that is impossible. So, we must name someone who knows this property like the back of his hand.
A whisper here and there got up, which made Otto be forced to speak louder.
- This decision is not difficult: I appoint the elder as my right arm. All in agreement?
All responded in the affirmative.
- Good. I also want all problems to be presented to me every day. All decisions from the most serious to the most foolish must pass through me. I want everyone to go home and rest and tomorrow I want everyone early in the field.
Everyone clapped their hands and lined up to hug Otto. He knew it wasn't going to be easy, but he was going to try. Put the farm back on the right tracks. As Otto embraced them, he wondered how he was going to explain to his mother that, from that moment on, he would be the one to run the farm. The only thing he could think of was his bed. I wanted to lie down and sleep. Perhaps, when he woke up the next morning, his father could be alive by his side, having breakfast. This was just a utopia and Otto knew it. For the last time he spoke that night:
- I'm going to leave, because I have to rest. In fact, we all have to rest. Tomorrow will be a long and arduous day, but it will also be a new day.
Otto retired to his room, got into his pajamas and sat on the edge of the bed. For the first time in hours, he managed to remember what the word cosiness meant. His father 's images flashed through his mind, and they all ended there, in that coffin. He wanted to cry, but he knew that crying would not bring his father back, would not make him stronger, would not relieve his suffering. He thought about how his mother would be, went to her room and saw her sleeping. Two or three bottles of wine were scattered around the room, perhaps she used wine as a means of sleeping. With affection, Otto covered his mother and returned to his room. He lay down on the bed but sleep was slow to come.
Many people spend their lives predicting the future without knowing, some others even know, but do not believe. For many, many years, human beings have endowed themselves with a differentiated intelligence, quite strong and, perhaps it is a force contiguous to the conscience. That night, Otto talked to his father.
The little boy dreamed that he was sitting on one of the steps of a huge staircase, and could not see where it started or where it was going to end. He was sitting with his head between his knees and his hands were clasped clutching his knees. At this moment someone touched his shoulders and asked:
- Why are you crying?
- I lost someone I have a lot of appreciation for.
- And why did you lose?
- He died.
- Death is not a loss. This is a very sad and ignoble way of looking at it.
- If death is not a loss, what is it then?
- What if you look at it as a door?
- Door to what?
- What do you do when you finish your first task on the farm?
- I'll take care of something else.
- Life works like that too. When you finish your task on Earth, you are asked to do another one. This is how the evolution path works.
That voice seemed very familiar to him, and although it was only scolding him, it filled his heart with peace. When Otto looked up to see the person speaking to him, he started to cry and asked:
- Why did you leave me alone, father?
- My task down there is over. Now, you have to continue what I started, put into practice everything that your mother and I have passed on to you. The road is long and the walk is arduous, but you can be sure that it is worth it. Always remember: "traveling a huge path and the search for happiness is stupid, because happiness consists of the opportunity to walk the path. My son, you have a lot to do.
Otto woke up with a start and went to the window. It was not yet dawn, and for long hours he stood there, motionless. The moon shone in the sky and covered the grape fields with its silvery light. Gradually the stars were paling and the dawn began to give its first signs. When Otto found himself, it was already dawn. While he stood there, he outlined several strategies for his farm. He did not realize that during the two hours he stood there, he aged several years psychologically. He set goals, put his challenges on the agenda, punctuated his fears. As he dressed, he remembered his primary task: to warn his mother that the farm had to continue.
- Good morning! - Ann started. - He slept well?
- I slept little.
- And, how are you?
- Maybe it's even better than it looks. How was your night?
- I drank more than usual, I slept more than usual. What are you doing?
Otto was writing several things on paper.
- Mom, I decided to continue the farm.
- No. This is a decision I have already made. Let's go. We have to sell this damn place and go to live in the city. Is staying here an option? Do not.
- Mom, we are not leaving here. We have to stay. We will stay, period.
- And how are we going to do it to keep it all up and running? And how long can we keep all employees?
Otto reached the chair closer to his mother, took her hand, looked into her eyes and said:
- Everything will be fine.
That made Ann shiver all over, it was visible all the maturity that her son had acquired that night. He took it in his hand, took it to the window, opened the curtains and showed the farm in full swing.
- Today we are able to do whatever we want and understand. Last night, I chose to move on and I didn't do it because of the roots I created here, or for any other futile reason. Look at all these people, mom! They need the Earth. They need us.
- Are you sure you will do that?
- I'll try.
They finished their coffee and Otto went out to the farm. The memory of his father was still very much alive in his mind, but he knew that staying inside was not going to help. The boy walked around every corner of the farm, every machine, every truck, every animal. Everything was in order; there was no way to go wrong. At lunchtime, Otto was surprised by the visit of a representative of a beverage company, and she brought one more hope.
- My name is Helga Heisenhell, we heard about your father's story and that's why we came here. We sell wines and juices and are interested in buying your land.
Otto said nothing, left the woman to make the proposal she came to make:
- We offer you 12 million pounds, for the farm with the machinery.
Despite his young age, Otto was very intelligent. His mother excused himself to Helga and called the boy in a corner to speak to him:
- Son, let's go! They are offering two and a half times what this land is worth.
- Mom, trust me, because I have a plan.