Chereads / Lethal Challenges / Chapter 10 - Secrets and mysteries

Chapter 10 - Secrets and mysteries

We took the taxi and headed home, on the way we saw the place where the accident occurred. There was debris everywhere, broken glass, surrounded and formed the perfect silhouette of the car.

- Terrible - said Lilian

- It's over - said Natasha

- I'm curious, because I set the brakes a week before we left. And everything was normal. said Andrew in the front seat

"That was sabotage for me," said Liam.

- I agree with you, oddly enough - said Natasha

" Never mind, what happened, passed," said Andrew

"Nothing like that, we need and need to find out who tried to kill us," said Liam

- Come on Liam, can't you be sensible once in your life? - asked Andrew

- Well Andy, everyone has to be just like you. Calm and extremely patient - said Andrew - Always perfect

- Stop boys, no more discussions - said Lilian

- We're here. - said the driver

While Natasha paid the driver, Andrew and the others entered.

"Anyway at home, " said Andrew

" I missed that couch," said Liam

- How about we order Chinese food? - I ask

- Good idea, I'm starving - said Lilian

The food didn't take long to arrive, we paid and ate.

"Um, it looks wonderful," said Liam

"Divin a," said Andrew

- Is it just me. Or are you tired - I ask

"It's not just you, hospital beds are very uncomfortable," said Liam

- I slept awkwardly, with all those serums and needles preventing me from moving. said Andrew

- It's a terrible feeling - said Lilian

"So true," said Andrew.

- Well folks, the conversation is cool. But I'm tired and I need to sleep - Bye. said Liam

- Natasha and you? - asked Lilian

- I say the same, tired. I can not sleep. - I answer

The next day I woke up with the ring of my cell phone it was a message that said:


- Lilian wake up! - I say

- Natasha what is it? - asks Lilian

- They kidnapped someone! - I answer

- I do not know! - I say

We went to Andrew's room and knocked on the door quickly. He opened and spoke in a hoarse voice.

- Good Morning.

- Thank God you're alright. - said Natasha

- And why, wouldn't you be? - asked Andrew

- Look at this message - said Lilian

"It could be someone playing a prank," said Andrew

- Or not - said Natasha

- We have to call Liam. - said Lilian

We went to Liam's room, knocked and nothing. Andrew broke down the door. And when we entered, the room was messy and overturned.

- See, everything is normal - said Andrew

- There is something wrong - I reply

- Maybe not, Natasha - said Lilian

"He must have gone out to buy donuts or something," said Andrew

The afternoon came and there was no sign of Liam, so we got to go out and look for him. We drove the entire city of Seattle and found absolutely nothing.

"I'm getting worried," said Andrew

- Try to call his cell phone - said Lilian

"Disconnected," said Andrew.

- I knew - I say

- Like this? - asked Lilian

- That message must have some reason - said Natasha

- If he went dry, we should notify the police - said Lilian

"It's my fault," said Andrew.

- This is not true, it is not your fault , it was unforeseen - said Lilian

There's a diner right there - said Andrew

- Good afternoon, what do you want? - he asked the waiter

- Good, we want coffee and some bread and dessert fruits and yoghurts - said Andrew

- In a few minutes, I'll be bringing your order - said the waiter

"Well, in addition to reporting Liam's disappearance, what else are we going to do?" - asked Andrew

- Wait, that's what we have left. Hoping that we will find him . said Natasha

"Okay," said Andrew.

Andrew stared at the phone, thoughtful and distressed by the whole situation, it was not easy to lose something as important as our heart.

- Where are you? - asked Andrew

- Don't worry upe, we'll find answers - said Lilian

"Here's your order," said the waiter.

- Thanks. - said Andrew

Natasha and Lilian started to eat, but Andrew watched the clouds. As if he were no longer there.

- Hey, aren't you going to eat? - asked Lilian

"I'm not hungry," said Andrew sadly.

- You need to feed - said Lilian

"I keep thinking about Liam's disappearance," said Andrew

- An advice, think confident and everything changes. The basis of positivity and good thoughts transform the way things flow, making the universe favor luck by raising expectations by allowing something wonderful to happen. said Natasha

- I hope so, thank you for all the effort in this difficult time - Andrew said

In the late afternoon we search again, hoping to find. But all efforts were in vain. At nightfall, none of us can sleep. So we talked on the porch, in the rocking chairs.

The phone rang in the kitchen, Andrew got up and went to answer it.

- Natasha is for you - said Andrew

- For me? Strange - I say

"It's your father," said Andrew

Upon hearing this, Natasha ran to answer it.

- Hello? Dad, is everything okay? - I ask


- Who are you? And what did you do with Liam? - I ask

- LOGO KNOW - finished

Nat asha went back to the living room. He sat down and thought about what that voice said.

- Who was? - asked Lilian

- It was a mistake - I reply

"It sounded like your father's voice," said Andrew

- It was very similar - I say

I didn't want to worry you about the mysterious connection. I concentrated on the game started.

"I won," said Andrew.

- It is not fair you cheated - said Lilian smiling

- It's a lie, it was a clean game. said Andrew

- Better prepare, because in this match, you will lose badly - said Lilian

- I'm going to sleep, all this confusion gave me tired - I lie

"Okay, see you tomorrow," said Andrew

- Dream about angels - said Lilian

- For sure, I will dream. Good night - I say

- Good night - said Lilian

But of course, I didn't go to sleep. I crossed the hall and stopped in front of Liam's room. Everything was the same, so I went in and started to investigate the room. Liam was a messy boy.

It had everything, pieces of pizza, cans of soft drinks and books lying on the floor. One thing caught my attention, near the window there was a bottle of medicine, on the label it was written: Sleep Aid, in capital letters.

- I was tired, wasn't I? - asked Lilian

- Did Lilian go crazy? - I got scared. I say

= What do you do, in Liam's room? - asked Lilian

- Nothing, just admiring - I answer

- You are a terrible liar - said Lilian

- Okay, but look what I found - I say

- A bottle? - asked Lilian

- It's not a simple bottle, it's a sleeping pill - I say

- And? - asked Lilian

- The kidnapper came in through the window, while Liam slept, put some of the medicine in his pa and smothered Liam until he passed out - I say

- It's close to him and his paranoias - said Lilian

- It may be, but I 'm sure it happened - said Natasha

- Let's sleep - said Lilian

It took me a long time to fall asleep, I had to find out who and why they kidnapped Liam, I went down and sat on the stairs, reflecting on the subject.

- Sleepless? - asked Andrew

- Maybe, maybe not and you? - I ask

"To tell you the truth, I can't," said Andrew

- I see - said Natasha

- Come with me. - said Andrew

- Beauty - I say

Natasha and Andrew went to the car

- Wait and Lilian? - I ask

"We won't be long," said Andrew

We went on and stopped in front of the candy store. Andrew took a key, which was hidden under the rug.

- What are you doing? - I ask

"Entering the store," said Andrew, smiling

- Are you crazy? - I ask

- Aren't you the one who breaks the rules? - asked Andrew

- It's one thing to break the rules, it's another to be stuck - I answer

- Relax, - said Andrew

- Just so you know, I don't agree with that. - I say

"Okay," said Andrew.

- But I have to admit, it's too much - said Natasha

Andrew opened the door and when he went to put his feet, Natasha pulled him.

- What's it? - asked Andrew

- Security alarm - I say

"There wasn't anything," said Andrew.

- Do you have anything to disable? - I ask

"No," said Andrew.

" I think I have a Swiss Army knife," said Natasha.