Chereads / Her Fated Tyrant / Chapter 29 - The witty Lilit's (Part - 3)

Chapter 29 - The witty Lilit's (Part - 3)

The biggest problem at that time was Mr. Castillo injured hand which could prove them guilty even though they are not.

It's not up to us to decide whether we want to show my father's hand or not, it's up to the King to decide. If this continues on there might be more serious problem then I thought.

Theo glanced at Jasper, his eyes were curiously waiting for her next move and she turned her gaze up to the King.

What lies within the King smiling face, it's hard to read!

"Your majesty, please let everyone see Mr. Castillo right arm and get satisfied!" said Kade Lilit.

Tsk, this old man just wants to satisfy himself. What an evil idea to get rid of us.

The King glanced at Mr. Castillo and then Theo, his smile faded and face become neutral. Since all the official present there was looking forward to see Mr. Castillo arm, even the King could not stop them and gave him his permission.

Mr. Lilit smirked as he lowered his head to show respect to the King decision.

This is the end of Part One, download Chereads app to continue: