Chereads / The Bride of The Hexodar Kingdom / Chapter 22 - Tickled Lia and Felt Her Lips

Chapter 22 - Tickled Lia and Felt Her Lips

Lia squirmed gently, like a baby who was only a few days old.  Her beautiful lips were now slightly curved with a rosy blush that glowed beautifully.  Her hair was still a bit messy, loose and sometimes covered her increasingly healthy face. She stretched her arms, opened her eyes, and heaved a sigh of relief.

She had no recollection of what had just happened, and what she had just experienced.  But all she knew was that she had just gone through a wonderful thing, or perhaps a hidden dream that she couldn't remember.  Her deep sleep made her almost forget anything, even the place where she had fallen asleep for now.

Finally, she opened her eyes, blinked, and surveyed the ceiling above her. She still hadn't realized anything because she still couldn't pull all of her consciousness back.  The faintness in her eyes was still visible, along with her smile that was still expanding.

But a second later she felt a jump, accompanied by the confusion that began to emerge and also fill the entire space in her brain.  Her eyes bounced wildly in all directions until she turned to the side and found a face.

"Are you awake?"  asked Prince Aerus with a faint smile growing on his lips.  Now he was still wearing nothing, still hiding under the blanket, the same blanket as Lia.  Meanwhile, his hands started to move and wrapped around Lia's slender waist, pulling her closer.

Lia's heart started to beat wildly.  The happiness she couldn't figure out why had now been destroyed and burned with the suffocating fear. She also froze, not daring to move an inch especially when she saw Prince Aerus' eyes. She shouldn't have to be so scared because Prince Aerus's irises were now golden.

"It's already morning by time on earth.  I heard that you have a job.  I tried to find out the working hours of humans on earth and it turns out that the time varies."  Prince Aerus gently combed Lia's hair, stroked it, and smoothed it strand by strand.  Prince Aerus's soft wink was uncommon to anyone's eyes because he had never spoken and acted so gently with anyone, except for Queen Lunanis, his mother.

The gentleness of Prince Aerus that he carried now was also different when he was with Queen Lunanis.  Not only the pampered attitude that was hidden in his voice, but also the bubbling desire, the unstoppable sense of belonging, and the very strong binding impression.

Finally, Lia woke up when Prince Aerus' fingers touched her cheek, and almost moved to her lips.  She was about to say something before finally being silenced by Prince Aerus kissing her gently and deeply.  Lia wanted to push Prince Aerus away, but feeling the softness brushing her lips stopped her. She was too afraid to take risks because what she was about to do would only make Prince Aerus' anger explode again.

Finally, Lia was panting slowly, with her face lowered. She barely dared to move, suppressing every desire to escape. She didn't even dare to look at Prince Aerus' now excessively flowery face.

"So when will you be ready?  Do you need breakfast?  I can ask Hamdi to make it for you."  Prince Aerus kissed Lia again, touched Lia, and almost did more.  However, when he felt Lia's body shaking with fear, he stopped his movements.  Prince Aerus decided to do everything gently now, so he could conquer Lia's heart and make her fall in love with him.

When Hamdi asked why Prince Aerus didn't answer anything because he was still too confused with his feelings.  Whatever it was, for now, he just wanted Lia to give him his full attention.  And he knew that possessive feelings began to urge and make Prince Aerus suffer because he would become so angry when he received a rejection from Lia.  But he must still uphold the highest patience.

Lia was still looking down with both hands providing a barrier between her body and Prince Aerus' body. She wanted to say a few words but his tongue was very numb.  The silence broke out and locked them in, making Prince Aerus look at Lia longer and caress her face.  This made Lia feel uncomfortable, and she decided that she had to do something immediately.

"Honestly," said Lia amid Prince Aerus kissing her face.  Lia needed to draw her courage very big.  "Honestly this is my old flat.  I moved a month ago."  Lia bit her lip as she got a kiss on the neck, and felt Prince Aerus bit her there.  Lia gripped her hand and restrained herself from running.

Prince Aerus stopped.  Now he looked up and looked into Lia's eyes, at the soft brown eyes that seemed sweet and warm.  But all these impressions were now covered by a very great fear.  "You moved?  Why?"  Prince Aerus' tone explained everything, that he was suspicious and disliked.

Afraid that she would make Prince Aerus' anger explode again, Lia hastily explained with all her lies.  Her voice stuttered and her expression narrowed.  "That… that… er, since I've been getting up early during this time.  I… I'm often late and get scolded by my boss.  It's a bad thing to be here because I can lose my job.  So I'm looking for a place to live closer to where I used to live."  Lia clenched her fists again, breathing irregularly and her heart beating fast.

"Is that your only reason?  Is that the only reason you moved from your old flat?"  Prince Aerus sounded cold, like ice that still clumped and fell all over Lia's body and buried her.  It made Lia shiver.

Lia was getting scared.  Remembering all the things that Prince Aerus did when he was angry had certainly taught her a lot, that she had to start being careful if she wanted her life to be safe. She must also be good at distracting Prince Aerus for a while until he leaves the earth, especially leaving Lia.

However, after a while, Lia's brain became dull as she recalled all the activities they did.  Her desire to be free may not be fulfilled if she ended up getting pregnant.  If she got pregnant she wouldn't be able to work at Mr. Sony's cafe anymore because she would have to take time off.  Then when he was ready to work, Mr. Sony might not let her go back to remembering Zizie who must have instigated him.

Lia felt her life had been destroyed. She would lose her job and getting a new one was not easy as she did not have sufficient educational qualifications.

Getting rid of all negative thoughts for a moment, Lia finally answered Prince Aerus' question again.  "Yeah, that's the only reason.  I am a poor girl, so work is very important to me because then I will be able to survive."

But Prince Aerus still kept chasing Lia, to tell the truth.  "Is that all it is?  Aren't you lying?"

Lia's heartbeat was soaring violently, like a war drum that was beating very fast.  Her face began to sweat and her body temperature began to heat up.  "I - I swear.  I do not lie."

Prince Aerus tightened his arms around Lia's waist, narrowing the gap between the two of them even more.  Then Prince Aerus led Lia's hands to hang around his neck.

Prince Aerus' eyes now fell on Lia's ocean, on her very fragile beauty.  He pinched Lia's chin, forcing her slowly to look at him.  After he got Lia's attention, he whispered, "If you're not lying then why is your heart beating so fast?  There's no way you're nervous because you're around me right?"

Prince Aerus' low voice seemed to tickle Lia, with his breath gently brushing her face.  Lia held her breath unconsciously when a second later she felt Prince Aerus' lips touched hers again.
