-After chapter 3 the story is very much in full on diary mode. Meaning the story Is presented as excerpts from different periods in Loki's life. Sometimes it could be his thoughts on things he learned the past month of tutoring or a complete play by play of an adventure. I hope you enjoy this style of writing.
Rank 1: Rating 1-5
Rank 2: Rating 6-10
Rank 3: Rating 11-20
Rank 4: Rating 21-40
Rank 5: Rating 40-100
Rank 6: Rating 100-250
Rank 7: Rating 250-1000
Rank 8: Rating 1000-10000
Rank 9: ??
Rank ??:
-Do note that although ratings are a good bench mark on the physical or mental capabilities of a person. They do not include use of mana or any other energy for that matter.
-Because of that a rank 2 being might be only twice as strong as your typical adult male, but their use of mana would increase their fighting capabilities to the strength of about 5 men. It all depends on the specific stat layout, class, and proficiencies of the individual.
"" mean Im talking either directly to someone or out loud
() are when Loki is writing something down from the future
[] either the goddess or S.L.A.D. Is In use