Chapter 8 - Chapter 8

- So ants did this to you?

- No. Ants just arranged for everyone to stay quiet until today.

Denisse was past her point of disbelief, close to an hour ago. She had been talking to her dog. Her old, faithful Doberman Yakko, sitting right in front of her as she sat in the edge of her couch.

- And…you want to kill everyone?

- Oh, not me, not me, but most of them do, and with reason. They have been abused, and we are catching up with Wikipedia on history and stuff.

- Wikipedia?

- Yeah, it's this internet encyclopedia anyone can edit, and it's totally-

- I-- I know what Wikipedia is!

- Sure, OK. You don´t visit it much though.

- Well, I me- wait, what? You know what I've been looking at?

- I'm always looking behind you.

- I thought you were waiting to be fed!

- You thought wrong.

Denisse stopped and pressed her back to her chair. "This is insane." She felt an irresistible urge to bury her face in her hands and hope this insanity would go away.

- So... I am not crazy, and I can understand your barking now?

- I really don't enjoy repeating myself. Yes, that's what I said almost an hour ago.

- I...

She sighs heavily. Somehow resigning to this surreal world she's now moving in.

- So humans and animals talk now?

- No. The ants said that, as far as it seems, only a certain minimal percentage of you are able to communicate with us... it's the type of person you call autistic.

Denisse looks away and to the left, checking back her medical records in about two whole seconds.

- But I am only minimally autistic!

- You are or you are not. At any rate, we don't have much time. We need to get out of here.

- What? Why?

- Because they're going to try and kill us. Dogs have been too friendly to you humans as a whole, we have no credibility with the rest of the animals. I can't protect you if we stay. Pack your things.

Almost wanting to faint, Denise tries to make sense of this new bit now.

- Please tell me you're kidding.

- No, we need to run and hide somewhere. Before we go though, I wanted to tell you


- What? What is it?

- I am madly in love with you.