"I don't think Aksel's body controlled by him right now, his skill's name is The Beast From Hell, so he's probably one hundred percent controlled by a beast from hell now," Jake said to Blake and Curtis, they were discussing what actually happened to Aksel and what was his reason to attack Curt earlier.
"Oh my God, that's f*cking scary. A true beast from hell? From hell? How can that even happen?! I swear our mission just keeps becoming my worst nightmare ever, every single second it keeps getting worse and worse. First, we have these monsters, and now we have a creature from hell. Why can't we have something from heaven instead? Or from anywhere else but hell?! Man! This sucks!" Curtis complained, he looked a little bit upset, he also exhaled heavily afterwards.
'If only we have something like those hentai girls from the twenty-first century instead of a goddamn beast from hell, sigh,' Curt thought.