Dark, slick, rough, shit, piss, screams, dry. For years this is all I had known and years I will never forget. For this was the price to provide food and water to my family in lands stricken with war and poverty. The family which I cared for has long sense forget and disappear. While I am forever branded, I will soon not forgive. For what has been taking can never be brought back.
I open my eyes, shaken and drench in sweat.
"How many more nights will I suffer these awful dreams" I muter to no one.
Sitting up, I look at my scarred callused hand. I clench them, squeeze my eyes shut. I grit my teeth as I take long even soothing breath to ease the tension in my body and slow my heart. When I've finally calmed down, I run my hands through my brown long sleek hair until I get to the back and feel it. The brand which will mark me as a sold forever. The insignia of my former master, a circle with Odin's horn in it.