Chereads / True Form / Chapter 8 - Chapter 7

Chapter 8 - Chapter 7

Bang went a cannon shot. "What is going on?" Said Claire. "Captain it looks like a skirmish is happening twenty miles off the coast." Said a soldier.

"What flags are being flown?" Asked Claire.

"Let me see. It looks like it is the flag of the Dark Continent." Said another soldier.

Could you tell me why are they attacking us? Oh no. Not good at all." Said Claire.

"What is it?" Asked Grace. As she ran up to her sister.

"The Black Dragon that attacked the Kingdom of Grey is here, too." Said Claire.

"Where is Arc when we need him," Said Grace.

"Still talking to the Republic of Merchants." Said Claire.

"Great. Great." Said Grace.

"What is it? What is the matter?' Asked Claire. Turning to the navel unit. "Look out there. What do you see?" Asked Grace.

"I see black... Oh no, that is not good." Said Claire. The Leader of the Dark Continent was at the helm of the flagship. What surrounded him or her was a mist of pitch blackness.

"The legend is looking more, and more like a reality." Said Grace.

"Let us hope it does not get worse from here." Said Claire.

"Don't jinx it, Claire." Said Grace.

"Oops, sorry about that. I was not jinxing it." Said Claire.

"All we know is it will get worse before it gets better." Said Grace.

"True. With war, there is something that you don't know who is going to survive, or not." Said Claire.

"Greetings from across the ocean. My name is Sithis, and I am here to declare war on your content. That said, it will take some time to prepare." Said Sithis.

"Is that all?" Asked Grace.

"Yes, that is all. Now I will go." Said Sithis. Sithis goes back to his ship and leave.

"Successful, now I need to report this to the queen. Could you keep watch? Will I be gone?" Asked Grace.

"Yes, I can. See you later." Said Claire.

"See you later." Said Grace. Leaving for the castle.

"I guess I am here till Grace gets back." Said Claire.

At the castle

"Your Majesty Commander Grace has arrived." Said the guard.

"Let her in." Said the Queen. The door to the throne room opened, and Grace walked in.

"Your majesty I come with word from the wall that faces the ocean." Said Grace.

"You may proceed. I am listening." Said the Queen.

"Thank you. The Dark content has declared war on us. This entire content." Said Grace.

"I see. When will Arc be back from the Republic of Merchants?" Asked the Queen.

" In a week, Your Majesty," Said Grace.

"I see. Send word to him and Rex at once," Said the Queen.

"What do you want me to say in the letter?" Asked Grace.

"Tell them what you told me," Said the Queen.

"Anything else you want me to put in there?" Asked Grace.

"No. That." Said the Queen. "I will get it done myself." Said Grace. Bowing to the queen and leaving the throne room.

At the Republic of Merchants

"So that is what we propose." I said.

"This will help you and not the kingdom that I got thrown out of," Asked the Prime Minister.

"Yes, it will help me," I said.

"Then where do you want to send the supplies?" Asked the Prime Minister. "Well, right now I am not in the Kingdom of Grey. I am in the Kingdom of Aqua." I said.

"So you want to send it there?" Asked the Prime Minister.

" Yes, since right now my kingdom is not in a delightful spot," I said.

"What is your kingdom's name?" Asked the Prime Minister.

"The kingdom of Grey." I said.

"I guess you are a guest of my old kingdom." Said the Prime Minister.

"That is correct. He and his wife are guests of the Kingdom of Aqua. Said, Rex.

"I will put my distance for that kingdom aside for now. Since there is a bigger matter to deal with." Said the Prime Minister.

"The question is now how are we going to get equipment to the key points on the contents?" I said.

"We do not use the merchant route to do that." Said, Rex.

"Prime Minister what are your thoughts?" I asked.

"That is a good idea. That way, the troops do not need to carry all their gear and the merchant can be helpful," Said the Prime minister.

"And will in transport the military of whatever country the merchants are in can supply the needed staff to protect the carts." I said.

"Well, that is settled." Said, Rex.

Knock Knock.

"It is open." Said the Prime Minister.

"Sorry for the intrusion, but I have a message for you." Said a messenger. "Give the massage here." Said the Prime Minister. The messenger handed over a letter to the left.

"What does the letter say?" Asked Rex.

"It says that the Dark content has declared war on us," Said the Prime Minister.

"It is a thing that we are talking about supply routes." I said.

"Yes, a good thing. I was wondering when you will two be leaving?" Asked the Prime Minister.

"As soon as possible. We should not wait too long." Said, Rex.

"That makes sense." Said the Prime Minister.

"So the question is what to do now?" I said.

"We prepare for the war. When that is, I do not know. "Said the Prime Minister.

"That makes sense. Still, we will prepare for anything." Said the Prime Minister.

"Yes, the sooner that we prepare the better off we will be." I said.

"Yes indeed. We need to prepare. Prime Minister." Said, Rex.

"Could you send word to the dwarven kingdom?" I said.

"Yes, I can send word to the dwarven Kingdom." Said the Prime Minister. "Good, now we need to get the other kingdoms and republics involved." Said, Rex.

"Luck you two," Said the Prime Minister.

" Thank you, too." I said. Rex and Arc left the Republic of Merchants to see if the other nations will help.

Back at the Palace

"Your Majesty Arc and Rex left from meeting your brother," Said Grace.

"I see. Where are they heading to now?" Asked the Queen.

"The theocracy of Elves. Your majesty. Said Grace.

"Well then, now we wait for more news." Said the Queen.

"As you wish," Said Grace. Bowing her head and leaving.

"So did you hear?" Said Claire.

"Hear what?" Asked Iris.

"The Dark continent is cutting our seaports off. So there is no way in or out of here." Said Claire.

"That is not good at all. What will happen if that happens?" Asked Iris. "Most Likely we will have a shortage of seafood." Said Claire.

"Is there anything that we can do about what is happening?" Asked Iris. "Not at the moment. Mainly because we do not know who or what is preventing the ships from coming into the port." Said Claire.

"Well, I guess we will wait and see what happens." Said Iris.

"Indeed. We will wait and see what happens." Said Claire.

On the Dark Content

"What is the report?" Asked the mystery person.

"The enemy is holding out for the moment. We cut off their ships." Said one general.

"Good, Good. Anything else to report?" Said the mystery person.

"Not at the moment, your evilness." Said another general.

"I see them get back to work." Said the mystery person. The generals leave. (To herself) "Arc, what are you doing? I know we are both dragons, but because of the legend now that you are getting the army ready I will have no choice but to destroy you." Said the mystery person.

On the Road to the Elves

"Arc I've been wondering about something." Said, Rex.

"Yes, what is it?" I asked.

"It is about the legend." Said, Rex.

"What about the legend?" I asked.

"How do we know if the hero survives or not?' Asked Rex.

"That is a good question. I honestly don't know." I said.

"What Do you mean?' Asked Rex.

"I see. If I remember correctly, the legend near says if the hero survives or not." I said.

"So all we know is you could die in the end." Said, Rex.

"Yes, I could die, but the opposite is true as while," I said.

"I see." Said, Rex. Looking away from Arc, as he said that.

"Rex, you said to get some sleep." I said.

"True, we have a long couple of days ahead of us." Said, Rex.

"Yes, we do." I said.

"Night then." Said, Rex.

"Night." I said.

That night

"Who goes there?" I asked. No response came back to Arc.

"Do have me repeat myself." I said.

"Ok. Ok. I am coming out." Said a voice.

"Who are you?' I asked.

"I am Lalantha Sig." Said the elf.

" What brings you here?" I asked.

"That is a good question. The reason that I am here is to deter people away from here." Said Lalantha.

"You know that the dark content is attacking this content right now? "I said.

"Yes, I know. It is not the elf's problem. "Said Lalantha.

"You know that if the dark content wins this war, there will be no trees or wildlife." I said.

"Is that so?" Said Lalantha.

"Do you think it is not any elf problem, too?" I asked.

"Yes, but I will still allow you to talk with my leader." Said Lalantha. "Thank you. How far to your nation?" I asked.

"It is over there." Said Lalantha. Pointing to a forest two miles away. "Well, I am off. Oh, and do not keep your hopes of the elves will help you." Said Lalantha. Disappearing into the trees.

In the morning

"You seem worried about something." Said, Rex.

"Yes, an elf came here and talked with me," I said.

"What did the elf say to you?' Asked Rex.

"To turn back, but also told me that where we are going is two miles that way," I said, Pointing to a group of trees.

"Well, that is confusing. What are we going to do?" Asked Rex.

"We are going to keep going to see if the elf nation will want to help us." I said.

"Will then let us get to it then." Said, Rex.

"Heard that." I said.

After packing up the camp

"So now we move again." I said.

"Anything else that you have planned?" Asked Rex.

"Not really, no. That said, we will be cautious." I said.

"Agreed." Said, Rex. Both Arc and Rex made their way to the Elf's theocracy.

"Your eminence the emissaries from the Kingdom of Grey and Aqua are here to talk with you." Said Lalantha.

"Bring them here." Said The Leader of the elves.

Arc and Rex came into the throne room and bowed to the elf leader.

"Your eminence the Dark Content is attacking this content. If not stopped, everything will die. From trees to wildlife." Said, Rex.

"What do you mean by that?" Said the leader of the elves.

"We want over there to save someone, and the entire content is barren rock." I said.

"That is no good to hear. What do you want me to do?" Asked the leader of the Elves.

"For the moment, can you agree to help us when the Dark Content fully attacks? Right now, they are doing spermicide for the cost of the aqua kingdom." Said, Rex.

"Then you will have my help." Said the leader of the elves.

"Thank…" I said.

"Your eminence the elves can't help in others' affairs." Said Lalantha.

"May I know if you told them that?" Asked the Leader of the elves.

" Yes, I did." Said Lalantha.

"It is not your job to speak for me." Said the Leader of the elves.

"But.." Said Lalantha.

"Stop talking for right now," Said the leader of the elves.

" As you wish your eminence." Said Lalantha. She bows her head and leaves the room.

"So the other content has finally made its move." Said the leader of the elves.

"Yes, they have." Said, Rex. The question is now what to do." I said. 'Yes indeed. What to do.' Said the leader of the elves.

"What are you thinking?" I asked.

"Oh, that we might have something to defeat the Dark Continent, but it will take some time to prepare." Said the leader of the elves.

"What are you saying?' I asked curiously.

"Oh, not much. I do not know if it still works after all this time." Said the leader of the elves.

"I see then we will be off back to the kingdom of aqua," Said, Rex.

" See you two later than.. said the leader of the elves. We bowed our heads and left the building and the nation of elves. "That was intense." I said. "Indeed, it was." Said, Rex.

"So now we head back to the kingdom of aqua." I said.

"Yes indeed. We will head back to the kingdom of aqua." Said, Rex.