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Knights Of Moon Pearls

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Knight of many colors reside in this world each knight has a pearl they get their powers from. Why have pearls started falling from the moon? Who knows...This book takes place in medieval times with poor representation of accents,Please don’t take this seriously!

Chapter 1 - Episode 1:Moon pearl


The crowd goes crazy

Man:I hope the Red knight kills that Blue knight bastard!!!!

Woman:*Cocky*I slept with the Blue knight before!

Angry man:Ye stupid whore!

Random:Oy oy take It easy guys..

Random man:If we are all boasting about what we did I once beat the shit out of the Red knight..

Harlet:Oh ye are a big strong man!

Random man:Yea yea how about I take ye to a inn and we can talk all about it..


Random guy:D-Did ye forget ye were married...Ye stupid bitch..

The random guy hits the harlet in the face,she falls down in pain

Random guy:Dumb bitch it's over we are done.

Harlet:*Begging*No please forgive me I'll be a better wife I'm sorry.

The Harlet tries to cling onto the the Random guys leg,he kicks her in the face

Random guy:Get away from me stupid tramp I told ye It's over!

The random guy walks away,the harlet gets up sobbing

Random man:Hows bout I show ye a good time for tonight?


He takes her hand and they walk off

-Ye Barbar shoppe

Man:Oy there boy swep up tha h'air will ya.

The boy quickly sweeps up the hair then goes back to standing in a corner

Boy:[*Angrily happy*I'm too excited to work right now!]

The barber comes close to cutting his customers sideburns

Customer:*Demanding*Don't cut me burns ye fool!

Man:Ye would call Mark Twyain a fool?

Customer:I didn't stutta now did I?

Mark looks at the customer

Mark:Go ahead and take yer leave.

Customer:I-I paid good money for this garbage h'air cut ye may as well finish.

Mark:Ye be right...

Mark takes his razor and shaves the customers sideburns straight off


Customer:Ye didn't jus cut me sideburns did ye?

Mark:*Shrugs*'Ave no clue!

The customer gets up and pulls the barber cape off of himself

Customer:Ye are dealing with Willie O Popagale ye have made an enemy today!

Mark:I haven't heard ye name before.

Willie pulls out a small dagger

Willie:Stupid I'll show ye why!!

Willie lunges at Mark,Mark jumps backwards to dodge

Mark:Easy there!

Mark backs up as Willie gets closer,the boy runs up to Willie

Boy:Please Willie sir leave before I call the knight!

Willie:*Angered*Stupid boy mind yer business!

Willie pulls his hand all the way back preparing to swing it at Mark

Mark:Ye better not swing that.

Willie:Ye have no power in this situation stupid!!

Willie swings down

Willie:Hahaha hahaha let it be known now that...

Mark:I be still alive.

Willie:The great Popagale family is...Ehhh?

Willie notices his hand is still in the air,he looks to see blue armor stopping him from swinging down on Mark


Blue:Yes I am the Blue knight,now put thy weapon away and walk.

Willie quickly puts the blade away and runs out of the barber shoppe

Boy:*Amazed*Blue knight I'm a big fan can ye please..Please sign my sword?!

The boy pulls a sword out of no where

Blue:Sure Blake!

Blake:Ye know my name?

Blue:Oh right ye don't know.

The blue knights armor disperse showing a teenage boy


Theo:Yea it's me Blake ye would have never guess huh? Yer dad found out in seconds*Chuckling*Haha!

Blake:Dad ye knew how long have ye known?

Mark:Around four months Theo came here bloodied after a fight against the Green knight.

Theo hands Blake his sword back

Theo:Ye coming to my fight today?

Blake:Of course!!!!

Mark:I can't I must go and buy food for the week.

Theo:Is it ok if I take Blake now then?

Blake:Take me where?


Theo:For ye to get the front row seat I acquired for ye father.

Blake starts dancing around

Blake:*Yelling*Oh yea oh yea not only are ye my best friend but yer my favorite knight to woo hoo!

Theo:Not so loud..Not so loud!

Mark:Ye best get going I be closing the store soon.

Theo:I,ye be right."Blue moon"

Theo puts his gem to his chest,blue armor surrounds him,the armor on his face seems more pointy than usual

Blake:*Amazed*Wahhhhhh amazing Theo!!!!!

Blue:Call me Blue knight in public ok?(Or Blue)


They walk out of the shop

Mark:I,It be time I sweep up my mess.

-Town square A

Crowd:Blue knight...Blue knight please notice me.

The Blue knight walks down town square A on his way to the stadium,Blake walks next to the Blue knight with a huge smile on his face


Teen girl:Blake is that ye?

A girl with dark skin catches Blakes eye immediately

Blake:*Flirting*Squeaky voice*Yu- I mean*Cool tone*Yuzumi!

Blake stops to talk to Yuzumi,the Blue knight sees this and says

Blue:When yer done discussing her pay,she can join ye with the seats.

Yuzumi:*Insulted*I'm not a hooker ye bloody knight!

The Blue knight looks her up and down noticing the torn pink gown she is wearing


The Blue knight continues to walk waving at Blake

Blake:Do ye wanna join me with front row seats.

Yuzumi:Just because I am more grown then these little lassies doesn't mean I'm easy ye


Blake:Ay would never do ye like that.

Yuzumi stares at him then crawls under the rope

Yuzumi:Alright let's catch up then.

Blake and Yuzumi dash to catch up to the blue knight

Blue:She came then?


Blue:Nice little body on that one how much ye cost?

Yuzumi:Ye be insulting me,I be no skank!

Blue:Sure...*Not buying it*Sure!

Knight:Sir Blue these peasants be with ye?

Blue:Ay indeed escort them to the front row seats.

Knight:Yes sir!

The colosseum is full of people and noise,Yuzumi freaks out over their seats

Yuzumi:*Amazed*Ye had front row seats like these??!!!

Blake:Indeed only the best for...

Yuzumi:*Finishing his sentence*The blood splatters right hehehe.

Blake:Y-Yea[You may like her Blake but she isn't into you like that.]

Blake slaps himself in the face

Yuzumi:*Concerned*Ye be ok?

Blake:*Yelling*Y-Yes,yes just excited for this fight!!!

Yuzumi:Ah yes I forgot to thank ye...*Smiling*Thank ye Blake Twyain.

Blake nods while smiling back at her then the crowd starts cheering

Blake:Oh the Blue knights coming out!

The Blue knight walks from under his gate waving at the crowd

Blue:Yes,yes It be I the Blue knight!

The Blue knight looks at the kings seat

Blue:[Time to put on a good show!]

The king stands up waving an orange pearl around,the crowd is silenced just from the view of the item

Blue:[Show off!]

King:I told ye all I be the orange knight,now I shall show ye!

The king clenches the pearl,orange armor surrounds him instantaneously

King:*Yelling*I Galeili Jacks,first of my name declare the opposing knight to come out!

The crowd begins going wild

Man:Our king is the Orange knight and we have the Red knight as our representing knight?

Woman:I hope they decide to take the pearl so we may have three knights I would feel safer.

Boy:I can protect thy.

The woman chuckles,Blake over hears them talking then looks away

Yuzumi:Somethin wrong?


Yuzumi:*Uneasy*Ye have a very horrid look on ye face.

Blake looks at Yuzumi and exhales

Blake:I don't see how everyone likes the Red knight.

Yuzumi:*Smiling*He's our representing knight ye answer be solved.

Blake mumbles something

Yuzumi:Speak louder?

Blake:I said he ain't my knight!

Blake looks at the Blue knight

Blake:[Cmon Theo beat the Red knight.]

The gate on the other side of the colosseum starts to rise

Galeili:And here he is folks the Red knight!!

Advisor:My liege take off ye armor!

Galeili quickly sits down and takes the armor off

Galeili:Ye let me embarrass myself..

Advisor:I shall throw myself in the dungeon later.


The Red knight walks out from his side of the colosseum,he swings his sword about like he playing a game

Blue:[My first time fighting him gotta stay on guard!]

Galeili:As tradition here there will be three rounds of beast then the main attraction.

Yuzumi jumps up in excitement with crowd after hearing this

Blake:*Annoyed*Calm down will ye!

Yuzumi:Are ye kidding I payed to see some orcs bleed out.

The Blue and Red knight meet in the middle of the colosseum,Blue knight extends his arm out for a handshake with Red

Blue:Ay we be allies until....

The Red knight hits the Blue knights hand away

Red:Ye aren't needed.

The front gate from where everyone came in opens,tied up goblins walk through,the crowd freaks out

Galeili:Calm down everyone I took precautions,knights be everywhere,this is in fact the safest place to be right now.

The crowd simmers

Knight:These damn goblins wont sit still!

Red:Leave young knight I shall strike them all down in one swipe.

Blue:[Clearly everyone here be full of oneself.]

The Red knight dashes towards the goblins,they speak in their native language unaware of the Red knight

Goblin:*Goblin tongue*My nose hurts.

Goblin elder:*Goblin tongue*Have youn been eating younr boogs?

Goblin:*Goblin tongue*How dare youn accuse me of eating boogs!

Young goblin:*Goblin tongue*I eats my boogs!

The Red knight slices the young goblins head off first,the crowds yells intensify as they begin chanting

Blue:*Mad*That goblin wasn't even old enough to kill yet Red!!

The Red knight looks back at the Blue knight

Goblin elder:*Goblin tongue*The moon doesn't shine upon us today.

Goblin:*Goblin tongue*That was my son...

Goblin male:*Goblin tongue*He ate his boogs..Are youn looking for a mate by any chance?

The Red knight kills each goblin back to back

Galeili:Ok ye all saw,our Red knight destroyed those goblins..Now let's move on to a level two beast.

Advisor:*Whispering*Make sure to say it,make sure to say it!

Galeili:*Hurried*Oh and do not fear my loyal knights the Red and Blue knight will protect ye feel free to get some anger out on the beast.

Some knights start to wheel in something locked in a cage

Blue:*Sigh*[How did they even get their hands on a hob goblin?]

The hob goblin begins jumping around in the cage showing off its tattered clothing and scars

Hob goblins:I'll kill you,*Slobbering*I'll kill you all!!

The Red knight points his sword toward the hob goblin

Red:*Taunting*Can't even handle simple knights?

The hob goblin takes notice

Hob goblin:*Mad*Let me out of this thing.

The hob goblin begins shaking the cage

Knight:Ergh he's overpowering us..

Blue:Step aside.

The knights all take heed running away from the raging hob goblin,the hob goblin breaks out the cage,he unknowingly leaves himself wide open for an attack from the Blue and Red knight

-To be knighted