After narrating the history of past events which led to the unending war that plagues the worlds, master kino thought it wise to give words of encouragement to kafas who, finding the stories interesting was soaked in the oceans of fear, doubting the powers which reside in him
"Kafas, now that you know the history of Dracos, I believe you'll be well prepared to stand against him..., I know you will do better to end the war which is unleashed on both worlds by the dark lords..."
"You need to be strong, you need to train harder than usual, the lord of light will strengthen you when you're finally ready!"
"A liberator is extremely powerful and you don't need to be scared, his source of strength comes directly from the one who sits on the universe's throne; you and the supreme Gods share a might that can conquer any evil resistance in the worlds and you know what?!"