Lee Seng looked at Calis as if he didn't know who he was. Calis lowered his trident, something he hadn't seen someone do in the last couple of months.
"It's you, isn't it, Lee Seng?" Calis asked, again. "I-I regained my memories and I came to help, but it looks like… something's already happened. W-where's Keng?" Lee Seng froze. Diminished Sun flared for a moment, before disappearing.
"You won't find anyone here." Lee Seng turned away, readjusting his cloak. Calis watched Lee Seng start to walk away. He curled his lips and followed after.
"Where is he? Why do you look like that? What happened to Capitol City? Why is it a desert now?" Calis asked. He had spent so much time trying to piece together what happened and his mind was going crazy now.