Class: Savior
Title: Savior Leader
Level: 25
New Skills:
Curse Database
Updated Skills:
The Vessel and the Spirit
Light Manipulation
Fox Fire Wisps
Darkness Manipulation
Tail Manipulation
Runic Writer
Evolved Skills:
Celestial Cloak (Aura)
Updated Weapons:
Cthlulu's Moon > Sun Blade
Biohuman Power Updated
Lee Seng skimmed through the updates. Keng and Lee Seng were now on the same skill set. He looked up at Keng who was skimming through the list as well.
"This is a lot." Keng commented. "Dark manipulation…? When did you get that?"
"Limbo. Recently." Lee Seng answered. "Runic writer? Is that yours?"
"I guess it made the cut. That'll be handy."