"I'll freeze him from here and you'll need to finish them off before Evan's shield comes back. I think another forty-five seconds or so and it'll be back." Olivia raised her hands. She created to small circles with both of her index and thumbs and put them together. She pointed it towards Ritsuka and took a deep breath.
Ritsuka sliced the air and the white energy dissipated. Angerfang pulsed a bright red and he smiled at Lee Seng.
"Angerfang can literally eat Dark Matter. How's that--"
"Angerfang: Repulsion." Ritsuka sliced at the air and all of the pulsing energy flew out. Angerfang went back to normal and all of the Dark Matter energy was now coming at Olivia and Lee Seng.
"Dammit." Lee Seng dropped the bow. The wisps began fly around Lee Seng, quickly. "I can do this. I can do this."
"L-Lee!" Olivia shouted. She started to lower her hands when Lee Seng stuck his hand out. His hand shook and he didn't dare turn away from the large red energy flying at them.