As soon as Keng got into the room, he turned to Manny and checked if he was okay. Manny was more fearful of what "Lee Seng" had just done. Had he really declared a fight with Sara? Sara was a manipulator and her good looks just skyrocketed her to a position of power even "Lee Seng" wouldn't be able to fight. Manny opened his mouth to say something when Keng turned to look at the others.
He stumbled around as Manny caught him.
"He-hey! Are you okay?" Manny asked. Keng's eyes rolled back. He had fainted. "Shit! Lee Seng! Hey are you okay?!?" Manny set Keng on the ground as the others surrounded Keng.
'I'll be back after I do something.' Keng's voice echoed in Ritsuka's head. 'Tell them I passed out from the intensity… of everything.' Ritsuka gulped and sighed.
"Here, move outta the way." Ritsuka tapped on Evan and Liz. They pulled away as Ritsuka knelt next to Keng. Manny was checking for anyproblems as Ritsuka sighed.