The days went by quick after the Curse incident. People began to rebuild their beloved village, Lily spent a lot of her time training with Healer Chima, and Elder Jyu'so helped with materials and transportation while Keng spent his days continuing his training with Sir Gorrum.
Keng flew through the forest, keeping his eyes on the fleeing target as he held the Ruby Bow in his hands with a notched arrow. He occasionally jumped from a tree branch to propel himself further with his gravity floating as the deer blitzed through the forest.
Keng twirled through the leaves and flew straight into a large opening. Without hesitation, he pulled the Ruby bowstring back and aimed at the deer's next movement firing the arrow. The arrow sailed straight into the der, immediately killing it on impact as Keng came to a stop mid-air. The deer rolled, dropping to the ground as it came to a stop.