Keng, Lily and the group of soldiers stood near the Curse site. Keng looked at the group for a response. The woman and Man 2 were a bit more hesitant than Man 1, who simply nodded.
"Keng, I think it might be easier to see who get afflicted with the sickness." Lily looked at him. He opened the book and flipped through the book, eventually finding his answer.
"You guys go first. We'll find you when we need to check you." Keng spoke as he kept his eyes on the book.
There are a handful of Curses that can spiritually return to the Realm once their physical body is destroyed. Like I said earlier, you have, at most, a day to prepare yourself for the second coming of the Curse. Depending on the Curse, it could be weaker or stronger based on itself, how much its consumed, and how along its evolution it went.