"so this is the time huh ?" said Alex while looking at the window of his apartment while enjoying the night of the city at his place while behind him, he saw the reflection of a man holding a knife looking like a assassin, "so my time has come, and this stupid world doesn't change a thing even with my own knowledge I still fail this world" said Alex to himself while smiling and there is a glimmer of tear run down on his left cheek while turn around to see his reaper in front of him "it's okay I know you well enough Ethan" said Alex to Ethan one of many orphans that he save from poverty and wickedness of the world but too bad for Ethan he already falling to the abyss to far gone and can't be saved anymore, "I'm sorry old man alex I can't to decline their mission for me this mission is my life" said Ethan with a hint of sadness and teary eyes while remembering how Alex has saved him so many time from the dark of abyss but he can't be saved anymore.
Once he jumped in the dark of abyss the abyss already devour his whole body and soul, "yeah Ethan I know that you have your family, friends and even a daughter on the line so that's okay you're will always be my child even I have to sacrifice my live for you" said Alex while grab a chair and sit on it and stare Ethan eyes "I'm ready Ethan I'm ready, already sick of this world that already corrupt even with my knowledge I can't save it" said Alex while his head already down and be ready to end his life, "I am sorry father" Ethan said to Alex while his eyes already running in tears while remembering his old time with old man alex who once he loved the most and have so much admiration towards him while readying his self to end alex life.
"You know I always loved you Ethan but to bad we have to come in this way, I'll always remember how you happy once I got you a new toys each month for your brother and your sister in the orphan and always have that eyes that show how happy you are" said alex while looking at ethan redying himself, "I am ready son just end me with a painless one" said Alex to ethan.
"Yeah I will old man" said Ethan while picking his gun from his pocket and pointing it to Alex, "Goodbye dad you'll be missed by the world, by the orphan, and by us thanks for giving us a opportunity to live in this shitty world filled us with loved that we never get since young and I'm sorry for make you disappointing in me, in my way of the dark" said Ethan and his tears already broke like a water broking a dam "yeah ethan I know I already forgive you" said alex to ethan.
*BANG* with one shot from ethan gun, end the living legend live Alexius Dawn the living legend that saved so many live with his invention in medical world, machinery, and even make humanity able to colonize the planet around earth and having so much richness when he dies in his will he will donate all his money to the different charity.
In the dark void, a millions of souls swimming around it like a galaxy there is a soul that is so bright even the sun is shy shining beside this soul, this soul is Alex with a lot of his karma that's even the gods will notice him once the gods pass by, a million years has passed and no gods dare to pick this soul that's so bright even compare to the gods with just a tad bits it can rival a god, another million years passed again Alex gaining his consciousness back, "well that's a good life to die hmm where am I ?" asked Alex on himself and saw nothing but saw a scene like a dream he always had that is swim around the thousand no the millions of stars.
"ohh wow so this is how the end in this life huh" said Alex while humming a random song and admire the scenic around him, suddenly he fell a presence behind him and looking back and saw a goddess, Gaia the mother of earth "my child I'm sorry for you to loss a live to your own orphan that you loved the most" said gaia to Alex, "yeah I know his reason why he end my life so that's okay if it make him happy, so what is the business we have here o mother of earth Gaia ?" said Alex to Gaia, while Gaia Just smiling at his question.
"Well alex I saw you have so much karma that even the gods fail to shine bright beside you, and I want you to live your new life in a new world a world full of possibility, a world full of miracle and magic" said Gaia smiling to Alex "ohh so what are you gonna do with my karma here ?" said Alex, "well I will return it to earth so that the earth will always prosper no plague or any wickedness, and remember from earth will always comes back to earth".
"So you what am I got from the exchange though ?" said Alex smiling back at Gaia, "I will grant you 5 wishes and any wishness" said Gaia, "can I be immortal then ?" ask Alex, "nope but in your next world will have the way to immortality even though it's not the true immortality that the gods have" answer Gaia back, "hmm alright then I will said my wishes".
"Alright state your wishes then" said Gaia to Alex " first of all I want to bring my old memories to the next world" said Alex, "Granted, then ?" said Gaia "Second wish is I want a system that can make me level up so that I don't have any bottleneck" said Alex, "Granted, but there will be still minor bottleneck, you can't and will still improve faster than anyone else though" said Gaia, "Alright that's okay, a little bit challenge I like it, third wish is I want to have summons add on in my system that can summon a myth from earth like the gods, the titans, etc" said alex while stating his third wish, "alright but no Gods, you can't summon them or the gods on your next life will hunt you down" Said Gaia while eating an apple that appears out of nowhere, "that's okay who want to summon the gods anyway, fourth wish is I want a mana that infinitely running on my body" said alex, "no, that will be boring, but I will grant you a near infinite mana" said Gaia, "okay then that's alright too I guess so for my last wish isโฆ"