Aaron was looking at the skyline against the glass wall in his office. It was a beautiful day. He would close a big account with a client who wanted solar panels installed on his office building's roof. Then, a call came.
Isabella sounded in panic. Baby Michael was missing again, according to her and she did not know what to do. Aaron had no choice but to cancel a coveted appointment.
He drove like crazy going back home, at some point almost brushing with other cars on the road. He jumped from the car when he reached home and banged the door open.
"What happened here?!" he yelled.
Zen, Ellie, and Dante, who were in the kitchen, eating, were appalled at Aaron's sudden appearance.
"Why, sir?" asked Dante who was wondering why he yelled.
"Oh my god!" exclaimed Zen, "I thought something happened …" She hadn't finished when Aaron hurriedly went up to Michael's bedroom.
"Why is Michael missing again? Where is Isabella?" He was almost shouting. Then, when he opened the door, Michael was in his bed, sleeping soundly. Eleanor was on the other bed. Eleanor was awakened by the door slamming open and was surprised to find the boss of the house in front of her.
Aaron pat his forehead with the palm of his right hand. "Damn!"
Michael was awakened; he cooed upon seeing his father. Then, Aaron carried him in his arms; went downstairs. He found Isabella with the maids talking. She just got back from doing her shopping.
"Why did you not ask even one of them to go with you?" Arron was looking at her. "You called."
Isabella was also wondering. "What do you mean I called?"
"So, you did not call. Somebody called on the telephone telling me that Michael was missing that's why I hurried back from work and… I cancelled a big deal."
"No. Never. I did not call."
Isabella understood better what went on.
Back at the wolf-dom, Jezebel had just zoomed back from the future when Tatin appeared in front of her.
"Leave her in peace," he said. "She's in the future now."
Jezebel walked towards her house; Tatin caught her right arm. Jezebel looked straight at him, telling him to let her go.
"What do you want?" Tatin asked.
She let out a boisterous laughter, then looked straight at him.
"Your properties, your constituents, this kingdom, and I won't bother her again."
"Impossible!" Tatin was furious.
Jezebel was picking grapes from her fruit bowl on a table.
She had an evil smile on her face.
"May I warn you that I will use my full force to stop you from harming that family."
"I'll wait for that time," she said in a low voice, then the witch snapped a finger, and she was gone.
Like a little girl, Jezebel told her cohorts about what Tatin told her, rallying them to her side. She made herself look like an underdog. Umberto and Bella did the same. Tatin and the six, they said, held them hostage, coercing them into admitting something that they did not do. Henceforth, there were those who listened and believed, and there were those who did not.