Chereads / How to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse! / Chapter 12 - Chapter 12

Chapter 12 - Chapter 12

"This is much worse than I expected!" Martyn exclaimed. "Where did all these people come from?!"

"Agreed," Aron looked around. "Interesting."

The duo found Zeroheads staggering about and bumping into one another. Their street had transformed into a hell overnight. Cars were burning in the distance. The dogs barked at the ambling people furiously. The undead tore one another's flesh and sunk their teeth into their bodies. Martyn recognized a few of their neighbors among the horde.

"They spotted us," Aron said.

"Shit!" Martyn held his bat up.

The Zeroheads lunged at them.

"Watch out!" Aron kicked the zombie that approached Martyn. "Should have grabbed a table leg or something! Stupid dumb head of mine!"

"Behind you!" Martyn swung at a zombie that reached out to grab Aron.

"It's knife time, baby," Aron grabbed a kitchen knife from his backpack.

"We're gonna have to do better than a baseball bat and a kitchen knife!" Martyn yelled.


Aron slashed the neck of a Zerohead standing next to him. It staggered backward but refused to go down. He plunged the knife deep into its skull. The Zerohead fell on its back. More Zeroheads approached Aron.

He dashed to the end of the yard, kicking and pushing the zombies out of his way.

"Dude!" Martyn called. "What are you doing?!"

Aron kicked hard at the wooden mailbox, and it cracked apart. Aron grabbed the pole with the mailbox and proceeded to use it like a sledgehammer. He ran in circles around the yard, swinging the mailbox at the oncoming Zeroheads.


Martyn stared in amazement as Aron kicked a zombie to the ground. He used the mailbox as a wooden stake and thrust it into the zombie's chest. It pierced through its heart.

"Look out!" Aron yelled at Martyn.

Martyn snapped back to his senses. He brought down the bat as hard as he could on the Zerohead, and the nails at the end dug deep into its skull. The Zerohead flailed its arms around. He gave it a kick, and it fell to the ground. He finished it with another blow.

"Fatality!" Aron muttered in a deep voice. "Martyn–wins!"

"Bleh, the blood keeps getting on my clothes," Martyn looked at his clothes.

"Just apocalypse things," Aron shrugged.

"I'm worried how fast you've gotten used to it," Martyn shook his head.

"Gamer moment," Aron shook his head.

"Well, you better be up for some more," Martyn said. "We're surrounded!"

The Zeroheads had formed a circle around them.

"Damn, we cannot go against these many without serious firepower," Aron dropped the wrecked mailbox. "But I am always up for a challenge!"

He grabbed the kitchen knife. Martyn steadied his grip on the baseball bat.


"Guys?!" a voice called. "What the fuck are you doing?!"

"Oh, hi Robin!" Martyn greeted the girl on the balcony.

"Melody…?" Aron uttered in confusion.

"Huh?" Martyn shook his head. "No, that's Robin."

"Hold on!" she shouted. "I'll get the door in a sec!" she ran inside.

"Let's go!" Martyn bashed their way to Robin's house. Aron followed.

The duo soon found themselves in a well-maintained dining room. Pictures of Mr. and Mrs. Wilson adorned the walls. The blue curtains were drawn over the windows.

"Wow, I cannot actually tell from here there's a whole Armageddon thing happening outside," Martyn looked around.

"I'm sure you have a lot of questions, Jack," Robin lowered her head.

"Um," Martyn narrowed his eyes. "We go by different names now. He is Aron, and I am Martyn, with a 'y' instead of the 'i'! But–he was never Jack."

"Oh!" Robin threw a glance at Aron. "I see. So, he is your roommate."

"Wait, you guys know each other?" Martyn stared at the two.

"I guess three dates weren't enough to disclose our identities," Aron looked at Robin.

"Mm," Robin nodded. "Even though you never showed up for the third."

"Just two then," Aron shrugged.

"Guys," Martyn looked puzzled. "I'm lost."

The two looked at Martyn and shrugged.



"Man, I really need to stop drinking this," Aron took another sip from the can of Mountain Dew. "Welp, too late now!"

The weather felt pleasant. The clouds ambled the sky, covering the Sun every once in a while. Aron was whistling to himself on the way back home from the store. He held a bag of snacks in the other hand.

"Man, can't wait to find out what happens next!" Aron spoke out loud as he sped up a little. "Should I read the manga (Japanese graphic novel)? No–it'd ruin the suspense when the episode comes out."

He was passing by the general store when he heard the clang of the bicycle pedal behind him.

"How long are you gonna keep following me?" Aron stopped in his tracks.

Aron turned around to catch the girl on the bike. She stared at him, wide-eyed. She bumped onto the fire hydrant on the sidewalk and came to an abrupt stop.

The pretty brunette with the bob-cut was wearing a red crop top and blue jeans shorts. She had an orange cap on her head and dark glasses on her face. She sat back on the seat.

"Well," Aron rolled his eyes. "Cat got your tongue?"

"I wasn't following you or anything!" the girl protested, throwing her head to the right. "You just happened to be in my way!"

"A classic tsundere response," Aron nodded.

"Huh?" the girl removed her glasses.

"Never mind," Aron said. "I must be really fast on my feet since you couldn't pass me on a bike."

"Okay, fine, maybe I was following you," she dropped the act. "Do you know we live on the same street?"

"Nope," Aron shrugged. "Don't care."

"Yeah, I can see that!" the girl sighed. "I was only following you to introduce myself. I'm not a creep or anything!"

"Huh, guess it was my bad to assume so," Aron nodded. "You stalking me for the past thirty minutes must have all been in my head."

"It wasn't that long!" the girl complained.

"Yeah," Aron nodded. "Sure, Ada Wong."

"Huh? That's not my name."

"What is it, then?"


"Wait," Aron interrupted her. "Lemme see. Judging by the tomboy fashion sense and hairstyle, I bet it's a common name for men."

"Nope," she was quick to deny.

"Oh really?" Aron raised his eyebrows. "Then please, prove me wrong."

"Okay, you don't have to act all high and mighty!"

"Now you are just stalling for time, chica,"

"It's Melody, okay?" the girl said. "My name is Melody."

"Mm, okay," Aron nodded. "That's a pretty name. Even if you came up with it on the spot."

Melody pouted.

"Calm down," Aron said. "I'm just teasing you."

"Uh-huh," Melody rolled her eyes.

"So… may I go now, Melody?"

"Wait," Melody raised her hand. "You didn't tell your name."

"Hm," Aron rubbed his chin. "I don't remember agreeing to."

"Hey!" she got off her bike. "That's not fair! I told you mine, didn't I?"

"I don't know you well enough to talk about myself."

"That's not how introduction works," Melody looked at him questioningly.

"Sounds like stranger danger to me," Aron shrugged.

"Really," Melody narrowed her eyes. "You look like you're in college!"

"Holy shit­–how did you know that?" Aron faked surprise.

"You know what?" Melody crossed her arms. "I'm gonna find everything about you."

"Oh really?" Aron raised his eyebrows. "So, what–you planning to stalk me more?"

"Who knows?" Melody sneered. "Are you free this week?"

"Nah," Aron said. "I come with a price."

"Find a better answer, mister," Melody looked unimpressed.

"Yeah, I guess I'm free," Aron sighed. "That is if I don't have anime pending on the list."

"Perfect," Melody said. "I'll be taking you out tomorrow then."

"Like on a date or with a sniper?"

"You'll be surprised," Melody grinned.

"How come you're free this week?" Aron scratched his head. "My college is wacky–that's why I got time off. But what about you?"

"Um, vacation?"

"At this time of year?" Aron asked.

"My college is wacky too…?"

"Checks out," Aron shrugged.

"See?" Melody beamed. "I'm already learning stuff about you! Likes anime, on vacation, et cetera, et cetera."

"Good job," Aron scratched his head.

"Soon!" Melody sneered.

"Creepy," Aron muttered.

"No, wait!" Melody said. "You know I didn't mean it like that, right…? Right?!"

"Sure," Aron nodded. "Where do you wanna keep this 'date'?"

"Before that!" Melody scowled. "Tell me your name­–Geez!"
