Chereads / Upcoming Events in Kailasa / Chapter 2 - THIRU GNANA SAMBANDAR GURU PUJA DAY 3 || 28 MAY 2021


An innocent child of 3 playing his tantrums to take him along for the sacred bath, Siva-Pada takes His son to that hallowed water spot.

As the Vedic Sage dives into the water, the child standing on the bank of the full-to-brim tank, His state of mind not able to bear, the absence of the father for even a second, serving as an excuse began to weep, recollecting the anklet-girt feet of the Lord surging up in his mind.

With the lotuses–the eyes–brimming with tears, he looked elsewhere and wept intensely, shaking and shivering with a noise resounding like the chant of the countless vedic shlokas (chants), while all created beings exulted in joy. He called, 'O Mother! O Father!' and wailed.

At the moment, the Lord seated on the sacred boat, desirous of bestowing grace on him with His one look, mounted on His bull along with the willowy dame of the hills, and arrived with the resplendent baby moon crest on His head at the luscious bank. The Lord and the dame are none other than Devi , and Lord Sundareswarar.

With a gracious compassion arising in His heart at the sight of the wailing child, Lord Shiva looking at Devi, whom all the worlds worship and said: "Give him in a golden cup a feed of the milk which gushes forth from your twin breasts."

Lord Shiva thus gracefully bidding her, the awe-inspiring lovely mother, the first cause of everything, the embodiment of prosperity-mercy, went near the child and drew into a cup, the milk of Her breasts." Mother blended into the milk, the sweet ambrosia, the inconceivable knowledge of Shiva, fed the child the milk, while wiping his tears.

Because the Lord, who is the Father and Mother to everything, everyone in the Cosmos, bestowed His on the child, he became, 'aaludaiya pillaiyaar' – the child over whom the Lord has established His Lordship– and became 'Shiva Jnana Sambandar – 'one who has gained the contact, the experience of Shiva'.

Watch the Puja done to celebrate this happening :