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Chapter 1 - CHAPTER ONE

The grey clouds clouded over the shithole that I call my home . There would be heavy rain for sure but I wasn't prepared at all . I hadn't done any work to earn the money I needed for repairing my roof which was ready to fall down any second now. I only had two options , either stay in the house while watching the rain water join me OR go out to my boss and ask for a night in the office building . To be honest , I had taken a sick leave to make myself feel okay. This was because this wasn't a common job ….

I took a deep breath after I reached a worn down old factory building at the end of the city , AKA , Boss's main office. I opened the door , jumped over a small tunnel trap set up to avoid unwanted guests , and went to the room that I vividly remember from how I ended up here . "Good Evening , Boss." I bowed in respect . He warmly smiled at me but I found a troubled expression from his face . "Is anything bothering you , Boss?". Even though he was just someone who ordered me around to do things that I didn't want to do , I felt something for him . He looked at me hesitantly and said , "Rena , the person you were assigned to wasn't the killer of all the 9 victims . There's something else going on in this city , but I don't know what ."

I couldn't believe him . I had killed many people that my boss told me to . I mainly agreed because he had showed me their criminal background and the illegal activities they commited. I had never known why boss chose this way of living but I was sure he had good reasons for it . He was always a warm person at heart . So I had killed the men I was sure were bad . But now he is telling me that the people I had killed were the wrong men ??? "The men you killed sure did do illegal activities and had bad criminal backgrounds but the reason of why I assigned you to kill them , they hadn't done that ."

I was speechless. The people I killed did do bad things then why is he looking like he regrets assigning them to me ??? I was curious so I asked , "Then what did you think they did , Boss? " .

He looked at me once again from the file he was holding in his large and wrinkled hands , tears threatening to fall from his eyes anytime . " I thought that they killed my family . "

The tears broke free from his eyes.. I didn't know anything about his family . I never knew about his family . I only knew him as a man trying to do something many of the police officials had failed to do , protect . But I was completely wrong . I needed an exact explanation of why he thought they killed his family . Comforting him slowly , I sat down beside him in that dimly lit office room . He slowly opened up to me about his family .

He had 2 sons . His wife had cancer and died when his children were at the age of four . He used to work as an accountant . So to keep working during normal hours of his job , he hired a baby sitter . He never trusted a stranger so he actively watched the monitors he set up in his house . One day his boss had given him extra work because he had taken a day off due to his twin son's birthday . He let the babysitter know that she would have to work overtime , and even though she only agreed half heartedly , the fact that he could keep an eye on thr babysitter at all times kept him at ease . The babysitter was a 20 year old so to cool her off , he let her invite 3 of her friends over . He thought that he just had to keep an eye on the house much carefully . She agreed and he could see that she had invited only 3 friends as per his instruction . He was starting to trust the babysitter by the time 2 months was over . After sometime , he noticed that the babysitter's friends were roaming around the house too much . But he let it slide since he didn't want to freak out everyone there with his children being alone . All three of the friends suddenly put their hands up and moved back . A group of men fully covered in black entered the house through the window . They made all 3 of them move to the corner , where the camera couldn't see anything and killed them brutally . The babysitter saw this and was shouting and took her phone out to call the police but the men caught up to her running pace and killed her too . The only weird thing was that after killing the babysitter , one man went near her body and the others covered around her . He was panicking and went home, mainly worried about his children , who were still alive when he left for his house . But when he reached there , even his children were not spared . All of them who died had two holes on their necks , as if it was a hickey , but a hurtful one , like their blood had been sucked dry...

He lost his whole family and wanted revenge . And that was why he quit his job and joined the mafia . He joined the mafia because, he could get information on killers easily .

I never knew a person who looked so simple could have such mentally heavy things to do . But now he found out that all those people he targeted were targeted for the wrong reasons . I had a strange feeling though ….

We went through their post mortem report of his children once again and it was written that they died because of 2 four centimetre pipes entered through their Jugular vein , a vein if damaged can cause death . But the idea of the pipe seemed unrealistic . How did the have pipes and that too when my boss clearly saw they had nothing close to pipes . They only had large knifes and no pipes with a small diameter .

There was something that was off about the post mortem . We went through many such murder cases with murderers dressed in full black and all the victims had two 4 centimeter so called pipes in their jugular veins .

Even though I was never a fan of believing fantasy becoming real , I had read a lot of fantasy books . In the many books which explain a lot about everything in the story , they explain about the vampires which choose the spot to suck blood . Other books also explain the length of vampire teeth and also how they are capable of disguising themselves as humans . I know it sounds crazy , but I have a feeling that vampires are real ....