Where did it all start? During the great conquest of Babylonian states, the Kings of Alkebulan decided to part from the creator. Setting their own standards of living and making rules befitting the New World. They wanted total control. The body created to house the soul alleviated its own status to Kingship. Trying to control the spirit, which was in conflict with carnal body. The spirit was torn apart by carnal lusts for that which was unfolding in the world versus that which was greater and existed in the universe. It wanted to be part of the new existence and own rights to the earthly revolution. Its purpose was clear to set up a new mandate and create a host that will oversee the new creation. However, the host was tempted to distance itself from the creators and authority that oversee the purpose.
For times immemorial the great continent of Alkebulan was burning with passion. The soil rich in minerals and habitation for kingly offspring. The daughters and sons of the creators ruled with majestic presence. They had the understanding and knowledge that now escape the world. The creators approved their purpose to reinvent and strategically build a new empire and thus they ruled with perfection. Caring for the knowledge and seal of the creators, they engaged in bringing forth masterful improvements to the open plains of the continent. They carved out a beautiful habitat that exceeded the expectation of the third-degree citizens of the universe. However, this achievements turned them into proud beings who walked tall as conquerors, as they developed their little world into a dynasty. Pride blinded the eye and they could not see beyond the evident soil that held their feet. They forgot that a greater service was to be established. This
angered the creators and they split not only the language, but also the knowledge from them. The creators hid their secrets in the subconscious mind of the spirit, away from the eye of the host. They flooded the earth with waters and separated it into many different parts. It was known that the creators never backed down from a promise. They created a new species to subdue the earth and promised them longevity, provided they follow the guidelines. Therefore, it was not possible to erase the species entirely from the world created to host them. They had been provided authority over it and thus the creators could not repossess earth. Though the flood separated the earth in sections called continents, they kept intact the mother continent. It needed to exist in whole to host those that survived the first natural disaster. That reference was important to underline the creators' purpose and also illustrate its forgiving nature. With separation, the servant carried away some secrets to sell to the highest bidder in parts of the removed continents. This then created confusion as secrets changed hands from one unknowing source to another.
It was during such urgent times that the call was sent out for a gathering of the seven (7) most influential Alkebulan Empires. The Kingdom of Kush which held the administrative position, had to invite the others to attend the meeting which was to determine the future of the continent. The Nubian empire was one of such that reached its peak during the second millennium B.C and ruled lavishly along the territories of the Nile River like all other kingdoms on the great continent. They traded in ivory, incense, iron and most importantly gold. Gold trading, the epitome of the Alkebulanian dynasty, had the power to ridicule foreign trade. It weakened European money and could afford access that was denied to many others. Kush, along with the Kingdoms of Carthage, Aksum, Mali,
Songhai and Great Rhodesia were amongst the empires that held a golden sphere of power and achievement over the nations of Alkebulan. With gold they had power to reign and create avenues of success. Alkebulan was glowing in prosperity but they lacked the awareness that gold could be traded and either loss or gain its power by exchanging of hands. Equally, they lacked the understanding that it could be a source of destruction. This lack of knowledge created many problems on the mighty soil and it was evident that more challenges were to come. For this purpose and many which the beautiful mothers of the soil saw in the near and distant future, the rulers had to be called and warn. They had to be informed of the best path of wisdom its inhabitants needed to follow and preserve everything of inheritable value. Though the Alkebulanians rebelled against the spirit, they had a strong sense of understanding the importance of observing its powers. They kept the communication channels open and from time to time seek approval from the gods. They knew how to re-open the secret portals through which they could reach the gods. Thus, when the call came through the great Oracle, without hesitance, they knew in which direction to travel. The meeting place was therefore the Land of Punt, known as the "Land of Gods" and the ruler of the Red Sear, which was the oldest and mightiest of all. The power of Punt laid in the hands of womb-men. Unlike other empires of Alkebulan, the land of Punt was governed by very distinguished womb-men. During the reign of Queen Hatshepsut and Queen Makeda, they carried the torch which had to light up the opportunity that elevated womb-men to the power of government in both spiritual, political and economic circles. As a result, degrees made under various ancient times allowed women often to lead powerful, spiritual roles that garnered them respect and admiration from society. They were the referred oracles, spirit mediums, seers and advisors that dominated the spiritual system
across the land. Most of them reside in Punt under the guiding pillars of Isis, the queen of all goddesses.
The seven leaders, together with their entourage, traveled from far and near to represent not only their cities but to understand the urgency of the call. It was not every day that the horn of the oracle was blown. It was only during the outmost emergencies that the oracle would come out to speak to the leaders of the land and the last call they had received was fifty five years ago, counting to date. That in itself was extraordinary as the voice of the gods was heard only after every hundredth years. Hence, everyone was worried to be called for an earlier pilgrimage to the mother city of the oracle. Some traveled weeks and others for a few decent days over the vast Sahara and rain forest stretched over miles of beauty that behold surprised rains, strong winds and hot sun. Some travelled upon breathtaking waterfalls and deep valleys while the rest maneuvered camels through dunes of sand which seemed never ending. No matter the challenges befalling them along the journey the mighty leaders trekked over the plateau to reach their destination dignified. They were not rushing because it was well known on the mother soil that rushing always attracted negative forces. With ease and patience they overcame the hurdles during the journey. Yet, they made it in perfect timing, as if they agreed to an appointed arrival time. What a sight it was when they appeared from all seven corners of the soil on horse and camel backs with their entourage behind them. Each adorned in majestic attires that showcased their wealth and culture. It was an expedition of colour and affluence. An expo of high class exodus and before them, laid the village of the oracles, a large oasis with a beautiful scenery. Its entire surrounding was covered with exotic flowers and tiny waterholes spread all around. Embrace in serenity, the beautiful oasis lay in waiting to welcome its guests. The only sounds which could be heard were those from the animal
kingdom, of birds singing beautiful choruses and the tiny streams flowing from one waterhole to the next providing agreeable instrumentals. A little swirl of dress material was heard as the queens were rushing about to prepare for their guests. Other than that the oasis was clad in total silence. When all the leaders arrived at the gate, a horn trumpeted through the silence to announce the guests. Everyone, including the musical sounds of the birds, flowers and water came to a standstill.
They all waited in total silence and for the first time in fifty five years, early with thirty five, she rose from her seat and exited the hut. Slowly, with elegance and grace which rose eyebrows in wonder of the advanced years compared to her energy. The oracle walked without aid to the entrance of the oasis. She looked at her visitors with a smile and started chanting ancient lyrics and danced, her voice as clear as day and pure as that of a virgin bird introduced to the mastery of song. After circling them seven times she walked backwards to the entrance before turning towards the east. Without facing any of them she greets them in equal worship to Ra. Only thereafter the maidens and queens rushed over to guide the guest through the gates of the oasis. They all knew that the oracle would engage talks with them at the appropriate hour. Until then, the maidens were to take care of them in all manner, through physical contact as well as the pleasantries.
Usually the leaders would have spent a month or more in the little village, rejuvenating and brainstorming on strategic future plans. However, that night after much festivities everyone retired to their camps, only to be woken by the sound of the horn at 3:50am. Surprised they all rushed to the meeting place where they found the oracle waiting. It was evident that this call was indeed of outmost importance and without much delay, the oracle started talking. "Hail the
kings and queens of our mighty land. May you all live long. Standing in the gap between life and ancestry, I bring you word from the wise ones. From the two separate worlds of the ancestors and the gods of our land, a joint message is reaching our ear today. The fall of the kingdom is near and the wise will be blinded by his own ignorance. Your sons will overtake the reigns of the land and step over the womb of the maidens, leaving them barren like the harsh stones of our southern soil. They will sell, not only our belongings but also our dignity because the spoil of the gold will not be enough as their eye will shine a new delight for the white stones of the river beds. Many will be the risen atrocities amongst your sons, weakening and robbing the spirit of the womb-men from her power and exposing her nakedness to the eyes of the hyenas who will scorn her into misery and laugh endlessly. She will fall from grace for many of our million years, such that your homes will be dissolved to nothing and your seeds disappear gruesomely to the ground. You will witness from a far and not be able to overturn the decision from the wise and until atonement has been made. Now today, in the sight of the gods and ancestry comes a divine call to you for atonement for your land. Though the clock has been tight to the perfect hours which came from the creator will happen as decreed. Your land will manifest the destruction caused by your sons, however, through their infinite power of love the gods will give you grace. Merciful grace which is to come to your offspring at the appointed time. You have been called today, to make atonement with the gods so that your offspring will rise above the storms and rebuilt the fallen continent. Your offspring that will be drowning in misery and lack of knowledge won't know what to do on that appointed day and time. Hence, the call for you to stand in the gap for him today in that purpose. The gods will record this day and free your sons because of your genuine prayers. I called you, as such prayer and atonement can only be accepted in the sacred house of the gods when it is done on holy ground.
Your offering of self to become one with the gods will seal a bond never to be broken. This commitment between the two forces will be the only saving grace for the motherland and her offspring. Retire each individual to his camp and cleanse yourself, for the communion with the gods will be at day break tomorrow. You should sanctify your spirits and seek their grace for your land and its people. Although your sons will destroy what they have not build, you need to renegotiate grace instead of total demolition from the face of the earth. It is wise to remember that the first and only habitation of humanity started on this soil. Alkebulanians were not merely an introductory element but great beings with a powerful mission to fashion their existence over the span of the living cycles. It is rather sad that you have all diverted from the creator's plan and now, adversary knocks at the door. Not for today but, to pass during one of the great achievements when you would think that you are indestructible. Go rest tonight, clear your minds and gather at the sound of the horn here again." If they were ever puzzled before, the leaders were now worried more than ever. None has foreseen that a day would come when the oracle would speak to them in the most illogical manner. But they all knew that it was not time for questions yet. The next day, they rose with the sound of the horn. Outside each chamber a maiden was waiting with buckets of water. One of the ponds in the village carried hot water and this was presented to the kings to cleanse themselves. The maidens add herbs into the bathing water which rejuvenate the body and remove unwanted odors from the skin. The kings had to present themselves in pure fashion before the gods. After the herbal cleansing, they were led to another pond, this time one with extreme cold water to dip for a minute. Dressed in purple robes which signifies death, they were led to a chamber of worship. Here the kings joined the queens who were worshiping overnight in an hour long prayer to the gods. When they finally emerged, they were led to the stream for
cleanings again and dressed in white robes. Only after that lengthy ritual were they led to the oracle. Her name was Mabel, one of the immortal oracles send by the gods to take care of the people on earth. She served them century after century. Under her guidance many priestesses were taught how to stand in the presence of the gods and serve the people. When they arrived at the great alter where she always commune with the gods, they noticed that she was not alone. Smoke emitting from an unknown source and within the smoke a beautiful maiden stood. "Hail my leaders from the soil. May you live long," she greeted them all, for the first time ever, bowing to their presence. "Your silent atonement has been received by the great ones of the land. I present to you Ishtar, the goddess from the great beyond. She has been tasked to follow through on a mission to rescue, that which you have destroyed through your sons. Her time to arrive amongst you is unknown and such is her identity and depth of her mission. Today she presented herself to affirm that your prayers have been considered favourably. May you return in peace to your respective kingdoms."
For the first time in history, the leaders journeyed into the wilderness to meet the oracle in such haste, just to be caught off guard and left with a message so dark to unravel. They didn't know what to make of it all, but also knew that no one was going to explain its meaning to them as they had to figure everything out for themselves over time. That is, if time was to be permitted. While they were returning to their camping sides to prepare for the journey back, one leader remained, hidden and looking around curiously at the site where Ishtar stood in smoke. He went about slowly, not sure what he was searching for but kept his eyes on the site. He noticed that there was a trail of gold and he bend down and collected some in his hand. It was the purest of gold he has ever seen. With a smile he swept everything up in his hand, covered it with his handkerchief and put it in his pocket. A gold trail; he now understood the message and thought to
himself, that their offspring would deplete the gold and fortunes they now have thus, the warning from the oracle. His untrained mind concluded that the goddess would come to earth once the gold is depleted and restore it again. He vowed there and then to always remind his sons about her and be watchful. Just to be vigilant, he will send off his sons to plant houses in all cities of the Alkebulan and other continents. Since they don't know the appointed time, his vow was that generations will spread over all continents with the information he collected here today. As he was backing out of the meeting place the oracle returned and he quickly hide and sat there watching. The oracle who has always been careful to observe her prayers in solitude wasn't aware of the presence of another at the holy altar. She enquired from the maidens that the shrine was empty before coming out. That's why she started her rituals without making sure that the place was empty from prying eyes. The ritual she was to perform was to open hidden portals in all seven worlds so that she could share secret messages with other species. The last ritual was to seek audiences into the spiritual kingdom. The king listened attentively and memorized the short lyrics which could open the portals to the spirit world. The other chants were too complexed for his ear. As the oracle chanted he could see how that world open up before his eyes. Through the Oracle's voice he leant that there were different galaxies and worlds which they could access through reciting certain phrases and he had just memorized one of them. He was sure that the information exposed, would aid him to execute his master plan. When the oracle left. The king came forward and stood at the exact place where she was standing. He chant the short verse and the portals opened immediately. He could see the spirit world and hear what his ancestors were talking. He could also see into Ishtar's world but their voices were mute to his ear. However, that which he heard from the ancestors was enough. He closed the portal and quickly rushed to join the others to prepare for the journey to
return to his land. While in her chambers the oracle had a vision. She saw the king standing at the altar and knew immediately that it has been desecrated. She saw how he returned to burn down the village and built a wall around the altar. Year after year he would return to that altar and look into the spirit world. She knew it was time for them to move to another space in time and century. It was sad to witness the first action of greed and deceit. To see that the children of the soil truly lacked knowledge of the important things in life. It was evident that this particular king did not interpret the scrolls in the House of Bulan correctly. If so, he would have known that the rituals could be practice at any place and the chants could serve many different purposes to manifest real energies on earth. Just as the gods foretold, there was the evidence that the children of the soil would die of lack of knowledge. Knowledge which was right before their eyes, which none could decipher because their minds were untrained. That night after all their guests departed. Oracle Mabel called her people together and send them into different parts of the world. They were transported through magic to all the holy cities on earth and those beyond the seven worlds. At the appointed time they will reveal themselves to mankind.