Shao Lin woke in the master room the next morning.
She reached out, searching for the body that kept her warm throughout the night. She remembered that after having sex with her husband, she had been too tired to stay awake. But she recalled that Long Yat-sen had cleaned her, dressed her, slept next to her, and now he was gone. She wondered where he was at the moment.
Shao Lin frowned, stirring out of bed to wash up, her flesh sore. She was still sensitive from the night before, and the reminder made her flush. She had done it with Long Yat-sen, and she had loved every second of it, already missing the powerful feel of his body in hers, craving for more.
Shao Lin wondered if it was normal to feel this strongly for someone. She thought what she felt for Zhong Bai in the past was solid. But with Long Yat-sen…it was different. It was powerful. It was addictive.