Colonel Norrett and Major General Arngan listened attentively, and their emotions underwent many changes as Khan's tale progressed.
Initially, the two took the matter lightly, half-confused and half-curious about Khan's seriousness. After all, they had just fought against an evolved warrior. In their minds, nothing could be worse than that.
Nevertheless, the Colonel and the Major General soon realized how wrong they were. Countless questions filled the former's mind, but he remained silent to let Khan finish his story.
Meanwhile, Major General Arngan lost any desire to crack jokes, his brain wholly absorbed in Khan's tale. He would usually struggle to believe many of its details but trusted the messenger enough to know he wasn't lying.
It was always odd for outsiders to learn about Khan's real struggle. His public life told a tale of countless problems and endless series of fights that would leave any ordinary soldier with no time to breathe.