Alexander had 4 brothers. Youngest brother died in the age of ten. Second youngest was still missing till today since childhood. Alexender was the 2nd eldest brother who was a noble, kind, intelligent and loving person who always respects his parents and Fred was eldest brother but he was a selfish, greedy, a person who never respects anyone, clever and disobey his parents advice.
"How are you Fred? Why did you left us? " Alexander asked his big brother and hugged him tightly. Alexender didn't know anything about Fred as his father didn't told him anything. He didn't asked anything about where he have been till today but tokita noticed.
"I am great brother. I am sorry I left you. I will tell you the whole story". Fred said to his brother and asked, "Won't you show me my room"? General tokita who was like his brother was also with alexender in the party. He found Fred's smile suspicious but didn't say anything to his friend. Tokita has been serving in army for 40 years and was till serving as a general. He also found suspicious that he made a sudden appearance after a long time.
"Fred before going anywhere, let me introduce you to my best friend general tokita. He is master in our institute of martial arts and also the general of army and she is her wife mrs. tokita". Alexender said to his brother.
"Oh! Nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs tokita " Fred greeted them.
"we are also glad to meet you, Fred" they said to Fred and mister tokita shaked his hands. "Ahhh! And meet my wife Jane and my 3 year old son escanor". Alexender said to his brother.
"Greetings, my queen. It's great to make your aquintince" Fred said to Jane and kissed her hand.
"You are such elegant person. I thought you were just a low class person " Jane said to Fred.
"I am a low class person madam but these are just manners taught by our father". Fred said to Jane.
"You are such a flirty guy". Jane said. "Just a little bit of humor ma'am, I think" Fred replied.
"By the way, meet my son Rex" Fred said.
Everyone greeted him with love.
" Tokita and Jane I am going with my brother and his son to show their room. You people enjoy the party"
Alexender said to his companions in the party and left the party with his brother.
"Your castle is nice. It is managed nicely" Fred said to his brother on the way to his room
"Haha! I am not the one who manage this place. It is managed by your sister in law". Alexender said to Fred.
"By the way Fred where is my sister in law" alexender asked Fred. "She died a long time ago" fred replied. "Oh sorry sorry big brother. It had been a hard time for you." alexender said with sorrow.
They reached in front of a room. Alexender opened the door and showed Fred and Rex there room.
"You must be tired brother. Now you may rest. We will talk later" alexender said to Fred.
"Okay brother" he replied. Then alexender left the room.
Party went well. At night when people were leaving, tokita warned Jane, "I have experience of knowing people. Be carefull. I will help you whenever you need". After saying this he left and alexender and his family went to sleep.