Chapter 2
Jak wakes up to the sun coming up on the horizon and his stomach grumbling. He frowns as he rubs his stomach while slowly sitting up, feeling dirt fall off his back, though most of it stuck onto his back. Feeling dirty, he makes his way to the nearby waterfall to wash the dirt off. After washing up, He makes his way back to the smoldering ash and adds wood to the ash while blowing the ash, causing a few leftover pieces of wood to light up.
He nods his head and adds a few dried leaves and wood on the fire. He then starts to blow into the fire pit a few times till some of the piece light up the dried piece he added to the fire. He then adds a few small pieces of wood around him before he crouches down next to the fire, planning to dry off before he heads out once more. A few minutes later, Jak feels dry, as he stands back straight up and then heads to the spot where he left his stone knife.
He grabs the knife and then he heads into the forest. At first, he planned to hunt some wild animals with his knife but he after thinking about it, and he decides a ranged weapon would better help him to hunt more effectively. So, Jak begins to walk around, grabbing a long branch here and there, bending them to see if there is one that is suitable for a bow. After half an hour of searching, he finally finds a piece of wood that he could bend into a c shape without breaking.
After finding the piece of wood, he then begins to use his knife even out the bumps and leaves off it. After struggling a bit with cutting the wood, he finally gets it as even as he could with his knife before he slides his hand across the wood, feeling a slight bump here and there. Jak then places his knife in the band of his boxers, blade up, as he heads back to base. He then drops off his bow piece by his makeshift camp and then makes his way back out again, following his marks to the fiber rich areas.
He makes sure to grab his wrapped-up rope before he heading out. Jak makes sure to take the knife out, just in case, making sure he's prepared to fight back if necessary. He makes it to the fiber area and begins to pick good pieces, piling them up on the side. After the pile got big enough, He used his rope to tie them up in a bundle, making it more portable. Jak makes sure to leave some slack in the rope so he could sling the bundle over his shoulder.
He then makes his way back to base and then begins to work on making the fibers into cordage. After a few hours, he makes about 20 feet of cordage, give or take. He then burns both ends of the cordage, instead of knotting them. Jak smiles after looking at his work before heading around his base to pick up wood for his fire. He then piles up the wood a few feet from a fire for easier access. He then looks around and nods as he sees he is making progress on his base.
Jak then grabs his 5-foot rope and then heads to grab his bow stick. He then brings both items next to the fire where he starts to shave off a bit of wood on each end of the stick before making a cut on each side. He then ties rope on each side, making sure the rope is taunt. He then lifts up his new makeshift bow and pulls back the rope, nodding at the amount of tension he feels before placing the bow, allowing it to lean on the cliff.
He then makes his way to the edge of his base, picking up sticks that he thinks would be suitable for arrows. He then piles them up by his camp, making a small pile, before he sits next to the pile and begins to use his knife to shave the sticks, cleaning off the leaves and dents on them as much as possible. As the sun begins to set, Jak finishes the last stick, making 15 good arrows, more like sharpened wood, and using the rest as fire fuel.
He then begins to think about food which causes his stomach to grumble. Jak looks out to the darkening forest and decides against heading out to get food at night. He then decides to head to sleep early, planning to wake up early to go and forage for food. It took a few hours before he finally went to sleep. He then wakes up to a dark sky, and he gets up, allowing his eyes to adjust to the dark. After 15 minutes or so, he could finally see all the way to the forest, with the help of the moonlight.
Jak then decides to get an early start on practicing his bow, so he grabs his bow and a few arrows, then he heads to the edge of his base. He then puts down 2 of his arrows while nocking an arrow on the string. He then pulls the string all the way back before aiming at a tree about 15 feet away and then releases, causing the arrow to fly out. Sadly, the arrow landed nowhere near the target, as Jak watches his arrow fly into the darkness.
"Ahh, should've known I wasn't a natural." Jak mumbles to himself as he bends down to grab another arrow, nocking it and then releasing it, missing again. Jak tries the final time before going into the forest to gather the arrows he could find before practicing some more. After 3 days of practicing and foraging, for both food and fiber, Jak runs out of edible plants in close vicinity of his base. So having no choice, Jak grabs a homemade rope belt, and then adds a few arrows, and the stone knife, to the loops in the belt before heading out.
He then nocks an arrow while walking through the forest. He watches around him looking at the surrounding and the ground, looking for tracks left by animals. He looks for a few hours till he finally stumbles on a deer in an opening. Jak pulls back the arrow taking aim, and releases allowing the arrow to fly at the deer, hitting it in its mid-section. The deer squeaks as it runs off but is stopped by a wolf flying out the bush, clamping its jaws on the deer's neck causing a crack to echo out as the deer stops struggling almost instantly.
The wolf then releases the deer and looks up at Jak, causing him to freeze up as he stares into the wolfs eyes, as an invisible pressure begins to way down on him. The wolf begins to circle him while staring him down and licking the blood from its lips. Jak pulls back the arrow but stops halfway as the wolf lunges at him, causing him to defend with his arm, allowing the wolf to bite down on his arm as he tackles Jak to the ground.
Jak screams as the pain nearly paralyzes him as the wolf begins to shakes its head with his arm in its mouth. Then, all of a sudden, the pain lessens a good bit, allowing Jak to move his other arm to his waist, grabbing his homemade knife and then begins to start stabbing into the wolfs neck. After a couple of hits, the wolf releases Jaks arm and backs of, growling at Jak who slowly beings to stand up. The wolf and Jak have a stare down for a few minutes before the wolf finally falls with its eyes closing.
Jak stares at the wolf for a few minutes before slowly making his way to the wolf and quickly stabs it a few more times in its head, making sure it's dead. His knife breaks causing him to stop stabbing the wolf as the adrenalin begins to wear off, causing him to pass out from the pain. Jak wakes up a while later, feeling really sore in his arm that was bitten. He slowly makes his way to standing up taking off his rope belt, unlooping the rope, before he ties the rope around both the wolf and deer.
He then begins to drag the two animals back towards his base, resting every few minutes. A few hours later, Jak finally makes it to his base with the two animals he hunted. He then falls on his butt and catches his breath while looking down to examine his arm that was bitten to see blood but no wound. Jak looked confused at first but remembered the wish he asked for, then the pieces fell in place. "How could I forget my wish." Jak mumbles to himself as he sighs. He then looks up to the sky with a smile, planning to be a bit more proactive.
1 year later
A man can be seen running through a forest with a bow in hand as he is being chased by 3 wolves. The man has a smile on his face as he slides to a stop, turning around and pulling an arrow back then releasing it as the arrow soars through the air and pierces into one of the wolf's head. He then takes off again as the two wolves pass over their dead companion chasing after the man. The man keeps running with a smile as he jumps over open space and then slides to a stop and turns around watching the wolves charge at him with a smile on his face.
The wolves both lunge at the man at the same time, but they step on a rope causing wooden spears to pop out from the ground, impaling the two wolves. The man nods at this as he walks over and pulls the two wolves off the spears, slinging them over his shoulders. He then back tracks and grabs the third wolf, piling the wolf on top the one on his right shoulder. He then begins to run off with the 3 wolves on his shoulders.
The man runs till he finds a stream and then heads upstream till he sees a fire place and a small wooden hut, made of mix of sticks and logs. The man makes his way to the hut, dropping the wolves in front of the hut, and walks through the doorway, that has no door, placing his bow and rope belt in the hut. He grabs his knife and walks back outside, dragging the wolves to the stream before he begins to gut and skin them.
He places the hides to the side, while separating bone, sinew, and meat. He then places all the items on one of the hides and wraps it up, carrying it to a wooden crate by the hut, and placing the bag with sinew, bone, and meat in the crate, while taking the hide to some ropes that were hanging high off the ground. He hangs the hides on the rope then he heads to the stream to wash his hands and face. After washing the blood off he looks at his reflection, which wasn't much different from when he first got here, other than his hair being longer.
What he couldn't tell was he was giving off a different kind of feeling when one looked at him. Like a bit of killing intent, but it is barely noticeable. "Ahh Jak, now that your set in a pattern, it's time to start training for the real fantasy experience." Jak says to himself as he heads to his hut and sits on the make shift bed, made of straw, fiber, and hide. He then sits down on the bed and closes his eyes, trying to feel the energy in the air, like he had read about in many stories.
Sadly, after a half an hour, he got nothing to which made him sigh. "Guess it won't be that easy." Jak mumbles to himself as he tries to feel it again but feels nothing after half an hour. Jak then sighs, while coming to the understanding that learning magic will take a long time. He then gets up and heads to the wooden crate, taking out some meat and then heading to the fireplace, that has a wooden tripod over it. He then begins to cook the meat, adding a bit of water from the stream, and a few seasonings he found foraging around the area, as well as the salt he got from boiling rock salt. After he finishes cooking, he then cleans the pot and bowls and heads back to the hut, planning to keep trying to feel mana.