King Whitney was prepared for death. He was not prepared for the dilemma which now lies before him. Like an angel of war, Princess Daphonnie offers him her hand with the possibility of peace. He once dreamt of peace without violence. He was truly one never meant for war. Yet, after Westley's death, he was forced to pick up where his brother left off. He spent years trying to convince the Codonian war council that a peace treaty was the only way to achieve any resolution. Now, everything he ever wanted stands before him. So why can't he take her hand?
The hand which killed Westley lingered indecisively at his throat moments ago. He couldn't help but wonder if things could have ended differently if Westley never entered Daphonnie's tent? Would she have made the same offer to him? Would he have taken her hand?
Despite Westley's bloodlust, he was the better king. He could stand up to their uncle in order to sit on the Codonian throne. His head might be full of questions, but Whitney knew one thing for certain. Westley would take Daphonnie's hand, but not for peace. He knew that in order to stand and fight tomorrow, you must first survive today. With Westley's words resonating in Whitney's heart. The King takes Daphonnie's hand.
Hiding his insecurities behind a stoic mask, King Whitney gazes deeply into the princess's eyes. To the faint of heart, Princess Daphonnie could appear to be a monster. Stray hairs cling to her cheeks due to the blood drying on her cheeks. Dirt and ash cover the remainder of her delicate face hardened by the cruelties of war. Yet she was still beautiful, very beautiful, Whitney acknowledged.
He cannot help but wonder what Westley would do in the situation yet again. Would he fall prey to his enemy's grace upon glancing into her brown eyes? Would he become mesmerized by the way her curly locks flow through the summer breeze?
The answer was no. However, Whitney was not Westley, and Daphonnie bore a striking resemblance to the girl he loved. He knew it was impossible for Daphonnie to be his beloved Valerie, as she was sired by poor parents inside the Warzone. She could never be the daughter of his adversary. Especially considering Valerie promised to wait for him in the cabin just south of the cave where they met as teens. A promise he could never fulfill.
"My nation will never agree to a peace treaty." He reveals.
A smart man would have kept this truth a secret. However, after years in the warzone Whitney had grown to accept his fate. His death was certain. Either he dies here or on the journey home. He would never see Codonia again in this lifetime. There was no future for him outside of the warzone.
"You are a king. Your nation does as you decree." Daphonnie exclaims.
Her words struck a chord within Whitney. He may be a figurehead King sent here to die, but she doesn't need to know that. Through her, he could keep the silent promise he made to Westley after his demise. If he has to die, it will only be after the acknowledgment of a peace treaty. Whitney thought about how when he joins his family in the afterlife, he will announce that their strife is finally over. Codonia will no longer prioritize war. Warriors could become artists and scholars or whatever they inspire to be. Codonian musicians would sing of love and blue skies instead of death and bloodshed. That is if Princess Daphonnie could uphold her end of the bargain.
"What about you? How can a mere princess end a war?" He inquires.
"Upon the end of this war, I will be crowned Acnologia's first ruling queen since Queen Valerie the first." The Princess says confidently. Whitney hated hearing the name of his sweetheart on her tongue.
"From what I hear that would be your mother." He sneers venomously.
"Let's just say she's keeping my seat warm." Daphonnie scoffs.
Whitney noticed the glint of darkness that flashes across her eyes.
Ending the great war or taking back Daphonnie's thrown will not be as easy as she assumes. Once someone acquires power, they rarely give it up freely. Whitney achieved this knowledge from first-hand experience.
Fredrick Thavlin has served as an aide to the king for the last seventeen years. With Codonia's monarch commanding his army in the warzone. Fredrick was left to oversee the kingdom in the stead of his nephews. In what felt like a blink of an eye, Whitney watched as his loving uncle transformed into a power-hungry monster. Whitney could never forgive the crimes Fredrick has committed in the name of Codonia.
He once promised himself to return to Codonia so he could punish Frederick for his evil deeds. However, Frederick's power now spans well beyond the shores of Codonia. Thus, making Whitney's pledge yet another unfulfilled oath. If Princess Daphonnie could defeat the monster possessing her throne. Whitney wondered if she could conquer his demons as well. , Something inside of him said it was worth a shot.
"I prefer to keep my head when possible. So, if you think we can end this war. I'm willing to try."
"You hear that everyone! The war is over!" bellows with joy.
The men cheer with joy upon her announcement. Five minutes ago, these troops were determined to kill each other. Now embrace one another be they friend or foe. Their sovereign leaders even clasp each other's hands tightly. It was at that moment he when realized Princess Daphonnie was also trembling. What other secrets does she hide behind those stone-cold eyes? He wonders.
"General Kai!" The Princess calls out. A lean male scarred from head to toe races to his commander's side.
"At your service, Princess Daphonnie." He says bowing gallantly at her feet.
"Please take King Westley and his commanding officers into custody," Daphonnie says. The Condonian warriors around her lift their swords in confusion.
"I thought we agreed The Great War was over! Are you not sick of the stench of blood?" Whitney exclaimed in shock.
"You said it yourself, your nation will never agree to a peace treaty. So, Acnologia needs a bargaining chip, and that is you. I merely directed my men to take a handful of your men hostage. The rest of your men are free to return home. There shall only be bloodshed if you command it, King Whitney." She says with a smug expression.
"Lay down your weapons," Whitney reluctantly advises his men.
Daphonnie thought she had won at that moment. What she had no possibility of knowing was that she had just offered Whitney the chance of a lifetime. If he stays quietly by her side as a captive. He could escape the clutches of Acnologia and Codoina when they least expected it. The nations may never achieve peace, but what is another broken promise on a list of many?
Whitney had a future now. He could finally become a free man. Westley might call him a coward in the afterlife, but he will be the first Codonian man to see forty in over five centuries. Most importantly, he can return to Valerie's side. They will have a country life full of children and happiness they promised each other all those years ago. That is if she had not forgotten him.
"Give them your sword," Daphonnie demands.
"No!" Whitney declares.
"You seem to think you have a choice." She snarls before pressing her foot into Whitney's open wound. "Give them the sword!"
Whitney cries out in pain as he gives up his sword. When the excruciating pain comes to a halt. The king realized he was wrong to think of this woman as an angel. Despite the striking appearance she bears to his first love. It was clear to him that she was a demon hiding amongst men.