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begin data transmition.
welcome to Nocor IV
Basic info
This planet has 0.53x earth gravity, 219-hour days and a very ellipsoid orbit. It is 67% land mass with 4continents and is 2.5x the size of earth. It has 14 moons. that wreak havoc with the planets tides
its oacean is surprising devoid of any life, its contents is entirely fresh water. low levels of any contaminants makes it safe to drink. many have noted it does taste slightly sweet due to mineral deposits found on the sea floor.
land mass
the land is higly populated with dangerous preditors. there are no herbavores left on the surface, how ever deep tunnels filled with bioluminescent plants exist with several large herbavore species living in bliss.
additional intel
the dominant species on the planet are highly inteligent beings on par with humans. they have reptilian front paws that make it possible to manipulate items with slightly less ease than humans. though they have wings, they rarfely fly due to there thin wings being extremely frail, they prefer to stay low to the ground to avoid arial combat
the al'keer are slightly less inteligent that the kyntrah, they have waged war against the kyntrah for eons, wich has lead to there near extinction. none of the species respect the al'keer and little evidence exists indicating they once were technilogicaly superior to the human race millions of years ago. several buildings exist dep underground with databanks in the al'keer language. and it seems they declaired war against the kyntrah over a rare mineral on this planet that only exists in the kyntrah's territorry. this mineral emits enormous power, and no radiation making it an ideal fuel sorce. the kyntrah now uitilize this for themselves, and is the reasion they were able to defeat the al'keer. despite being severly out numbered and over powered.