Chereads / RAINING JACKET / Chapter 8 - Part 3 (Let it flow)

Chapter 8 - Part 3 (Let it flow)

"Tattoos are a bit painful. Anyways anaesthesia these days are also good. So what kind of tattoo do you want?", the college tattoo guy stops speaking and looks at Govind and Srikant. Govind and Srikant look at each other. It was a sunny afternoon. The sun was at it's peak. The small glass shop radiated sunshine. The outside of the shop had photos of bearded men having tattoos all over their bodies. They too shined in the sunshine. The tattoo guy was heedless of the fact that Govind and Srikant were police officers who had come in suspicion of him.

"What kind of tattoo do you want? I am asking repeatedly."

"We came here a week back. You weren't here."

"Are you sure? I was there."

"Or maybe two weeks back."

"Ya I wasn't there."


The tattoo guy now seemed to move around uncomfortably on his chair a little bit while the two policemen look at him.

"Why are you questioning me?"

"Just like that."

"You are policemen,aren't you?"

"Well isn't that good of a reason to answer our questions?"

"Are you guys talking about the murders on the campus? I wasn't on the campus for so many days."

"That's why there is a suspicion. Now tell us, where were you?"

A bit of drilling noise is coming out of the other. Quite possibly a tattoo work going on.

"I will come in a bit..."

The tattoo guy tries to walk away when Govind takes out his gun and signals him to sit down with the gun in his hand. The tattoo guy swallows a bit of saliva down his throat and sits down, mildly shivering. He looks at the gun with cornered eyes.

"It's a toy gun isn't it? It doesn't seem real", the tattoo guy says and smiles quite nervously looking at both of them.

Govind slams the gun on the table. Some of the files fall down while the tattoo guy stops his iPad from falling down.

"How does it matter if the gun is real or not when the bullets are?".

The tattoo guy again laughs a bit in a timorous manner.

"You think the real bullets are of any use if the gun is fake?"

Govind picks up the gun. He dusts it and points it towards him.

"Who said I am going to use the gun? I will manually shove the bullets up your ass".

The smoke of the newly lit incense sticks appear to move slowly around the three of them making it a sort of foggy atmosphere. A bit of murmur and drill sound come from the other room and this room has fallen into dead silence with the all the three looking at each other. Srikant goes into a bit of relaxed posture from the uptight straight posture that he was sitting in.

"See boy, just tell us where you were. And if you suspect someone. You seem like a decent guy. Isn't it Govind?"

Govind still points the gun at the tattoo guy.

"Sir please tell him to keep the gun down."

"Why are you saying it to him?I am not deaf, asshole".

"I know you aren't deaf but.."

"Then tell us where you were."

"I was in my village."

"Are you sure?"

"I am s..."

Govind presses the trigger. A huge bullet sound echoes through out the shop. The tattoo guy let's out a sudden loud shriek and falls down. Srikant is taken aback as well but immediately maintains his composure. The bullet hits a portrait of Superman. The superman portrait finds a hole on his forehead and the portrait falls down. Another tattoo guy comes out of the room but stops at the door.

"Sisterfucker, just stay there", Govind tries going towards the tattoo guy who has fallen down on the floor. The guy runs to the other room and the policemen run into the room.

The room has a tattoo machines in the corners with the wires going berserk all around the room. The room has weird paintings all on one wall. There are many seats with hand sanitizer and napkins around. There was only one customer semi naked, getting something tattoed above his butt. The costumer begins to speak in a high pitched voice.

"Mandeep! What happened? Just do this goddamned work. My wife wants it today,man…."

"Sir, please keep quite…", Srikant tries telling but the fat costumer cuts him.

"Today is our anniversary, man! "

"Happy anniversary", Govind says and shoots the wall above with his gun.

The fat costumer now sits up straight with his hands raised.

"Get out of here", Govind says to them in a threatening voice with gun in his hands. The three of them tiptoe slowly out of the shop, also the fat costumer who still had his butt showing but didn't realise it due to fear. Outside the shop, the three stand with their hands raised. Govind gets a call. He looks at it and picks it up.


"Hello Govind. The last girl that died, we found her porn video. And the guy with her is a student on the campus. I am giving you his hostel...."

Govind looks at Srikant and gives him his phone. Srikant listens to the phone and looks back at Govind. Two of them look at the three guys standing there, one of them with his naked butt. The two slowly get out the building, sit in their jeep and go away.

The three stood there in front of the shop confused, with the tattoo above the naked butt saying 'Hey baby.'