The smile on the Pope's face froze, but it did not fade.
Everyone in the call, even the spectators, felt like their backs were dripping with sweat because of how venomous the Emperor's retort was.
Not only did he bluntly state that the culprit was closely related to him, but she was also closely related to the Temple.
Bu Emperor's message was clear, so clear that even the Pope was taken aback for a minute.
"Any more questions? Or is there someone here in the call still unconvinced with my, the Seirende Emperor's decision?"
"Now there are no more questions, I'll leave the decision to you. There is only one way to enter our territory other than to go through the security gates.
And if the Tournament was not held because most of the delegates were not able to come to the venue on time, then it's not my Empire's fault but yours."