Chereads / Tool Assassins / Chapter 26 - Aisha V.S. Shizu

Chapter 26 - Aisha V.S. Shizu

The 5 teams move to their places in the inner circle of the arena, where they can't spy or help their allies. "For the first segment 1 on 1 brawls between Team Zemeki and Team Steel River" "You have 20 seconds to decide who goes first. You can win by either knocking your opponent unconscious or stealing their scarf" "Under your seats you will find tablets, ingest these to activate Fonimu's Respawn ability to avoid any death or injury" Team Zemeki and Team Steel River swallow the Tablets.

A blindfolded ninja from the Steel River Clan ties a red scarf to his waist and approaches the center. "Wait" said the Yellow Wave. Aisha makes her way toward the center. "This should be good enough right?" asked a small woman trying to guide a ball into her cup using momentum and the attached string. "Ha Ha, You would have to go first either way" Wave responded. A pixie looking mofo flies out of a crowned ninja's bag "So this is who you were talking about?" spoke the Pixie. "With her by my side I could easily take a city" stated Crown Guy.

Aisha and the tiny ninja face each other in the center. The force field separates them from their allies as they begin to face off. "First match Aisha v.s. Shizu... start" stated Fonimu. Aisha attempts to quickly close the distance and attempts to transmute Shizu's blood. As Shizu backs away a 21 tentacled creature appears in front of her. Aisha throws her kunai around the creature attempting to rappel past it but a tentacle slams down forcing her to abort this plan.

"I don't buy into all the hype" spoke the blindfolded ninja "all you have to do is avoid her creature, and it's quite weak" "That's because you haven't faced a comparable opponent" replied the crowned ninja "you have the advantage of being blind"

Aisha slams into the ground hitting something "Lets play a game" spoke Shizu. "Damn another presence?" thought Aisha. The invisible presence Aisha stepped on began playing music. "First question" stated Shizu "Does your team have access to any Spelljammer abilities?" "I can't move" thought Aisha "How does this ability work?" *Dun dun dun, dum dum dum* "With 10 seconds remaining, can our contestant figure it out and advance to the next round?" said Shizu's Presence. "What the fuck is this..." spoke Aisha staring blankly at the device. "I am GameBoy, the interactive magic layered console"

"She's gonna lose" said Zemeki. "Which one?" asked a mechanical voice. "The steel team one" Zemeki clarified.

With her Rappel cancelled Aisha is unable to access her tool, would it do her any good if she had it who knows. With the unknown threat of the countdown and the restriction of basic movement, a few idea's entered her mind. 1. Saying nothing, perhaps she could weather the ability without revealing any information. 2. Tricking GameBoy, if she knew more about the ability maybe she could give Shizu false information while mitigating any assumed losses from not answering or getting it wrong. 3. ...

"5 seconds" "Yes" Aisha stated. And tricking it was. One of the tentacles formed a green check mark and vanished. "Correct" said GameBoy. "Is it really as easy as beating a polygraph?" thought Aisha. Shizu started with the second question. "Do you have less than 4 abilities?" "No" one of the tentacles formed a red x and vanished. "Incorrect" "What changed?" thought Aisha. "Uh oh" spoke Shizu "You know what that means" "It's time for the wheel of punishment!" announced GameBoy. Shizu spins a wheel and it lands on feather curse. Conjured feathers spin around Aisha tickling and making her mildly uncomfortable.

More questions are asked and answered. Aisha is unable to figure out the ability. The various discomforts like walking over to do the ice bucket challenge and eating a sock filled with very spicy peppers add up including the stressor that Shizu is getting the information anyways.

"What are your abilities?" "It shouldn't matter that much if they know mine" she thought as Aisha explains her abilities. There was no check or x for that one though. "Damn how could I be so dumb? every question till now had been a yes or no question" Aisha remains silent for the remaining questions until...

"Of Zemeki's third ability would it's primary noad be Mana, Jira, Quanta, or Affliction Noad?" "Why is there no countdown?" asked Shizu. "The target is dead" said GameBoy. Aisha now begins to move toward Shizu. "No she's not she's" Aisha picks up the pace rushing in when.

"I surrender" said Shizu. Ending the match with Aisha as the victor.

"What happened?" asked the mechanical voice. But Zemeki is already inside the arena to carry Aisha out. "It was during the ice bucket challenge" stated Zemeki. "I was able to pick up my tool along with the bucket" Aisha continued "Allowing me to transmute my legs into iron" "were you able to figure anything out yourself?" asked Zemeki "Not much" she answered.