Chereads / OP SKILL SYSTEM IN MHA / Chapter 129 - Multi-Verse Adventure Pt 12

Chapter 129 - Multi-Verse Adventure Pt 12

I caught up to them and touched Lidia's shoulder. She turned her head back at me and stared. "I'm...Sorry. I just cant do it.." She fully turned around and I slowly put my head into her chest.

I felt Kaida touching my head a bit and Lidia stared out. "I'm...Sorry aswell..." She wrapped her arms around me. "I understand that you have to follow...Those rules. It was just that seeing all of those dead people in front of me...." I nodded into her breast at her words.

"With you being the Time Master and all, I thought you could...You know...But I guess I was wrong. I really am sorry for thinking that you were just being...Selfish..." She sighed out and I nodded. Selfish it may seem but...Its not..My Rules.

The first Time Master lived for a while.

He....Essentially walked so us future Time Masters could run..."Thank You. I thought this would be our breaking point in our relationship..." I moved my head all around her breast and she smiled a bit. She then rubbed the top of my head and Kaida smiled. "Master Likes Big Breast!" She giggled out a bit and I moved my head away.

"Yes Kaida. I do like them. Your mother has the most perfect breast in the world..." I groped them some more and Kaida laughed. I stopped after a while tho and sighed out. "Those People...They said something about a Master..." Asta walked up behind me and said "Yep...They weren't the final boss..."

I nodded at him and he said "Maybe we should report this to the guild..." Yeah, we should. Or Maybe Not. Depends on how much I want to write to be honest. "We have to report this all back to the guild actually.." They nodded at my words and we disappeared.


"Please Tell me you got the stone." The setting was now in a dark room with a person sitting on a throne. Their was a robbed man on the floor kneeling aswell.

"Yes Master! We had some problems but in the end, We got it!" The kneeling man then reached for his pocket and pulled out a gemstone. The stone was squarish in shape and pink in color. It also had a pattern of a crescent moon with three stars on it.

"Set it on the floor..." The robbed man shook his head rapidly and placed it on the floor. The stone then disappeared in an instant and the person on the throne said "These people...Tell me more about them..." They laughed out a bit and got up while playing with the stone between their fingers.

They then walked over to the robbed man and smiled. "Y-Yes Master!!" The Master smiled at his subordinate and thought 'Only a few more...'


We appeared in the middle of the guild which surprised many people. We all walked up to the counter and the lady said "W-What happened!?" We all starred at her and sighed.

"The mission...Was a failure..." The ladys eyes widened for a moment when I said that. "Can we tell you what all happened?" She slowly nodded and we followed her to a back room. I then told her everything that happened and she wrote it all down.

"What's going to happen now?" I looked up at her with a serious face and stared. "Well...I will have to tell the Mayor. Maybe he will assemble his squad to look for those people...." I heard that last part and tilted my head in confusion.

"His Squad? Who is his squad?" I looked all over and it seems that only Me and Asta dont know who they are. "The Mayor of the Dungeon City of Crunel has 9 Right Hand Men with amazing Powers..." I nodded at her and she continued.

"William Vongance. The most respected out of the group. The public loves him and his nice attitude..." I nodded and she said "He has Magic Called, World Tree Magic. He can create...Trees essentially but that doesnt make him weak. Far from it as people think he is the strongest of the 9."

I nodded and she continued. "Yami Sukihero. A brown skinned man with huge muscles. He is know as the laziest one of the 9 as he just...Doesnt do anything. We haven't even heard from him in a couple of weeks..." Well it is Yami. Bro is probably fighting against his demons right now.(The toilet)

"His Magic is called....Dark Magic. Not much is know about it but it is considered very dangerous..." I nodded and she continued. She said the other 7 guards aswell which were all the same from the actual show.

"The Mayor...What Magic Does He Have?" He must be stronger then them all if he controls them. "Oh. The Mayor has basic Earth Magic. He has helped his 9 guards at some point in their lives so they're just repaying him is what I've heard..." I nodded at her and got up.

"Well. This is all for today. See you later.." We waved her off and left. "If those people were at the village then they must have been after something..." I opened the door and walked out into the main area.

"Your probably Right Asta. The question is tho, What....Were they after?..." I looked at him out of the corner of my eyes and he shrugged his shoulders. "Have You Heard of that Wind Hero they summoned?" My ears moved a bit at that comment.

"Yeah! He's considered a natural born Genius! Even the Wind Queen took a liking to him..." She did summon him so she better have. "Hes rising up im the world but...His personality. Hes know to be like a dead fish. Never talks. Never shows emotion. He just....There..."

We walked passed the group of people and got onto the teleportation circle. "She said that the mayors 9 right hand men teach at a school in this country. The school is quite famous right Lidia?" I poured some magic into the circle and looked at her.

"Yes. A lot of strong people have emerged from that school. I'm pretty sure that they are holding an entrance exam in a couple of weeks.." A light went off and we teleported. We then got outside in front of the dungeon and I saw the little guard.

"Maybe we should try to get in..." I picked the little guard up and threw him up into the air. "Yeah but level 50 is the requirement to even participate. How are we supposed to get in?" true. Maybe I'll have too..

"Well, let's think about that later. It's getting late and we dont even have anywhere to stay...." The guard came back down and I caught him. He had tears in his eyes and I sat him down. "Y-Y-Your going to participate in the Magic Knights exam?.."

He stared at me while clenching his small spear. "Yep. Seems fun so why not?" I patted his small head and turned around. "O-Okay...." We waved him off and walked away. "We have to find a place to stay..." I nodded at Asta and continued walking down the road.

"Lidia. Dont you need a sword?" I looked out of the corner of my eye at her and she said "I do actually. Good bye." She parted away from us with Kaida and I sighed out. The rest of us kept looking around for a place to stay and after about 3 hours, We found one.

"The Sleeping Cow Huh?" We all looked at the sign with a fat cow on it. "Well...Its better then nothing..." Asta sighed out and we walked in. When we got inside, we noticed that the place was empty. The dining tables were broken down, and it was dusty all over.

"Good After noon..." We looked over to the voice and saw a short woman. She had glasses with black hair. Her eyes were golden aswell which kind of surprised me. "Good After noon to you aswell.." I walked up to the short woman and towered over her. 4'10 compared to 6'3.

"My...Your quite tall arent you?" She came up to me and stared into my blind fold. "And Your....Quite Short arent you?" I picked the small lady up and said "This is a place where we can sleep at right?" The small lady nodded at me and I sat her down on a broken table.

"You...Are the Time Master right? Why would you want to stay here?" Nero and Asta made surprised faces at that. "Well its quiet and it seems....Comfy in a weird way..." She nodded at that and smiled.

"You can stay in any room you want too. No one has slept in this place in months so..." I nodded at her and said "Since your doing that for us then...." I put my hand out. "I can atleast do this for you...." My hand glowed a bit and stopped after a couple of seconds.

"Wow...." The small lady looked all around with sparkling eyes. The room was now fixed up and cleaned all over. I rewound time in the building to the state of it being fixed up. "Thank You!" I smiled a bit and walked away.

"The sign outside said 1 silver per night right? Here you go..." I took out 10 platinum coins and placed it on table. "This...Your planning on staying here for that long!?" I nodded at at her while walking up the stairs.

I got into this small hallway and saw 3 doors.

End Of hallway





I walked over to the one at the end of the hallway and opened it. It was an average room that had a single bed. A shelf in the corner with a window aswell. "Is this...our room..." Nero flew down from my head and transformed.

"Well...This is my room. Their are two other rooms so you can stay in those if you want too." She stared blankly at me for 5 minutes straight which made me sweat a little. "I...Want to stay in here..." She walked up to me and stared me in my eyes.

"That's fine." I placed my hand on her head and she nodded. I then walked over to the bed and sat down. I took my boots off and sat them over the side. Nero sat down beside me while I was doing this.

"Kenji. I'm staying in the room by the stair well." Asta peeked through the door and I nodded. "See you tommorow then..." He closed the door and I stood up. I then took my rags off and threw them to the side.

"Nero. You...Dont have clothes on under your dress do you?" She slowly nodded at me and got up aswell. She undid her dress straps and her dress fell down to the floor. "Here. Lidia gave me these. You might be able to fit them so try them on..."

I handed the underwear to her and she slowly took them. "Why...Did she give you these..." I started sweating a bit and said "It...Was a gift? She said she wanted to give these to me for helping her..." She stared blankly at me and I whistled away. I could still feel her gaze on me however.

"These....What is that smell..." She put them up to her face and closed her eyes. "They smell....Good..." She pulled them away and smiled a bit. I could only stare with my mouth gaped open.

"Uh Nero. That's the smell of....Lidia..." She stared back at me and nodded. She then started putting them on and I said "Your...A pervert Nero." She stared blankly at me and I walked over to the window. I stared out of it and thought 'Right behind the dungeon...'

We walked around for hours and hours but found nothing. I then asked the little guard and he told me about this place. "I'm...Not a pervert. She just has a smell...Like you do...." She walked up to the side of me and we both stared at the back of the tower.

"If you want them....Then you can have them..." She began stripping down again but I stopped her. "Lidia's smell isnt the only thing on that you know..." If she honestly thought I kept those but didnt use them for material then she is sadly mistaken.

"I know..." She touched her panties a bit then looked back up at me. I smiled at her and picked her up. She wrapped her arms around my neck and she wrapped her legs around my waist. We stared at each other for a while then she said "Why...Are you carrying me?" She tilted her head in confusion at me and I shrugged my shoulders.

"I...Need this sometimes?...." I brought her closer and our foreheads touched. I stared into her red eyes and she stared in into mine. Well she stared into the spot where my eyes were at. We both then closed our eyes and walked over to the bed.

I sat down on it and we opened our eyes. She put her head back and I smiled at her. I then placed my hands on her waist then moved them up to the side of her stomach. I started feeling all over her soft and white skin.

She however didnt do anything. She just stared at me while I felt all over her body. "Is this okay to do? I...Dont want to make you uncomfortable.." She followed my eye movements and said "This...Is for helping me.." I slowly nodded at her quiet voice and continued.

I felt all over her some more and put my head up to her neck. I kissed on it which made her legs tighten around me more. I then sucked on her neck and she groaned out a bit. I soon put my tounge out then ran it up the side of her neck. I went all up the side of her face until I reached her ears.

"Your...Too much.." I smiled at that and moved her hair out of the way. I then bit down on her ear lobe and she moaned out a bit. I slowly nibbled down on it and she moaned out. I then licked the inside of her ear and she groaned out some more.

"Your so sweet..." I licked the inside of her ear some more and she twitched around. I then pulled my tongue out and starred at her. Her eyes were even lower now which made me confused for a second but I ignored it.

"Nero...Do you have any experience in this or?..." I...Wouldnt mind if she wasnt a virgin to be honest. It would have been nice if she was but she had her own life before meeting me. "I...Dont...." She stared blankly at me with 3 red lines on her face.

They were barely visible but I could still see them. "I'm...One too. Would you please do me the honor of taki-..." Those words shouldn't have left my mouth actually. "Time....Master?..." I looked over Neros shoulder and saw her.

"Why....Are you?..." I heard her drop something which made a klang sound. "Lidia....This is-" She ran out of the room and slammed the door. I then shot my head at Nero and she said "Im...Sorry?...." She got off of me and stood to the side.

I then ran over to the door and patted Kaida's head. "I'm...Sorry you had to see this.." I then opened the door and closed it. I ran down the short hallway and out of the tavern.

I looked all around for her then looked down at the ground. I saw how it was melted and going in a certain direction. "I..Messed up..." I ran in the direction of the trail and kept going. I thought back to what I said and gritted my teeth.

I then ran into these woods. They had a whole forest in this town for harvesting and practice and other things like that. "Why did I say that..." I kept following the trail until I got in front of this tree. I stopped myself and slid a bit.

"Dont come near me.." She had this shield of fire around herself. She was wrapping her arms around her legs aswell. "Listen Lidia. I'm sorry for-" She looked up at me a bit which made me stop talking.

"I asked the same question. I asked the exact same question but you denied me.." Her fire got hotter and I backed up a bit. "You denied me and yet, You offered her....How could you do something like that?" She stared at me intensely but I had no answer.

She....Was right. She wanted me to have her first and she wanted me to have my first with her. I said no however as I thought I wasn't ready. But their I was...Offering Nero My Virginity.

Some Guy I Am. "Your Right. What I Did Was DownRight Awful And I'm Sorry. I....Was Caught Up In The Moment And I Said Something That I shouldn't Have...." I walked back up to her with the heat hitting my skin. "I Wont Make The Same Mistake AnyMore So Please, Please Be My First For Everthing..."

I got up right in front of her and placed my hand through the shield. "I'm Sorry For Showing You That..." I cupped her face and she looked up at me fully. We stared at each other for a while and she got up.

"I'm not mad that you were touching all over her. You can do that whenever you want to for all I care. What I'm mad about is that you offered yourself to another woman before I could get a chance too...." She tocuhed my hand and smiled. "Just please..Let me be the first..." She got closer to me and put her arms around me.

I did the same and we stood there, Hugging each other. We rocked a bit under the moon light and I played in her fiery hair. "By the way, Why was Nero in my underwear?" She pulled away from me with her hands on my shoulders. I had mine wrapped around her waist.

"She doesnt wear any so I gave her yours..." She stared at me for a moment then laughed out. "Those...Were the first underwear that I let you have. Do you love her that much to the point where you would let her wear them?" Love is a strong word isnt it.

"Well if I went all the way with her then it would have been like you were their aswell..." She shook her head a bit and sighed. "You have the right intention...but you executed it in the wrong way..."

I awkwardly laughed a bit and let her go. She did the same and I said "Let's go back. They're probably worried about us..." She nodded and we both disappeared. We then appeared back in our room and she sighed.

"Lidia..I..." Nero came up to us with her fist bawled a bit. "I shouldnt have done that...Please forgi-" Lidia placed her arms around her which surprised her. "Nero. It's not your fault. Understand that..." She rubbed Neros black hair and she slowly nodded.

"Master!..." Kaida teleported over to me and I picked her up. "Kaida. Your Master...Isnt a good one is he?" I brought her into my chest and she hugged me. "Master Is A Good Master! You always play with my horns and...and....You always smile at me unlike the others who give me frightened looks....."

I rubbed her back a bit and she said "I love you so much Master! Please dont ever say bad things about yourself!..." I pulled her away and kissed her forehead. "I love you too Kaida." She then kissed me on my cheek and smiled at me.

I then walked over to the bed and sighed out. Kaida sat on my lap with her hand on her knees while swinging her legs back and forth. Lidia and Nero soon walked over to me and sat down aswell.

"Nero. I'm sorry for dragging you into all of this when...." She placed her hand on my lap and stared blankly at me. She started moving it around and said "I...Forgive you for putting me in that situation..." Well...Your not exactly wrong but you could have said that better...

"You two can do it first...I can wait....." All 3 of us stared at her and Kaida said "I....Want to do it too with Master..." She pouted a bit at me and Lidia laughed. I didn't expect her to say it so blantenly. I also wasnt surprised that she even knew about that stuff anyways since shes...You know...Over a million years old.

"One Day Kaida. Maybe one day..." I patted her small head and she nodded. I then layed back on the bed and sighed out in relief. Kaida then shifted on my crouch and faced towards me. She put her legs out on each side of me and smiled.

"Shes a child Time Master. Why are you letting her get away with this?" Lidia got up and started undoing her clothes. Nero got off of the bed aswell and pulled the sheets back to get in. I then sat up and held Kaida. She rubbed her head into my chest and I got up.

Nero then fully got into the bed and scooted over a bit. I got in with Kaida snd she layed on my chest. Lidia then got in and we all squeezed togehter. Kaida popped out from under the covers and smiled at me

"We have to get closer..." Lidia looked over at Nero and she stared at her. They both then moved their bare legs over mine and got in closer. "So soft..." I sighed out in relief and Lidia laughed a bit. Kaida's clothes then disappeared and she rubbed her bare body on me more.

(AN: Author. You cant do this bruh. She is over a million years old but she has child like features. It's wrong.

My chapter which means my rules...

Your right sadly...)

"Yo Kenji.." The door opened and Asta peeked through. He then saw all of us in the bed and stared. "What's wrong?" I sat up a bit and and so did Nero and Lidia. They covered themselves with the sheets and we stared at him.

"I was just going to say good night but uh...I guess your already having one..." He laughed awkwardly and slowly closed the door. I then sighed out a bit and layed back down. I placed my hands on Kaida back and she giggled.

"I'm....Tired..." Nero yawned out and layed back down. "I'm going to sleep..." She turned towards me and grabbed my arm. She then scooted in some more and fell asleep. Kaida then yawned out aswell and came closer to my face.

"Good Night Master..." She kissed me on my check and wrapped her arms around my neck. After a while, I felt her soft breath on my neck and her little snore.

"So cute..." I moved my right hand up a bit and touched her white hair. "Im....Going to hit the hay aswell. You know what that means right?" She yawned out and turned towards me. "You. Will. Have. 3. Defenseless. Women. In. Your. Bed..." She licked my ear and her head slowly went down.

I will huh. Maybe I will do something to them. "I'm glad I've met you all.." I kissed each one of them on their forehead. They all smiled in their sleep which made me smile aswell.

I then slowly closed my eyes and fell asleep with them.


I woke up to a soft feeling on my face. "What is this?..." I was about to move my hands but remembered that I had to people wrapped around them. I sighed at this and put my tounge out.

The soft feeling twitched a bit and slowly moved. "Master?..." She slid down my face and our eyes locked. "Why did you lick me their..." Her face was red and my eyes widened a bit. She then looked down towards her spot then back at me.

"Sorry..I couldn't get you to move so..." I smiled a bit at her and she nodded. She then started moving back up my face very slowly. "W-Wait. What are you doing?" She ignored me and kept going.

I passed by her belly button and she kept going. "Make me feel good again master..." She placed her spot on my face and moved up and down. She made weird noises while doing this and I saw the sheets by my crotch rise.

'I'm...going to jail..' I sighed out a bit but then I remembered something. 'Nobody....Is strong enough to catch me...' The 'harsh' reality...

She kept going while getting faster and faster. "Master..." She stopped and wrapped her hands around my head. She pulled me into her crotch even more and water came out. She twitched around some more and fell back onto my chest.

She had a smile on her red face while starring at the ceiling. I then whiped my face and licked my fingers. "Kaida...It taste...Amazing?..." Without the use of any skills, she was naturally sweet. Now that I think about it, Nero's ears were the same. Lidia's panties aswell..

"Master...Do you want more..." She slowly got back up and climbed up my chest. She accidentally hit my little man with her foot and she looked back at it. She saw the print in my shorts and stared at it.

"Master is Happy!" She smiled back at me and started moving towards it. She crawled up to It and I said "Thats Enough Kaida. Master is happy that you want to make me happy but..." She pouted a bit and poked at mini me.

He moved up a bit which made her smile. "Master...Let me do this...I never done it before and....And...." A small tear ran down her face as she looked back at me. This...Wasnt fair...

It's too early to be making decisions like this. "Please Master....." She sniffled a bit and I sighed. I then looked over at the sleeping Lidia then at the sleeping Nero. If these two saw me then they might try to arrest me.

"Okay but you can only touch it..." She rapidly nodded and took it out. It hit her face and I grunted a bit from the feeling of her soft and small hands. "Its so hot and big Master..." She squeezed it some more which made me grunt more.

"And it smells...Amazing!" She put her face up to it and rubbed it on her cheek. She giggled out while I was groaning out. She then fully got on me and i saw her small slit. I also saw her small pink hole which opened a bit.

"Master..." She kept rubbing it against her face then she noticed something. "Its...Hidden Master..." I flinched a bit as she reached towards my tip. She then pulled the skin down and i slowly groaned out. She fully pulled it back and my real head was revealed.

"Kaida...." I groaned her name out and she giggled. "Its so cute Master!!" She gripped my dick with both of her hands again and put it on her cheek. She slapped her face and giggled out. "Kaida...Too much..." She looked back at me weirdly and tilted her head.

She squeezed even harder with her hands unconsciously and I came. It got all over her face and she panicked. She then opened her mouth and came down on me. My eyes widened at this and I fell back. "I'm going to jail..." I cried out and twitched.

Her small mouth felt so good like a hole that you wanted to fit into but couldnt but you eventually did by 'forcing' your way in. I was still coming in her mouth and she was still taking it all. She squeezed down with her small hands with black finger nail painting which made me cum even more.

After about 3 minutes, She undid her mouth and sat up. She put her hands back on my chest with her left leg on my left leg and her right leg on my right leg. She crunched her toes a bit and slowly moved down. "No Kaida! No!..." I quietly screamed out but she ignored me.

She crawled down and then we connected. "It feels....Amazing!!" She grinded against my dick and looked back at me. "Master...." Her horns were slowly growing and she smiled at me. "I want to be with you forever master..." She then turned back around and continued rubbing her small slit again me.

She was digging her fingers into my chest aswell with her toes. She started going faster and faster which made my dick twitch even more. "A skill Master..." She said with drool coming out of her mouth. "Its a skill...." She then sat up a bit and drooled on my dick.

This skill that she is using...Its highly effective. "I....Love...You....Master..." She kept rocking and rocking until she stopped. She then grabbed my dick and started tugging at it. She gripped it harder and harder and put her mouth up to it.

"Shoot Out All Of Your Magic Master!!" She bit down on my tip and I shot it all out on her face. She giggled and giggled and fell back on my chest. My dick then went down and fell onto her stomach. "Master...Hurry up and do it with mommy so I can have a turn..." She scooted up and came under my chin.

I then looked down at her and we stared at each other. "Mastar is so handsome everywhere..." She looked down at my dick and moved her feet onto them. She played with it and said "You small feet Master?..." She played with it some more and gripped it.

"Lets...Not speak about all of this Kaida...." I groaned out a bit and she nodded. She then ran a single toe down my base and giggled. "Okay Master..I wont tell..." She smiled at me and I nodded. I then came all over her small feet and she stood up.

She then turned around and walked up to me. She bent down a bit and said "I love you Master!" She waddled up to me and hugged my face. She had her slit in my face and she moved closer to me.

She then wrapped legs around my neck and got closer. Her slit was all I could see now. "Time...Master?...." I felt my arm move a bit and someone got up. I then felt my other arm move and they slowly got up. "Why is Kaida on your face? Did you actually do something to her?"

No, I didnt. I'm also surprised by the fact that neither of you got up from the sheets shaking until now. "Mommy?..." Kaida faked like she just got up aswell. "Kaida Dear. Your uhm...." She moved her eyes up and down and Kaida smiled.

"Master nose feels good..." She then started humping my face which shocked Lidia. "Your as perverted as your Master kaida..." She sighed out and got out of the bed. Nero was starring directly at us which made me sweat a little.

I was then hit by a ball of water and Kaida sighed out in relief. She held onto me tighter and move her slit all up in my face. "Kaida....Really does love the Time master...." Nero got up from the bed and walked away.

Kaida then undid her legs and slowly scooted back. "I'm going to get you!...." She giggled out and teleported away. I then got up from the bed but slipped on the covers. I hit the ground hard and looked up. "Sorry Master..." She gave a sly smile and teleported away again.

I got up and ran out of the door. "Those...Two...." Nero stared at the door. "They really are like father and daughter...." Lidia smiled at herself and continued putting her clothes on. Nero then grabbed her black dress and put it on.

I ran down the hallways and and got to the stairs. I rushed down them while saying "Kaida..." I heard her giggle all around me which made me smile a bit. I then got down the stairs and saw her. "Freeze.." I pointed at her and her body froze in time.

"I got you know..." I walked up to her with a frown on my face. I picked her up by the side of her stomach and unfroze her. "I'm sorry Master...I..." She made a sad face and put her head down. "Oh kaida...I'm not angry at you..." She slowly lifted her head back up.

"Just dont use a skill like that on Master...." She slowly nodded at me and I sat her down. The skill she used was like a succubus seduction skill. At first I resisted it but I slowly fell into its charm. "Your a natural Kaida. In the future, you'll be..."

Something else. She was this good for her first time. Well shes probably seen about a million techniques over her time. "When mommy and Nero are done with you, I'll make you fall in love with me for real!..." Her clothes appeared on her and she put up a peace sign.

I smiled a bit and picked her up. She kissed me on the nose and said "Master...Your Exposed...." She looked down at my dick and I said "Well...You put it out like this..." She giggled and hovered her hand over it. A portal appeared and it went down on mini me.

My stuff then went back into my boxers and we walked back up the stairs. We got to the top and I knocked on Asta's door. "Get up. We're going to leave soon..." I then walked away and went to our room.

I walked throught the door and closed it. "Today is the start of your level 50 journey guys. I'm going to work you day and night until your skin falls off. That's fine right?" As soon as I said that, I heard a "OF COURSE!!" Behind me.

The door fell down and I turned around. "Okay then. For your first part of training, you will be fixing this door." He stared blankly at me then nodded in defeat. He slowly turned back around and left to get some supplies.

I then sat Kaida down and changed into my rags. "What's that smell?" Lidia sniffed all around and went towards the bed. "Smells...Sweet?.." She sniffed all over the bed and I coughed out. "Must be our sweet smell of sweat..." They all stared blankly at me then looked away.

"Master is right!" They both stared her then nodded. I sighed at all of this and put my boots on. I then tapped the ground a bit with my boot and smiled. "Alright. Let's begin our journey to level 50." They all nodded and I heard a groan.

"I wanna go too..." Asta picked up the door and set it back in place. "Just get that door fixed and you can join us." He nodded with a sad face and we teleported outside. "Okay. Let's go to Floor 65.." They all nodded and we started walking away.

Or we tried too, as we were stopped by these two pink women. One had spikey green hair with yellow/green eyes while the other had light blue hair with the same yellow/green eyes aswell. She also wore glasses.


(AN: Now...I know most people dont like harem but...Yeah nevermind. Was going to give a speech but nah...

Im going to add another guy to the group tho. Doesnt really change anything but...It atleast be 3 guys and 5 girls. Balances out right?)