Chereads / OP SKILL SYSTEM IN MHA / Chapter 120 - Multi-Verse Adventure Pt 3.

Chapter 120 - Multi-Verse Adventure Pt 3.

"Are you sure you want me too?..." She clasped my hands and nodded. "Please! Just once will be enough!" I sighed and nodded.

We were still on top of the hill and for some reason, she wanted me to use.."Time Magic: Age manipulation." A white beam shot out at her at speeds faster than the eye could see and touched her. Her body then started shrinking and it soon stopped.

"Lidia?" Only her clothes amd armor could be seen with a slight bump in them. I pulled her suit of armor away and her under clothes aswell and saw her. "Aw...Your so cute!.." I picked her up and pinched her cheeks. She cooed at me and clapped her hands.

"Maybe ill...Keep you like this forever...." She stop cooing and laughing and stared at me. "Yeah, I'll do that.." She started crying out loud and I laughed.

"I'm just kidding..." I sat her down and she turned back to normal. "That..Wasnt funny.." She said while wrapping her arms around her knees. Keep in mind that she was naked so you know...

I had to look down a little and...Yep! She looks perfect everywhere! "Hey." I tried not to look at her but my head kept shifting towards her. "Your....A pervert arent you?"

[Title unlocked: Pervert]

Aw hell nah... You can go back to being mute.

"Yes, I am. I haven seen a naked woman in over 500 years so please..." I put my head into the ground and bowed. "Please let me continue looking!" She stared at me with a disgusted look.

About 5 minutes passed before she sighed. "Since you showed me your magic then I guess it cant be helped..." My face shot up and I stared at her. "For 30 seconds however. Anything more and..."

I was already starring. I was like a kid right now. My feet were going back infort in the air and I had my hands on my face. She then spread them out some more and I was I'm heaven. "Roses.."

She heard this and looked away. A slight blush appeared on her face. "You know...For a princess, you sure are easy about letting me see in between your legs..." She looked at me and said "The Time Master asked to see so of course I have to oblige.."

So I can basically do this to anyone?....."Man.. This world isn't so bad afterall..."

"Did you say something?" She looked at me, who was still starting at her her 3rd mouth. "I just said that it looks beautiful.." She nodded and looked away. Damn shes hard to crack.

Time passed and she said "Geez...How long are you going to stare for?..." She slowly placed her foot into my face. That was....A mistake. "..." She felt something slimy touch her foot and kicked harder out of reflex. I flew back into a builder with a satisfied look.

"So this is another one of your fetishes?..." She stared at her foot then at me. "The Time Master...Sure has been lonely huh.

[New Title Unlocked: Lonely Pervert.]

You...cannot be deadass...

"Look Time Master.." She had her boots in her hand and was waving them in front of my face. "Does this...Excite you?..." She laughed a bit and I stared up into the sky.

"What have I done..." She wasnt exactly wrong but I can tell that this was going to be the start of something.

[New Title Unlocked: Footbo-]

I deleted that title. "Let's go already..." I picked her clothes up for her and handed them to her. She took then and tossed me her boots. "Dont do anything dirty to them. Those cost alot..."

Come on bruh...

I wouldnt do it infront of you-


"Okay. You ready?" She looked at me and I nodded. We both then started walking down a hidden trail and got back into the forest.

"So Time Master...You...Cant die right?" I looked at her and nodded. "Wouldnt you get lonely because of..Well, outliving everyone?.." I shook my head at her and said "Well, I can make people age at a snail's pace if I wanted. I could then settle down with some one and live out a happy immortal life."

She took all of this in and sighed. "Time Masters...They stop wars but end up lonely.." I shrugged my shoulders at that. It's those old fools fault that they were found dead by themselves.

I ain't going out like that tho. I'm about to have me a harem with like...12 or so girls then settle down and have children..Yall stay safe tho. The past time users killed themselves because of lonesome.

"Kenji. Could you make me immortal..." I looked over at her. "I'm suppose to be taking over the Yoni Fire nation when I come of age and I..." She paused for a bit. For a long time actually.

"I understand..." I sighed and said "But not now. When the time comes, we'll discuss it..." Making her immortal when she's still 'Immature' Wouldn't be a very a good call. Could make her cocky but now that I've been with her for a while , I realized she isnt like that.

Shes fun yet serious. Collected yet clumsy. It was a joy to watch her on this small journey.

We then got closer to the volcano and I started sweating. "Geez Lidia. How hot is it exactly in the fire nation?" She looked over at me and said "100,00 degrees. Why? Is it hot or something?"

What did you just say? I'm am almost quite sure in fact that that is hotter then the surface of the sun.

[Skill Unlocked: Heat resistance]

Will I always get random skills even tho I already have them?

"You know..." She pointed down at towards the 'Ground' "They get really-" I placed my hand over her mouth and she laughed. We then kept walking and got to this huge gate.

My mouth gaped a bit at the size. "Follow me Time Master.." I nodded and we walked up to this room that was by the entrance of the gate. I assumed it was the room for security. "Yes?" The man in the booth got up and Lidia pulled out a card.

It was Golden and the man's eyes immediately widened when he saw it. "R-Right this way Ms." His voice broke at the end a bit and she nodded. She started walking and I did aswell. "Woah their buddy.." The guard stepped infront of me.

"What do you think your doing huh? Following Princess Lidia is a crime you know.." Who...Made that a law. "Get out of here-" As soon as he said that, a sword was aimed at his throat. "Time Master. Please take this and go ahead." She handed me that golden card and I nodded.

"T-Time Master!?" She stared the man down and swung her sword. "Wow...." I was in the volcano and it looked amazing. Rivers of fire. People with fiery hair. Laughter. Joy. It was all around. "So...Its not one of those worlds?" She called me a peasant and I assumed it was a world where the powerful dominated the weak but I guess I was wrong.

Or maybe I'm right. Who knows.. "Sorry for that interruption." She came up behind me and I turned away. "Welcome to..The Fire Nation. I hope you enjoy it, Time Master." She smiled and I did aswell.

We then started walking together. "Princess Lidia!" Everyone bowed down as we walked by. "Who is that man with her tho?..." They all gave me a glare but in a curious way. "You sure are respected huh?.." She looked at me and said "I've...Done alot for these people so I guess that's why?..."

She seemed unsure for some reason and we kept walking for about an hour.

I got kind of fed up and said "Listen...I do want to look around some more but can we please...Find somewhere to stay. My feet are killing me.." The main road was so long. It would probably take hours just to get up to the huge castle.

"Okay. Followed me then." I nodded and we started walking away from the main path. We walked down this street and by the time we got to the house looking place, my legs were wobbly.

"Only took us 20 minutes.." We walked into the building and was greeted immediately. "Princess Lidia! What brings you here!?" An averaged sized woman with red hair and...."They're bigger then yours Lidia." I put my hand out and grabbed one. "Kyaa~"

Lidia shook her head and walked past us. "Uhmm..Who is he?~..." I kept moving them around. Lidia has the size of a head while she had the size of watermelon. "Ruby. This is the Time Master. Time Master. This is Ruby." I nodded and ruby stared at me.

"No really...Who is this?" I gave one last squeeze and walked away. She turned back to us and walked over aswell. I sat down at the table that Lidia was at and waited. "Show her. It's the only way.."

I nodded and said "Time Magic: Age manipulation." I turned her into a baby and picked her up. "Aw...She so cute..." I pinched her cheeks and threw her up a bit. She screamed out but stopped after a while.

She then let out laughter and I soon turned her back. As soon I did however, she kneeled. "I'm so sorry Sir! I spoke with you in such a casual manner, I-" I stopped her and said "Its fine. She had the same reaction aswell.." Although she believed me on the spot.

I guess not that many people go around claiming to be the Time master....."Please sir! If there is anything that I can do to repay you then.." She stood up and turned her head away. "W-Will this be enough!?" She showed me her breast and I cupped my chin.

"Inverted huh..." She got redder after I said that. "Put your shirt down Ruby. He isnt like that..." Speak for your own self lady. I was enjoying my show up until now.."Okay..." She slowly put her shirt down and I said "Can we stay here for the night please?"

She instantly nodded and said "Princess. Do you want to use your private room?" Lidia nodded and got up. "Okay then! Follow me!"

She left and we followed. "So..Who is she to you?" They spoke pretty casual so I was kind of curious. "She is my childhood friend." I waited for more but I guess that's all. We continued walking down this long hallway until we reached this Red door.

"Please.." She bowed and opened the door. We then walked into the room and I looked around. "What...In the hell?.." It was pink and red all over. I aslo saw some...Questionable things on a table which confused me so hard that I got a new title.

[New Title Unlocked: Just confused.]

"Ruby...How many times have I told you before to not come into my room and play with your self."

Woman has no filter. She says whats on her mind and goes with it. "I-Im sorry!" She ran in and collected her 'items.' They were kinda big for a small lady. "Geez...This is so embarrassing..." She squealed out of the room and closed the door.

"You thought that was my stuff huh?" She giggled a bit and I stared at her. I started laughing a bit and said "Air Magic...Show me her secrets..." Her eyes widened and a gust of air flew in from the window. It searched around the room until it placed something in my hand.

"Property of...Lidia Yoni.." She stared at me and said "Thats...Not mine.." This huge white things that has your name on it isnt yours?... "I guess we should throw it out then.." I got into a throwing position and she stuck her hands out at me.

"Wait..." I turned my head around slowly. "What is it?" She looked down and got serious. "If you can find it in your heart to not throw that out then....I'll let you watch me use it.." I instantly sat it back down.

"Okay." She wasnt surprised that I instantly accepted this. "So you can talk to the wind huh...Well of course you can..." She sighed and started taking her clothes off. "Yes..There quite nice to talk to..."

She got into her underwear and said "I'm going to go take a shower.." I nodded and she went into a room. "So they have showers here huh.."

Placed looked medieval but I guess it wasnt too bad. " nice.." I walked over to the single bed and layed down. I sighed out and looked out of the window. I then heard the shower turn on and I instantly looked back.

"Arent you going to join me?" I heard her say out in a monotone voice. "Nah..You might have an urge again..." A fire ball was thrown out at me but it soon stopped. I then sent it back into the shower and heard an explosion.

"oops..." I sighed a bit and got up. I walked into the bathroom and saw a huge hole in the corner. I walked past her and she said "Do you want to meet my family or do you have other plans for tommorow?.." I checked out the hole in the wall and said "Reverse.." I waved my hand over it and it went back to how It was before.

"I dont know actually. I might go out to level up so..." She nodded and continued bathing. I then went up to the toilet and sat down. "If you want to join then get in."

Nah..."Im...Good.." If I'm not mistaken then...That was lava pellets coming out of the shower head. Maybe I'm just...Seeing things... "It doesnt hurt you big baby. It feels quite nice on the skin..."

I sighed and got up. I undid the curtain and she backed away. I placed my finger into it and...."What's this huh?" My finger was melting off. You could see the bone now.

"Oh. My fault." I rewound my finger and backed away. I got a resistance yes, but it was only at level one. Well, it was at the max now so that's something...

After that thought passed, I heard the...Lava?...Turn off. She then got out of the shower and I passed her a towel. "Dont you think your trusting me too much?" She took the towel and shook her head no.

"Time Masters are people who can controll time. They can do anything and we can only sit back and do...nothing..."

I see..."Besides. You wont do anything to a defenseless lady like me will you?" How can you say that when you have more abs then me? "Your right. In time tho..In time.." I laughed and walked out.

"Give them back." She stuck her hand out of the bathroom door and I sighed. I walked back up to her and gave her underwear back. "Your going to put them back on?" I walked back and sat on the bed.

"You would like that huh?"


[New Skill Unlocked: Lie (max)]

Am I...Alright? I dont think I'm alright..

"You just got the 'lie' skill right?" I smiled a bit and said "No..." She then came out a couple of minutes later in a black night gown.

She walked over to a desk with her hand on the back of her head. Her breast were moving all over which caused my eyes to turn into a clock. "We haven't even had dinner yet Time Master.." She looked at me out of the corner of her eye and I said.

"How do you know that I'm using my skills?..." She smiled a bit and sat down in her desk. "Its a skill that future inheritors of the throne can do." So that means that she was suppose to become the new queen since birth? "Yes."

I fliched a bit and she started writing something on a piece of paper. After about an hour of silence, she got up with the note in her handand said "Can you read this?" I nodded and grabbed the paper. "Seems fine to me.."

"Oh. I mean can you actually read it as in do you understand the language."

"You showed me that card and I was able to read it then."

"That had translation magic on it. This doesnt."

This woman..."Yeah, I learned the languages over time...." I handed it back to her and she took it. It then went up in flames and she yawned. "Not tonight Time Master. Give me Time to warm up to you first.." She got into the bed and I stared at her.

I then got into the bed and we stared at each other for a while. "Fine. Maybe a bit..." I tilted my head a bit but was soon pulled into her chest. 'So...Warm...' I wrapped my arms around her and sighed out in relief.

I dont even want to have sex. I just want to stay like this forever..."This...Is fine.." She stared at me for a moment then rubbed my head.

"Your...Weird Time Master...But that isnt bad.." She smiled a bit and we both fell asleep.
