Chereads / OP SKILL SYSTEM IN MHA / Chapter 107 - Chapter 106

Chapter 107 - Chapter 106

We floated up in the sky. "Hey. Let us go." Izuku looked at me and nodded. We'll be a burden now if he fights him in the air with us attached.

He dropped us all to the ground and shigaraki spoke. "So you like fighting in the air huh? Well that's fine! After I take One For All, I'll send you straight to heaven!! Same for those people down their!!" Izuku got even angrier and said.

"NEVER! YOU'LL NEVER LAY A HAND ON ANY ONE OF THEM!!" He quickly shot a shigaraki. He went so fast that it seemed like he went through him. In reality, he was punching him at quick speeds.

As he did, shigaraki bodys twitched around and izuku swung back around. Shigaraki looked at him with a face full of 'Fear.' "IT ENDS HERE SHIGARAKI!" He then flew into him again and shigarakis eyes went white.

Shigaraki body went numb as izuku tighten his grip on him. Izuku charged back at him and punched him again sending a huge shockwave towards us on the ground.

I saw how his arms were bleeding but he just kept going. He kept smashing and smashing him. Tears came out if his eyes but he didnt stop. He kept going for a while, hitting and kicking at him until he stopped for a moment. "Getting in the way of my dreams?" Shigiraki had his hand out.

"Thats what this power is for!!" Izuku then tugged on black whip. Shigaraki came close to izuku again and he punched him. This time it caused a huge explosion. 'Dont worry. I'll help you out.'

I buried my feet into the ground and launched up. Shigaraki looked over at me and his eyes widened. He then spun around a bit and faced me. He had his hands out, waiting for me to come into contact.

I, however went passed him and came back towards him. He shot his face at me but it was too late. I punched him into his cheek and carried him to the ground.

We both landed in the ground and went into it. Dust and rubble flew up as we did. "What was that you said again?" I ran up to him and kicked him in his jaw. He flew back a bit and landed into a wall. "Let's see what's under my mask was it?"

I disappeared and reappeared infront of him. His eyes widened and I grabbed his face. I squeezed my hand down and my fingers sunk in. He almost touched me but I kicked him away.

In that moment, izuku came up behind me and punched him in the stomach. He then used black whip and grabbed him. He pulled shigaraki towards us and we both punched him.

He flew up into the sky and I blitzed upwards with izuku. We both got next to each other and cocked our fist back. "IM THE HERO THAT PUTS A SMILE ON PEOPLES FACES!" Izukus eyes were widening when he said that.

We both then punched at him and he flew up into the clouds. "I won." Shigaraki said while smiling. Me and izuku both then fell to the ground. I landed first and caught him in my arm. "Are you okay?" He looked at me with tears in his eyes.

"Yes, I'm fine-" My blindfold withered away and my full face was revealed. Izuku stared at me and his eyes widened even more. "Sur...Prise?" I laughed a bit and izuku started pouring out more tears.

"Ken..Ji?.." I nodded at him and smiled. "Kenji!!" He held onto me tighter and went into my chest. "Its really you..." He kept crying and I sighed. He held onto me for a while until everyone started gathering around us.

When they did, I quickly threw izuku away and my eyes winded. "I won remember. Why are you celebrating like you did?" I coughed up some blood and looked down. Red and black beams were going through me.

"You heros really try to save everyone but the ones in need huh?" He retracted the beams from me and I fell to my knees. "Izuku.." His eyes winded even more while starring at me. I smiled at him and opened my mouth.

"Its up...To you.." I fell to the floor and 'passed out.'

When I did, the ground started shaking. I looked at izuku and saw him starring down. His whole body was being shrouded in green electricity. "Bastard.." He said quietly. Shigaraki laughed at this and said "What did you say!?"

In the next moment, izuku looked up and stared at shigaraki. His eyes were bulging out and had tears coming out the side of them. "BASTARD!!" He disappeared and instantly appeared infront of shigaraki.

His eyes winded aswell and izuku punched him. He flew back and izuku disappeared again. He reappeared behind him and punched him in a different direction. "YOUR GOING TO PAY SHIGIRAKI!!" He screamed out at him and shigarakis eyes winded even more.

"So this is the true you huh?" Shigaraki laughed and laughed while being beaten around. Izuku increased his powers even more and started exploding shigarakis body.

Shigiraki eventually countered and placed his hand on izukus face. "I finally got you." He smiled and izukus eyes went back to normal. After about a second, a huge flash went off. They both then fell to the ground. Izuku landed right next to me and he starred at me. "Ken...ji..." He stretched his hand out but his arm fell limp.

"Im..fine..." I looked over at him slowly and he became surprised. "This isn't anything to me..." I coughed up some more blood and izuku nodded. "Kenji you....I'm sorry you had to see me like that..You know, crying..." He coughed up blood aswell and sniffled.

"Its okay to cry in a time like this...We're at war right?...." I stuck my hand out slowly and bawled my fist. "You did great...Good job..." I smiled a bit and his eyes winded. He then put his hand out and we fist bumped. "I missed this you know." He laughed a bit and nodded.

After I said that, a little flash went off. I then arrived in this dark space. "We need to talk." My body was covered in this black stuff and I looked around. I saw izuku here and he seemed surprised.

"I just talked to him. He knows what he has to do but you on the other hand.." The woman walked up to me and sat down in a chair. "I need you to keep a promise." She got closer to me and whispered in my ear so izuku couldn't hear.

"Protect him for us. He might not be the same after this so please...Protect him for us." The others users came up behind her and looked at me. Izuku saw this and his eyes widened.

"You are the one right?" A white haired man walked up to me. He was in regular clothes and looked kinda beat up. "Ah, you are. You look so different so I barely noticed you." He laughed a bit and got hit in the head by an enraged man.

"Sorry, sorry." The man coughed a bit. "You have been protecting our child for a while now. Please continue doing this. Hes going to go down a dark path in the future so please...Don't let him sray away from what his heart wants."

I looked over at izuku and saw him starring at me. I then looked at the past user and the black stuff came off my mouth. "How am I in here?" They stared blankly at me and sighed. "If we can all come to an agreement then we can send a person from the outside world into here."

I nodded at him and said "You can trust me. I'll do what I can to keep him safe. I promise." The users looked at each other and nodded. "We leave him in your hands.." I nodded and a flash of light went off.

I looked over at izuku and he looked anxious. We both then appeared on the battle field again and we got up. "You heard them. I'm your protector now huh?" Izuku stared at me for a moment and nodded. I then ripped some cloth off my clothes and put it over my eyes.

"Dont ever run away izuku. We, your friends, will support you through all of this." I smiled at him and he stared at me. "Kenji.." Izuku thought back to all the fun times he had with me. From the arcade to the movies. From water parks, to going to school. All the dates we had together aswell.

"I wont Kenji. If you guys are here then I can make it through. I promise." He smiled at me and I nodded. In that moment of peace, we heard the ground shake. We both looked up and saw him.

"Tomura...You must retreat..." He was like a spider. He was using those red and black beams to support himself in the air. "Shut up. You cant control me anymore..." We heard him talking to himself and looked at each other.

When he said that, a beam of energy shot out at shigiraki. Everyone gasped in surprised and izuku placed his hand onto mine. What is you doing mane? I wasnt going to move it away however since it didnt really bother me that much like it used too.

"Everyone! A Gigantic villian is coming towards here! We already told the heros that were fighting the nomus!" Everyone got even more nervous and surprised when they heard nejire. "Ida! Get midoriya and that other guy out of here!" Todoroki screamed out at ida.

Izukus hold on me tightened and he punched the ground with his other fist. "No! I'm fine! Hes after me so you guys have to get away!" He screamed at them and they back up a bit. "I don't want to see you guys getting hurt....So please, run away without me!"

I smiled a bit at the scene. No matter what I do, he has that hero heart. He wants to protect others and I'm fine with that. It makes him feel happy when he sees others happy aswell so I'm fine with it.

"So...Many...little...PEAST. YOUR ALL ANNOYING!!" Shigiraki recovered quickly and put his hand up. A huge beam of light went out and a person appeared. "NINE! YOU WANT TO PROVE YOURSELF RIGHT!? FIGHT THEM AND WIN!" He nodded at him and turned towards us.

I though that they would have fough him already but I guess not..

Nine instantly appeared infront of izuku and kicked him in the face. Izuku flew back and coughed up some blood. "Shit!" I got up and nine kicked at me. I put my arm up and blocked it however.

I did slid back a bit as one arm isnt that much. Nine then kicked me in my other side and it Connected. I flew over and nine rushed at me. I recovered and he appeared over me.

He came down onto me and I back flipped away. "I didn't forget the humiliation you gave me." Nine stuck his hand out and he shot beams at me. I ducked some and even kicked some away.

I then rushed at nine and pucnhed at his face. He went under my arm and punched me in my stomach. I couched up some blood and flew back into a wall. 'Damn it. I still haven't recovered enough.'

I haven't recovered from that stab wound yet. As I was laying down, a force field appeared around me. I soon heard laughter and it got closer to me. "Your not escaping this one." He had his hand out and he slowly bawled his hand.

The force field around me got smaller and smaller and was trapping me in. "DIE!" He filled bawled his fist and blood splattered everywhere. Too bad it wasnt mine however.

"I'm...Sorry..." Izuku appeared behind nine before he fully closed his hands. As he said die, he put his hand through his stomach. "Wha...." Nines head turned towards izukus against his will. He then laid his eyes in him the fell down.

The force filed disappeared around me and I sighed. Izuku pulled his hand out of nines stomach and stared at his hand. It was purple and bloodied all down his arm. "What did I do?..." Izuku fell to his knees and his eyes moved around quickly.

I got up from the rubble and stammered towards him. I then got infront of him and fell to my knees aswell. "Hey.." I pulled him into my chest. "Dont.....Dont worry about it too much." I rubbed his back and heard a sniffle.

It's his first time 'Killing' someone. It goes against what heros do so it was kinda heart breaking for him. "Let it all out now while you can." I couldn't say anything more as I couldnt think of what to say. I'm really not a good friend huh.

He bawled out into my arms but it didnt last long. Shigiraki screamed out in anger and shot out multiple beams of red and black. They went all over and one went at me.

I jumped away with izuku and another beam came at me. I swiftly dodged it aswell and broke a piece with my foot. I dropped izuku down as he said he was fine now and grabbed the black and red rod.

"Have this back!" I threw it at shigaraki and it pierced his body. Shigiraki then pulled it out of himself and looked at me. "Dont take your eyes off of me!" Endeavor then shot himself at shigiraki and made contact with him.

Shigiraki whole bodys twitched and endeavor fell down. After he did, the earthquakes got closer and closer until I saw it. 'You gotta be kidding me..' This man was huge. Way bigger than the one in the actually manga.

The monster then caught shigiraki and the league started talking to him. They all the stared at me and izuku after a bit of talking. The monster seemed ready to pounce on me at any moment but it didn't happen.

Dabi then stepped up and started talking. He said some stuff about him being endeavors son which was so obvious that I almost said it one time on accident. He poured some stuff on his hair and revealed himself.

Everyone was surprised but the look endeavor had was something else. Dabi then started dancing which made me laugh out a bit. He stopped dancing and looked at me.

"I'm sorry." I whiped my eyes a bit and got serious. "Do you honestly think what your doing is right?" This shocked everyone as they heard my cold voice. "You've killed people all for the sake of your goal. Maybe I would have been sentimental if you were actually in the right but no...You went about your evil ways in the most evilest of ways." I then walked closer to the giant monster.

"You wanted revenge but you went about it in the worst ways. That's one thing that truly separates heros from villians." This made shigaraki grunt a bit and dabi jumped down from the monster.

He then walked up to me and got close to my face. "Heros from villians huh?" He got closer to my face. "What separates us are our ideals! You think we care about the people we put down!? Your highley mistaken.." I laughed at this and pointed.

"Your leader up their doesnt have ideals. He just doesnt want to be a lab rat anymore." Dabi laughed at this and placed his hand onto my shoulder. I felt his hand getting hotter and I saw his face getting more serious.

"Who are you?" He quickly grasped at my face. I jumped back and said "How about I show you." I took out some of that hair stuff that he had. "What!?" He checked around in his pockets and I waved it infront if him.

I poured it onto my head and took my blind fold off. I put my head down and picked at my eye. "Well!? Is this what you wanted!?" I looked up and his widened. Everyone behind me, who saw my white hair instantly recognize me.

"You're.." Dabi stumbled back. "That's right. I'm back." I smiled at him and ran at him. He quickly reacted and shot out blue flames.

I appeared behind him and he turned his head towards me. I then punched him in the side of his face and he flew into a wall about 50 meters away. He broke the sound barrier while he was at it.

"Kenji!?" Todoroki, ida, everyone stared at me. I then started dancing like dabi did. "Villians will always be villians. Cruel, stupid, and just down...right...Bad..." I spun around and looked up at the huge monster.

"You think that what your doing is helping the hero society? Is that even your goal? No, it's not huh? Stain is or should I say, his 'ideals.'" I made a mocking voice at the end.

"You want to be just like him but you got it all wrong." I paused for a bit and started laughing out loud. My haired swayed in the wind and I continued.

"Stain wanted to find true heros. People who were heros because they actually wanted to help. I can see that but I dont understand why you guys did all of this. Killing the innocent. Children, elderly, everyone."

The huge monster roared out and struck down at me. I dodged easily and went into the air. I saw shigiraki regenerating and went at him. The monster tried hitting me away but ultimately failed. I landed in his giant hand and crouched down towards shigaraki.

"You lost the game." I then struck down and beated on his chest. He kept coughing out blood and I laughed. The huge monster then moved and I fell down. I landed on my feet and turned around.

"Run away now." My voice went from playful to serious. "You guys are too weak to fight this thing." I forgot to mention that shiggiy didnt make it up to 70%. He was atleast up to 80% and the giant monster was also much stronger.

"Hey! Who do you think you are? Coming back herw-" I grabbed his face and stared at him. "Your too weak bakugo. Leave now unless you actually want to die." I then turned around with him in my hand and faced the giant monster.

It roared at his backside and bakugo started shaking. I then let him go and he started panting really hard. "Bastard.." He regrouped with the other and ran away.

I then grabbed a piece of cloth from the ground and placed it over my eyes. "You go too." Izuku crept up besides me and stared at me. "No.. I can shelp." He could barely stand and talk.

"Leave now. You'll die if you stay." This bunched around in his heart and he grabbed onto me. "But...You'll die too Kenji. And...And....I can't let you..." He held onto me tighter and I looked away. "I'm sorry izuku. I promised them that Ill protect so I have to do this." I did want him to fight with me but after the fight with nine and shigiraki, his mentality got weaker.

I'm sorry that I stole your show but in order for you to survive then...I grabbed his arm and started spinning around. "Wait...." I smiled a bit at him and threw him away.

He yelled at me with tears in his eyes and I turned back around. I sighed a bit and nodded.

'Might aswell.' My left arm started regrowing back slowly. I kept it like that as a sign of repenting for not being able to stop the explosion.

I'm regrowing it now because I ain't finna be like sasuke no more. I need an arm against these powerful people and I know it.

"Your a fool for telling your only back up to run away." I stared at the lizard and all the other villians on his back. "I dont need them to fight you."

They all laughed at me as they towered over me on the big monster. Some got off of it and got ready to fight. Some even came out of nowhere which surprised me.

1 man vs 1000. They all started laughing at me and I saw shigaraki smile.

I sighed a bit and smiled. "This...Is going to be fun."
