"Kenji. Your up." It was a new day now.
We were at P.E. class and we were having duels with different students. "Okay." I got up and waved Gasper away. I got up into the ring and waited.
A few seconds later, a kid came up onto the stage. "Introduce yourselves and your quriks." We nodded at the teacher and started. "Kenji skies. Quirk, Physical enhancement and probability." The kid snickered and said. "Ralph bane. Quirk, explosive hair."
Explosive hair...? "Are you ready?" We both nodded. "Begin!" His arm went down and we started.
He plucked off some hair on his head and threw it at me. It actually got some distance despite being hair.
It got within an inch of me and exploded. "That was too easy!" He started laughing for some reason even though I was behind him.
I grabbed the back of his head and squeezed a little. He instantly fell to the floor and I won. "Good job. Now get off the stage." I nodded and left.
"Wow kenji. You defeated him in a single move." I smiled at him and sat down. "It wasnt hard especially since he let his guard down." He nodded and and stared at the ring. "Gasper. Your up." He nodded his head at the teacher and got up.
He got inside the ring and waited. "The names Turf. Quirk, flashstep." A man with a big body and long legs came into the ring. "Gasper. Quirk, ghost." He snickered at him and looked at the teacher.
"Say start already old man." The teacher sighed and nodded. "Begin." He put his arm down and the match started.
Gasper turned invisible and slowly made his way up to him. "Huh? Where'd you go brat?" He looked around quickly in panic.
Gasper got behind him then kicked him in the sack. He fell to the floor and Gasper appeared. "Great job. Now get off the stage. Skies, come back up here."
I smacked my lips and got up. "Good job gasper." I passed by him and high fived him. He smiled and sat back down.
"A student wanted to challenge you. Do you accept?" I looked at the teacher then back. I nodded my head and so did he. "Bryce fault. Quirk, stand."
Stand? And why the hell did he want to call only me out. "Are you guys ready?" We both nodded and he began the match.
When he did, a bodybuilder appeared infront on bryce. He was glowing and didnt talk.
So he actually has a stand as a quirk? My hero system got a little to generous. The stand rushed at me and threw a punch. Man was it fast.
I put my hand out and caught the invisible punch. "H-How!? You shouldn't be able to see him!?" His eyes were moving weirdly.
I then had a thought. 'Does he feel pain if I hurt the stand?' I decided to test it out so I twisted the stands arm. "KYAAA." Screamed out Bryce. I smiled a little and kept going. I bent his legs, other arm, and even punched him in the crotch.
"Good job. Now get off the stage." I nodded and left. Bryce was unconscious it seems. He had to get carried out by some people. "Alright. Class is now over. Report to the training exercise room in 10 minutes."
We all nodded and started to leave. "Kenji. How were you able to see his attack. No one but the time queen has been able to see it." She can see it? I'm pretty sure that that's not possible but Alright. "There is a very very very small outline of his quirk and i just punched at it."
This was true but not even the best zooming in type quirk in the world could see it. "Oh, I see then." We both then left the gym and went to the lockers. We had to put our hero costumes on, which we finally got. Well I did atleast.
I'm not that creative so I went with a all black suit. I had a blind fold which was also black. The black hair just complimented me more. "Kenji. How do you see out of that?" I looked at him and got up in his face. "I use my ears." He got flustered and nodded his head.
"Your lucky Gasper." He somehow managed to convince the headmaster to let him do his hero work in whatever he wants.
"I guess so. I dont really have anything that fits me." I shook my head and we left.
"You two are with me." Me and Gasper was in front of this dark skinned women. "Who are you lady?" We just came in and she said that out of no where. "I'm lilith. I heard that you two are the strongest in your class so I decided to teach you."
She then puffed her chest. "Okay then." Me and Gasper walked passed her and went to the middle of the field. "W-Wait up." She ran after us.
She caught up with us and told us to stop. "You two are to listen to my every order. Got it?" She stared us down but was looking at me more. "Yes ma'am." She nodded and puffed out some steam from her nose.
"Okay. I said my name so I should tell you my quirk huh." We stayed in silence. "M-My quirk is 'Edge.' Basically, no matter how strong the person I'm fighting is, I'll always be able to over come them."
Sure lady. Sure you can. "Alright. You, stand over there while you fight me." She told Gasper to go sit down on the grass.. I guess and wanted me to fight her.
She walked away for a while then said "Come at me." I stared at her and sighed. "Okay." I disappeared and she started looking around.
I kept appearing and disappearing all around her. "Stop playing with me!" She started yelling for a odd reason. I decided to stop playing with her so I appeared right next to her. She was facing one way while I was facing the other.
my face
her face |
"I've won." I put my hand up and caught her face. I held her up and she started squirming. "You lost already lady. Stop trying and give up." She kept moving.
I smirked and moved my hand with her face to the ground. I slammed her into the ground and removed my hand. She had blood all over her face.
"...ster." I squatted down and stuck my ear our. "What did you say?" She sat up a little bit and said "Y-Your a monster!" She then fell to the ground and went unconscious.
A monster? No your just weak. Even Gasper would have put up a better fight than you. You have a edge over people so I thought that you could handle more but I guess I was wrong.
I got back up and dusted my clothes. "Geez kenji. You went too hard." I chuckled a bit and said "I wasnt even trying tho. She was just too weak." He also laughed a little and we sat down on the ground.
"And this is how you do it." I was showing Gasper how to screenshot on his phone. "Ohhh so it's like that." I nodded and looked away. "Hey Gasper. Just say that she fell down okay?" He agreed without thinking and someone walked up.
"What happened to Ms. Lilith!?" I sighed and said "She slipped and fell unconscious before we even had a chance to fight." Claudia stared at me then at Gasper. "Hey pervert. Is what he said true?" Gasper looked up and nodded.
"You should leave claudia. I dont think people like seeing us together." I could see some anger filled guys and girls in the background. "I'll leave when you tell me the truth."
I flnched when she said that. "No. You'll leave when I say you'll leave." I got up and grabbed the lower half of her face. I squeezed a little and she started squirming. "Take your hands off her."
Great. Now they're here. "Tell your brother and him to back off." She nodded rapidly and I released her. "I-Im fine okay. He was just messing around." She forced a smile and laughed.
"I know when your lying sis." He pulled out his sword while walking. 'Hey gasper. I know you dont want to but can you do it please?' This was a scum bag move that me and him planned. 'Fine. But you have to buy me some clothes okay?' I nodded and said 'Your birthdays tomorrow. I'll get you whatever you like.'
He smiled and turned invisible. "I'm really fine. See." She started showing her self off. "Let me see..." He ran up to her and stabbed her in the arm. "Brother...?" She took the stab and started screaming.
Gaaper then appeared behind me and sighed. Now I know what your thinking. 'Wait, you said that if someone attacks her then time stops by itself.' Well your wrong. I think.
I pretty sure I said that if someone attacks her with a quirk then time would stop by itself.
"Marcus! What did you do!?" Bryce ran up to claudia and held her in his arms. "Wha... I didnt do any..thing?" He saw his bloodied sister and freaked out.
"Let's get her to the nurse!" Marcus shook his head and they left.
You see, I caused a problem and I fixed it. "Good job Gasper." I patted his head and he smiled.
"Alright. Let's try this again." The black skinned women came up to us. "Good luck Gasper." He nodded and got up. "No no. I want to fight you again." I sighed and shook my head no. "Your to weak old lady. You cant even take a single hit from me and your the 'Strongest first year tescher?' What a joke."
She could never top aizawa. He cooler looking and has a better fighting spirit than her. He also looks better. "Kid. You've been disrespecting me since we first met." I scoffed at her. "Come. Fight. Me. Now."
I teleported behind her and swung my fist at her. It connected with her back and she went flying.
Shes not a challenge. Fighting any body else would be better than fighting her. "Kenji! You went too hard on her." I almost frowned when he said that. "She annoyed me so.." I put my hands behind my head and sat down against the fence.
"I'm not done yet kid." I looked over and saw her holding her arm. "Yes you are old lady. Give up." She kept walking towards me and eventually stood over me.
I sighed and got up. I towered over her and pulled my blindfold down. "Your annoying lady. Go away or train him." She stared into my eye and hers started moving all around her socket. "Y-yes." She walked back and went to Gasper.
I pulled my blindfold back up and sat down. 'Have fun Gasper.' He gave me a mind nod and left.
"So you just sit here and wait for people to die?" I was in the astral plane with god. "Yep and I only get mondays off sadly." Damn that's tough. "Look. Theres someone coming through." I pointed to someone who seemed to be looking around. "Your right. I'll be right back. Hold on."
He left his throne and went to the person. I, however got up and sat down in his throne. "You get to reincarnate in any world you want with one wish."
I was watching the whole thing go down. "I-I want to be reincarnated into naruto." What a trash choice for a starter world. "Granted and what's your one wish?" The man put his hand up to his chin and thought for a while.
For 20 years actually. "I want a naruto syste-" I left and went back to the real world. You get one wish and it's that? Also dont judge me. I did use my last wish on instant comprehension but I can make my own wishes now.
"So Gasper. How's training?" He was covered in sweat while panting. "Its.. Its.. fine. Your training is alot harder than this." I chuckled a bit and he went back.
The old lady and Gasper started fighting with hands. Apparently he has good control over his quirk which is true so hes being trained in actual combat.
"You know, you were once like that." I was back in the astral plane. "Stop lying to yourself. I wanted to go to my hero first and then black clover and then naruto."
He chuckled a bit and sat up. "Do you still think about traveling to others worlds?" I layed back down and said "Well I did when I first got the system but now I can do it anytime I want to."
He nodded while stroking his beard. "Another one already?" A little girl came through the space and she was looking around. "Yea. I haven't had a break since you died actually." He got up and left. 'Do days not pass in here or was that Monday thing a joke?
I heard him talking about the reincarnation thing but this time she got 2 wishes. "I-I want to have my dog forever and and and I want mr. froppy to be alive." I couldnt really complain since she was literally only 5 years old. "Okay little girl. Come this way."
She followed him to a room and she disappeared. "Poor girl. Shes not going to live past 3." He flicnhed then said "3!?" I nodded then snapped my fingers.
"What did you just do?" I yawned and got up. "I only extended her life abit. The other gods wont notice so calm down."
It was agaiant the rules to extend life for people but well you know... Rules dont apply to me up here or anywhere in fact.
I waved god away and left the plane.