The next day, I woke up hastily towards the spot I noticed last night.. I rushed into my closet, or Ruit's closet, where a magnificent art was painted with oil colors on its doors..
The art was themed about three goblins holding three different swords, attacking a pond and killing its two mermaids.
"Morning, princess" greeted Jonathan "What wakes you up this early?"
"Its.. This art" I replied "Look at it!"
"What's up with it? Did you like it?"
"No, idiot. Just come and check it closely"
I touched the art with my finger tips, I felt it was hand made, I felt the fear she felt and how she saw these monsters.
"So.. I didn't get it." he wondered "What's with this closet?"
"Oh man!" I said "It is not the closet, its the painting on it. It was painted to show the crime's details"
"So.... How can some art like this be a proof to our case?"
"I think.. That these three goblins are the servants that killed the mermaids.. The goblins are holding three different swords, probably they are copper, silver and golden sword.."
"Which means there are two corpses hidden and most likely in that room!"
"They're actually three! I guess Ruit's corpse is also there"
"Is she also dead?"
"I don't think a girl bore in an old racket for so long.. We'll discover soon."
As I was drowning in the closet art in front of me, I noticed the presence of someone behind the door.. They were eavesdropping on our conversation and heard everything I said..
"Who is it?" I screamed but nobody answered..
"What is it, Lili?" Jonathan stunned "Why did you shout out of sudden??"
"I sensed them around.. They are watching us, Jon.. They knew that we unveiled the truth and they're going to come after us.. They will kill us, Jon!"
"Calm down, my Holmes! Your Watson will protect you with his life, don't worry."
"Jonathan, we're not in a police film or story, so don't act so bravely.. I don't want you to lose your life... I want you with me.."
Jonathan hugged me tightly and promised to get out of this sooner and then marry. I only hope we could live happily for a moment.
We didn't eat any food as we were scared it might be poisoned. Then, Jonathan took me out to the eucalyptus wood, and I called the number that Ruit's friend gave me yesterday.
"Hello.." I called "Please, answer!"
"Hello.." a guy answered "Who is it?"
"I got your number from a friend of Ruit's..."
"Oh.. That girl told me.. Listen I don't want to get involved anymore, I'm not ready to answer any of your questions detective! I'm out of this!"
"Wait! It's about your precious friend.."
He hang up before I finished my sentence, he doesn't want to help at all. Who might he be?
I told Jonathan about this and he asked me to try again to get in contact with him.
Ring... Ring..
Ring... Ring..
Nobody answered..
Ring... Ring..
Ring... Ring..
I tried many times but got no answer..
I gave up after the fruitless tries and then returned home with my fiancé.
This man is so arrogant and haughty, I can't believe he didn't allow me to speak a word..
It was 3:00 pm, my eyes were mesmerized on that "room", I imagined many corpses their, and thought about the poor oppressed souls landing in that hell.
I was called, then, by Flori for dinner, but I refused no matter how she asks for.. Her eyes gazed at me as if she's menacing me.
I stayed in my room with Jon, we didn't part from each other a second. No one can expect what might happen.
At midnight I got a call from an unknown number. When I answered it was the same guy from morning, he said he was sorry and tried to describe what happened with Ruit and that he was her boyfriend.
"After many investigations," he said "the inspector said that she may had ran away with a man or someone, however, she can't do this!"
"Why are you so sure?" I interrupted
"I mean.. I'm her boyfriend.. She can't escape with someone other than me!"
"Ok, I got this. However, what do you think about her visiting a weird mansion?"
"It must be weird that a relative of hers missed her out of blue, I mean they always abandoned her family and treated them inferiorly! I mean what if, just what if her relative wanted to eliminate any trace of her family, so they asked to see her and then kill her!"
"Well, for now I can't guarantee that.."
"Ruit is already dead, isn't she?"
"You can't answer me.. You know the truth.."
"Sir, please calm down, we can't know until we find out. For now, I need your help. Did she tell you about some art she's drawing?"
"I don't remember, it's been five years since then, I don't know.. But.. She always had drawn many types of arts. She paints and sketches anything she sees, and every art has a special meaning that no one understands. She drew me once as a fairy and another time as a monster, she also drew her friends as flowers!"
"Why did she do so?"
"She said that she loved to save memories and moments in a special and unique way. So, whenever she draws an event she looks at her art and remember every moment she faced."
"As her boyfriend, can you understand what her paints mean?"
"Ummm.. Maybe.."
"Three goblins.. Three metals... Two mermaids.."
"What do you mean?"
"I found an art she drew, it contains three goblins holding copper, silver and golden swords. They were attacking a lake with two mermaids. What do you think?"
"Well.. I can't tell.. Maybe.. I guess the goblins are bad people attacking some people's house."
"Ok, thank you sir, I'll try my best"
"Miss, I have no hopes for finding her alive, please just return her body"
"If I didn't contact you, tell the police station that we're dead, we're two!"
"If you die, no one will know the truth!"
"Yes, goodbye!"