Chereads / Magic of love / Chapter 43 - what did you learn

Chapter 43 - what did you learn

 In the end people always have a way of revealing who they are you just have to give them time I hope you love someone who teaches you to love self better

Help people find your talent+purpose

Honor your space first The rise the comeback

Know exactly what is right

Know exactly who you are

You have reclaimed your power

You are always supported the path of growth and perseverance 

The right people are coming it's happening for you right now hold on to every genuine person you find seize the opportunities that are around you these times Constitute an unprecedented opportunity for awakened human beings the best is yet to come be patient

Before they write they paint the moment you change your perception the moment you rewrite the chemistry it will automatically show the way the things the clarity

You have escaped the cage your wings are stretched out now fly have patience with all the things summon all your strength to let go

And start heading in new direction everybody has twists and turns operating at present which are reshaping the contours of life

The cave you fear to enter may be the light you seek the greatest thing in the world to know we belong to oneself if you can't run then walk you have to keep moving forward

Because your true nature pours effortlessly

From your core essence they transmit truth and love you must fail a hundred times to succeed once having a beautiful heart means doesn't mean you are pure and speechless

Despite your imperfection as a human being

You are imperfectly perfect it means being able to come back consistently with a heart of love and compassion always pray to have the eyes that sees the best a heart that forgives the worst your strength is worth celebrating

Draw strength from the victories of your past

Remember the challenges you conquered

The residence and patience you displayed

The thoughts are for the thinkers there is no action then realization Quality is not an act, it is a habit

Can you honestly say that? 

Mind is never satisfied mind suffers life it has to achieve something to feel good

We should not burn like candle for others we have protect ourselves self love is important

We should cut the branch in which we are sitting we are shaped by our thoughts and those thoughts and idea and strong decision in mind towards our dreams show a longer steps towards our success

The courage we take and the discipline maintain to live in the standards of truth and integrity

There is a space to choose the power to our response the response lies in our growth and freedom0

Don't take voices in your heads as facts they are just people who was not questioned their belief who supported by growth and perseverance your vision is manifesting

Your dreams are unfolding as you uncovering them all your needs will be met you are in charge in state of being

Your thought matters

What do I need

What did I learn? 🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️😄

What can I celebrate🎉🎊

Love simply

4% a one hour 🏋🚴💪work out is 4%of your👀 day 

The mind is umbrella☂️ it functions better when it is open

Make your heart the most beautiful thing about you

The consciousness of light return to every living thing when you understand everything is a frequency We should give life to others

As it transforms. Be glad and always do it. Do one thing at a time connect deeply with nature

Be patient and generous and love deeply. The great things are done with great sacrifices

Affirmation:ask for it

Peace, clarity, wisdom, Be grateful for everything making its way for you. 

We meet the people at right time

You are not alone in this world

I am right here with you

Take action start today

How you make others feel about themselves says a lot about you One of the change you may be feeling right now is that you want to to be people who see you it's no longer about hanging with peeps you know them you have been in their lives for many years it's being those who understand layers

P spots and trigger triggers, the nature surrounding you, the situations you find yourself in, 

The people you interact with 

Use your energy to accomplish more productive things the best kind of people make you see the sun and where you once saw clouds keep moving celebrate life

Change takes time but does happen over course of time

Chase your dreams relentlessly and fearlessly

Authority teaches us to obey

Imagination teaches us to create

Society teaches us to follow everything will be fine it's just a matter of time everything begins with idea give people time and 🚀space🌌

Little things make big days very soon you will smile and say this is more than what I have prayed 🙏 for over thinking kills your happiness 

Today will never come again

Turn to face it, expand to catch it, come out to graze in

Allow your life to be Truly magnificent

Have your voice

Have your story, 

Have your mind and vision

Be patient while things are unfolding

Problem was intentionally created for the solution to be rolled out 

I have free will to ask questions

To challenge everyone , To survive in a nation

You must be a 🦁lion you can't heal people

You can promise that they won't journey ✈️ 😔alone you can loan them your map but the trip is theirs

Just a masterpiece learning to masterpiece I get to experience new things constructed within their own mind

I get to exercise

I get to see my friends👭👬 and family👪

👣Follow the people who inspire you and motivate you engage with experts you can learn from Trying to stay afloat 

Things are not considered, conspiracy therapies

Wherever the mind feels satisfaction, the true nature of the ⬆⬆⬆highest bliss will manifest itself, wherever your mind situated peaceful keep it there

Mindfulness has become a tool of corporate improvement the world is nothing but a 🎮game